Chapter 35: The Last Stand

Ava's heart clenched painfully as her eyes fell on Jaxon. He looked even worse than the last time she had seen him. His face was swollen and bruised, his head hanging low as though the weight of his situation had finally broken him. His wrists were bound tightly to the arms of the chair, the metal cuffs biting into his skin.

"Jaxon…" Ava whispered, the word escaping her lips before she could stop herself.

His head jerked up at the sound of her voice, his bloodshot eyes locking onto hers. Despite the pain etched across his features, there was a flicker of something else in his gaze, relief, hope.

"Ava…" Jaxon rasped, his voice hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken in days.

Ava darted forward, her hands shaking as she reached for the cuffs. "We're getting you out of here. Just hold on."

Caleb moved to the door, standing guard as Ava worked frantically to free Jaxon. The small room was suffocating, the air thick with tension as they waited for the inevitable,a sign that their presence had been detected.

"Where are the keys?" Ava muttered under her breath, her fingers fumbling with the cuffs.

Jaxon winced, his muscles straining as he tried to help. "The guard has them… but… I think I saw him leave before you got here."

Ava's stomach twisted. They didn't have time to search for keys or wait for the guard to return. She turned toward Caleb, her eyes pleading for a solution.

Caleb cursed softly under his breath but didn't hesitate. He pulled a small device from his pack a lock pick kit and hurried over to Jaxon's side. His fingers worked quickly, the tension in the room growing with each passing second.

Ava glanced toward the door, her nerves frayed to the breaking point. They had made it this far, but getting out of the compound with Jaxon was going to be even harder. She could hear faint voices in the distance, the echo of footsteps that made her pulse race.

"Got it," Caleb whispered, releasing the final cuff. Jaxon slumped forward, his body too weak to move on its own.

Ava quickly wrapped her arms around him, supporting his weight as he tried to stand. "We need to move, now," she urged, her voice trembling.

Jaxon gritted his teeth, nodding as he leaned heavily on Ava. "I'm with you."

Caleb was already back at the door, peeking out into the hallway to ensure the coast was clear. He motioned for them to follow, his jaw tight as he scanned their surroundings.

They moved quickly but carefully, Caleb leading the way as Ava and Jaxon followed close behind. Every step felt like a countdown to disaster each breath too loud, each shadow too menacing.

As they approached the exit, a sudden clatter echoed through the building. Ava's heart skipped a beat, her grip tightening on Jaxon as she looked toward Caleb in alarm.

"Move faster," Caleb ordered in a low voice, his eyes darting toward the sound.

But they didn't make it far.

A group of guards appeared at the end of the hall, their guns raised, their eyes locking onto Ava, Jaxon, and Caleb with cold precision. For a moment, time seemed to stand still, the air thick with the tension of what was about to happen.

"Stop!" one of the guards shouted, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. "Hands up, now!"

Ava's blood ran cold as her gaze flicked to Caleb, her mind racing. They couldn't fight their way out of this. There were too many of them, and Jaxon was in no condition to defend himself.

But Caleb didn't back down. His stance was solid, his hand inching toward the gun at his side.

"Don't," Jaxon muttered weakly, his voice barely audible. "Not like this…"

But Caleb's eyes were hard, his jaw clenched. He knew what was at stake. They couldn't afford to surrender now not when they were so close.

Ava's heart pounded in her chest as the standoff stretched on, the guards' fingers twitching on their triggers. Every muscle in her body screamed at her to run, but there was nowhere to go. They were trapped.

Suddenly, a loud crack echoed through the hallway as a bullet whizzed past them, narrowly missing Caleb's head. The guards had opened fire.

"Go!" Caleb shouted, grabbing Ava's arm and pushing her toward a side door.

They bolted, Jaxon staggering but managing to keep up as they sprinted through the narrow hallway. Bullets ricocheted off the walls, sparks flying as the guards pursued them with relentless determination.

Ava's breath came in short, ragged gasps as she pushed herself to run faster, her legs burning with the effort. She couldn't think about the danger, couldn't think about the possibility of being caught. All that mattered was getting Jaxon to safety.

Caleb led them through a series of twisting corridors, his knowledge of the compound's layout their only advantage. They turned corner after corner, the sound of gunfire growing fainter with each step, but Ava knew it was only a matter of time before the guards regrouped.

Finally, they burst through a door that led outside, the cool night air hitting Ava's face like a splash of cold water. She gasped for breath, her lungs burning as she helped Jaxon across the open courtyard.

"We're almost there," Caleb urged, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of the guards.

But as they neared the fence, a new sound filled the air, the unmistakable roar of engines.

Ava's stomach dropped as she saw two black SUVs racing toward them, headlights cutting through the darkness like blades. The guards hadn't just called for backup they were coming in force.

"We need to split up," Caleb said sharply, his eyes darting between Ava and Jaxon. "I'll draw their attention. You get him out of here."

"No!" Ava protested, panic rising in her chest. "We're not leaving you behind."

"There's no other choice," Caleb said, his voice firm. "I can handle this. You have to trust me."

Ava's throat tightened, her mind reeling. She didn't want to leave him, didn't want to abandon the man who had risked everything to help her. But Caleb's eyes were steady, his resolve unshakable.

"Go," he urged again, his tone softer. "I'll find you. Just get Jaxon to safety."

Ava hesitated for a moment longer, her heart breaking at the thought of leaving Caleb behind. But there was no time to argue, no time to second guess. She had to trust him.

With one last, desperate glance, she nodded and turned, pulling Jaxon toward the cover of the trees. Her legs felt like lead, every step a battle as they made their way into the dense forest. The sound of the SUVs grew louder behind them, but she didn't dare look back.

"Keep going," she whispered to Jaxon, her voice trembling. "We're almost there…"

But even as the words left her mouth, Ava knew the truth. They weren't out of danger yet. Not by a long shot.

And as the darkness closed in around them, the weight of everything they had yet to face pressed down on her, heavy and unrelenting.