Chapter 16

Six o'clock AM, in Erica house in the bedroom;

Arrio enter with breakfast and put it down on the table and put sugar in the tea and Erica stretch herself and open her eyes.

Arrio: good morning,

Erica: fine morning, what are you doing? and Arrio say breakfast and he take the tea and toasting bread and sit beside Erica and Erica sit up and Arrio give her the breakfast;

Erica: you shouldn't have do it; and Arrio say; you are my girlfriend; you deserve to be treat good; and beside you doesn't feel well. And someone knock on the door in downstairs while Arrio is folding Erica clothes and Erica put the tea down and stand up to go downstairs;

Arrio: oh you are not fine stay in the bed I will get the door.

Erica: I'm fine I was only exhausted but now I'm fine and she went to downstairs and Arrio get the clothes he has fold on the closet and rush towards downstairs.

Erica open the door and Santiago greet good morning and Erica say; what are you doing here in this early morning?

Santiago: I miss you; and I brought you this and he stretch his hand to give flower to Erica and Arrio rush from the stairs while saying you need to rest and gain strength; and he reach the door;

Santiago staring at Arrio and shock and say; what is he doing here?

Erica: he is my boyfriend and Santiago say, what about me?

Erica: I told you from the start, we can't date I don't have interest in you; if only you want me as friend; and Santiago turn in anger and walk away;

Garrison mansion in kitchen;

Azula and her mother is preparing breakfast and garrison enter and hug his wife from back and kiss her on her neck.

Mrs garrison: did you get some and garrison say; yes and he handed something to his wife and kiss her again and return to living room.

Azula: mum don't you think you guys are old for this?

Mrs garrison: old for what? And Azula say; what dad just did now. And her mum smile and say; love doesn't matter the age; so far is true love! it will keep flow till death separate us!

Mrs garrison: when are you guys planning of getting married and Azula say; he still has a lot to do for now.

Mrs garrison: so you are saying; you guys haven't talk about marriage yet?

Azula: mum he is still working on his spiritual side.

Santiago friends apartment. Santiago enter and went straight to the fridge and took bottle of alcohol and sit on the couch and his friend walk from the stairs to him in the living room! While Santiago is angry and drinking!

Santiago friend: what is the matter this Time? why drinking again?

Santiago: what does that family taking from me; first Mabel make me lose all my respects on the street and now her brother is dating the only girl I love. And his friend; say, is that why you are angry?

Santiago: that family is asking for war and I swear I will give it to them.

Santiago friend: I advise you to put stop to your anger; Mabel family is one of the best and powerful family i know; and that guy you are talking about can bring your family down with one move; I suggest you stop whatever you have against them. Anger is like fire once you set it on it can destroy things like crazy. Learn to control your anger!

Santiago laugh and stand up and go upstairs;

Azula room

Azula enter while arch laying on the bed and Azula sit next to him and rub arch hair and arch open his eyes and say; good morning;

Azula smile and say; it has pass morning, we are in afternoon; wake up and have your lunch;

Arch: wow I'm surprise how time run today;

Azula: don't be surprised, is because of the sleep!

Arrio's office,

Arrio is looking on some files and his secretary enter and say; sir, the people are here and Arrio say let them in; and his secretary return back to the reception room and bring the people to arch office;

Garrison mansion

Azula room, arch come out from bathroom and say; let go have lunch in restaurant and have connections about our marriage!

Azula: marriage? And arch say yes our marriage;

Arrio's office.

Arrio shake the peoples hands and say congratulation; and they walk out; and Arrio pick up his phone and call Erica;

Erica:📞 hello. And Arrio say where are you and Erica say house.

Arrio:📞 we have to celebrate something; meet me in noble restaurant I have a surprise for you and Arrio took ring from the table and hang up from the call and smile

Outside Arrio enter his car and turn and drive out; while some guy stand aside and pull his phone and call someone and say; he is coming right now be ready

Noble restaurant

Azula car arrive and arch get down and open the door and Azula too get down and say thank you and they enter the restaurant;

Arch pull seat for Azula and Azula sit down and arch too sit; and Azula smile;

On Arrio way to meet Erica. Arrio is in his car going and notice two cars chasing him.

