Power of Light

A discovery in the Adler Empire soon made Salaz even richer than before. Tens of thousands of people had been wounded in the war, some of them recovering much faster than others. It wasn't long before it was discovered that this was due to the Lightstone.The Lightstone had a tremendous healing effect. Small wounds took a few seconds to heal, larger wounds took a few days at most. The more Light Stones used, the shorter the process. This tremendous property had increased the value of Light Stones again. Countries across the continent were at war with each other, and to win their wars they needed to have more Lightstones than their opponents.Salaz was once again rolling in money, and it looked like he was going to start making more and more of it, because the Lightstones used to heal the wounded darkened and rotted over time, losing their power. The smaller the size of the Lightstone, the faster it rotted. This ensured the continuity of supply.Soldiers who healed quickly made the wars longer and more bloody. Years passed as the wars continued. For ten years the continent had been in flames and the Adler Empire was about to fall apart. This was not only because Octavius had turned the entire continent against him, but also because the army of the Empire's greatest enemy, the Sizat Empire, had become strangely strong.The soldiers of the Sizat Empire had changed a lot in recent years. Sizat soldiers had grown beyond human limits, and no one knew why. Most of the soldiers had the strength of several men, and some were even stronger. There were even soldiers who could fight alone against hundreds of soldiers.When the capital of the Adler Empire was under siege by the Sizat army, Emperor Octavius learned why his enemy was so powerful. The Sizati powdered the Lightstone and fed it to their soldiers, making them permanently stronger. In large doses, however, the stone could be fatal.Octavius learned this information too late. The Sizatans had already laid siege to the capital of the Adler Empire with the power of the stone. To counter this, Octavius had all the Lightstones collected from the capital, pulverized and given to his best soldiers. Unfortunately, it took time for the stone to take effect and he was too late.Soon Octavius surrendered to the Sizat army. But with the fall of the Adler Empire, the whole continent became aware of the new uses and effects of the Lightstone. Soon every kingdom on the continent began to fortify its soldiers with the Lightstone. This led to a renewed stalemate in the wars because no one could dominate anyone. Only those kingdoms that had more Lightstones than their opponents were able to achieve anything.Soon all Lightstone reserves on the continent were exhausted. Now the kingdoms had to be more careful with the Lightstones in their reserves. But there was also good news. Even if the Lightstone ran out, its effects were hereditary. The children of those who possessed the powers of the Lightstone were born with that power.The Sizat Empire called children born with extraordinary abilities without using the Lightstone 'Blessed '. By specially training these children, they aimed to create a loyal and powerful army. Over the years, this strategy began to bear fruit. With its superhuman powers, the Sizat army had managed to conquer half of the continent. But the Sizat Emperor wanted to do what Octavius had failed to do: Dominate the entire continent. In a few weeks, the Sizat Empire would set out to achieve this goal.