"My cousin?" I ask astonished, "but uncle said that we would never meet, that we were far to different to get along.." I continue cast my stare down to my lap. "Yes your cousin." Answered my 'care taker' you could call her. "Aliha," she continues gently, "your uncle has-" I interrupt her, "But why would uncle want us to meet now if he never did before?" I interrupt her with one of the many questions that flew through my head. "Aliha." She said again though more sternly this time. "What?" I ask annoyed that she pulled me from my thoughts. "Your uncle has passed away.." She says sadly yet sympathetically, with a ghost of a smile on her face. I was shocked... No horrified... No angered. My uncle has died and not even sent a single letter, not one phone call, not anything. "B-but.. How could he! He couldn't of died!! Did he even write to my cousin? Leave anything to remember him by?! " I say raising my voice to a soft shout. "He left her a book." Miss Roana said. "A book!? Thats all! My cousin his been living without a mother or father for far to long and he leaves her a book?!" I was furious. I quickly get up, knocking my chair over; and with blazing eyes I storm out of the room. "Aliha! Your going back to your fathers house in Moonacre! Along with Maria!" She calls after me. "Well thats just grand!" I holler sarcastically back while slamming the door to my bedroom shut. Just not having a father who was always there was horrible. I cant begin to wonder how Maria feels since she doesn't even have a father anymore. I sigh while getting into my night clothes; which consists of a simple long sleeved shirt and some simple cotton pants. I then proceed to plop carelessly onto my bed and stare up at my ceiling. I lay there for what feels like hours until finally my eyelids become to heavy to keep open. I yawn and close my eyes as my vision becomes consumed by darkness.
I awake bright and early since this was the day that I was able to meet my cousin Maria. I pull the many heavy blanket that cradled me in a cocoon, off of my body. I then proceed to swing me legs off the bed and onto the floor. The cold floor sends shivers through my body and I get up, heading towards the chest full of my many articles of clothing. I rummage through the chest smiling to myself; I was finally able to wear non lady like clothing and not get castigated by Miss Roana. Goodbye city life and hello country life! After completely trashing the clothes in my chest I finally decided on a forest green top and beige pants. An elaborate design that consists of many tiny clear beads that twist and turn, delicately decorates the V shaped collar. The sleeves enlarge at the elbows and the silky fabric flows behind me as I walk. I grab my knee high, chocolate brown boots, that are decorated with various buckles and chains and put them on. I walk in front of my floor length mirror and once I was happy with my appearance, I head to the dining room.
Miss Roana greets me and we head outside to mount the carriage. I would of rather rode on horseback but Miss Roana can't ride, even if her life depended upon it. I bid the maids goodbye and step into the carriage after my 'care taker' does. Within a few minutes we are off towards Moonacre, my home.