Arrio look at the cars in his driving mirror and ask himself. are they chasing me or?

Arrio: I don't think so; I don't have beef with anyone why would they chase me for and he relax and drive gentle; while vibe with a song playing in his car;

Minutes later one of the cars hit Arrio car back; and Arrio car rase one side to fall and Arrio control the stare wheel till the car step on the road again! And one of the cars go Arrio left side and one is on his right. so they can crash Arrio car and Arrio step on his gass with speed; just when the cars is about to crash Arrio car and Arrio pass middle of them and they're cars crash each other! And Arrio drive away with speed;

Minutes later in noble restaurant Arrio car arrive and he get down while Erica stand on the door waiting for him and Arrio run to her and give her light kiss;

Erica: what keeps you so long? And Arrio say nothing I pass by some store to buy something.

Erica: be careful they're still after you; they are not easy to conquer! And Arrio say let go inside forget about them and let us enjoy this day. Is our moment. Arrio and Erica enter and sit!

Santiago friends apartment. Santiago sit on the couch and his phone ring and he answer the call!

Santiago: hello; everything is done? And the person on the phone say something and Santiago stand up and say what? I thought you say you are professional and the guy on the phone say yes; but in this case; things are not normal like we see it!

Santiago; I will only give you today to next three days. I want everything to be done: and he hang up the call;

Santiago stand up and grab the tv remote while holding it tight as if he wants to break it: and his friend say; don't break my remote and Santiago put the remote on the couch and sit back again.

Garrison mansion.

In the living room;

Garrison and his wife sitting on the couch watching TV show about family and garrison say, I think God has bless us with beautiful family; we have peace and love in the family.

Mrs garrison: I thank God for the blessing; we have arch an angel and Arrio and Erica as god in the family.

Noble restaurant: on Erica and Arrio table.

Arrio: you see that guy behind you and Erica turn to see the guy and Arrio pull his sit aside and go down on his knees and bring an engagement ring from his pocket.

Erica turn and say; which guy are you talking about and saw Arrio on his knees and she stand up!

Arrio: I'm not perfect I made mistakes but the moment I set eyes on you, I knew with you everything is possible in life; Erica please be mine and I promise to treat you like the queen you are! Erica.Will you marry me? And everyone In the restaurant turn towards Arrio and Erica and healing Erica to accept Arrio and Erica smile and say yes; and Arrio put the ring on Erica finger and stand up; and kiss Erica passionately while everyone say; awwwww this is love;

Erica and Arrio sit down and Arrio tell the waiters to give everyone extra meal and drinks and they all say thank you to Arrio:

5:30 pm in garrison mansion;

Arrio enter the living room and sit next to his mum on the couch and kiss his mum cheek and say; I miss you mum!

Mrs garrison: you are late today. something happens in the office or?

Arrio: nothing happen. Dad. mum; I have something to tell you guys;

Garrison: what is that? And Arrio say, I want Erica to move here and stay with us; I propose her today.

Garrison: you want to get married to her anytime soon?

Arrio: yes if that is possible; and his mom say; you can tell her to move in, they're is more space here;

Days later, on Arrio way to office; and two trucks cars arrive; one in front of him and one at back and Arrio step on break; and the trucks block the road both sides! And four guys get down from the truck and walk to Arrio car. And knock on the glass;

Arrio roll the glass down and they eject Arrio and he faint;

Minutes later in a villa; in the country side. four guys get out from the trucks and carry Arrio inside the villa while Arrio is in conscious. And they tied Arrio on one of the pillers:

In the middle of the road where Arrio car was left; arch is in taxi passing by and noticed Arrio car pack in the middle of the road;

Arch: hey driver stop stop and the taxi driver stop.

Arch get down and walk to Arrio car and open the car while the keys is in the car; and arch close his eyes and everything that happen start showing in spiritual while arch spirit stand aside and watch how they cross Arrio and kidnap him; and arch spirit come back to his body!

In the villa two guys arrive wearing white white; and enter the villa while they have covered they're face;

And take the mask off Arrio head; and one say; who is this?