Chapter 36: Death of Li Tan

The screen in the live broadcast room was scrolling quickly, mostly with obscene language. The faint fluorescent light of the mobile phone reflected Li Tan's eyes, which were completely wrapped in a scarf. There was a crazy light in his eyes.

"Family members, this is where the leader of the fame-seeking Bai Group is located." Li Tan repeated the address in detail several times. "My parents used to be the housekeeper and nanny there. When the end of the world came, they refused to even lend a helping hand. Now I'm pretending to be someone who has come to seek refuge and going in to test the waters."

Li Tan covered the fruit knife in his arms and went forward to knock on the door.

Their family had not stored any food at all, and when the extreme cold came, the two old people froze to death.

Li Tan had practiced martial arts with Bai Chen, so he easily killed the neighbor's family and obtained enough food. With the proof of his killing experience, he quickly integrated into the black group. He told them that the Bai family was rich and stupid, and was a big fat sheep.

On the surface, he was the only one in the live broadcast room, but in fact, his accomplices were hiding in ambush in the craters behind.

Li Tan looked at the gate with jealousy. It had a cold metallic luster. The huge translucent privacy shield covered the entire villa, blocking the prying eyes of others.

It can be seen that this is a villa that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The ice piled up at the door is not deep, and this path is a clear reminder that someone comes out to clean it every day.

The place where the camera was originally placed was empty, probably the result of the renovation. Li Tan didn't take it seriously. No matter what, the Bai family couldn't possibly replace the entire surveillance system. After the end of the world, except for the public network, most private networks could not be maintained, and the Bai family's surveillance naturally could not be connected to the Internet. He didn't even think of disguising himself at the door.

Little did he know that Bai Chen had already seen him and his accomplices clearly in the monitoring room.

In the past, Bai Chen would have played a cat-and-mouse game with him, but now he was concerned about Bai Yunyun's safety, so he just sneaked out, walked a kilometer, and moved the large meteorite to block the only path down.

On that night filled with spiritual energy, he saw his own end when he was on the verge of death. He was locked outside the door in thin clothes, his hands and feet were already frostbitten and would break with a slight knock. Li Tan's smile was so evil that it was twisted. He stepped on his head and watched him die step by step...

He almost lost his breath again, but Bai Yunyun's soft little hand on his forehead kept his mind clear. He couldn't ruin himself and his family's happiness because of a bad person.

My mind was filled with thoughts of giving him a taste of his own medicine, but when I thought of those brutal methods, I finally chose to let him destroy himself.

Li Tan went from being full of confidence to suspecting that the Bai family had moved away. After all, in his opinion, although the Bai family was shrewd in business, they were stupidly loyal to the people around them.

The comments in the live broadcast room were also scrolling like crazy.

[The anchor is not trying to trick people, I don't think anyone lives here.]

[Go away, go away brothers. This doesn't look like a place where people live. It's a large semicircular building. It might be a national construction. If you go in rashly, you will just eat peanuts.]

Li Tan was a little anxious. If the Bai family didn't open the door, his accomplices behind him would be angry with him for having made a wasted trip.

He looked at the huge door carefully. It was extremely smooth and had no peephole.

Could it be that the Bai family was afraid of strangers knocking on the door, so they didn't open it? This is not impossible.

He took out his phone, opened the message interface, and sent them a message. He had wanted to catch them off guard, but he didn't expect them to be so cautious that they didn't even open the door.

In the message interface, his brothers were already urging him.

[Li sighed: Don't worry, this family will definitely open the door for me. If they don't, I will leave it to you.]

He had a hunch that he could rely on the kindness of the Bai family to easily enter the villa, become the owner of the villa, and live a good life even in the extremely cold weather.

After waiting for half an hour, Bai Chen replied.

[Bai Chen: Xiao Li, we have moved to another villa. If you need anything, you can come to me. Address: xxxxx]

How is that possible?! However, knowing their current whereabouts was good, but it was just a wasted trip. In order to appease his brothers, he had to give up the bag of corn he had just snatched.

Li Tan sighed, took a screenshot of the message interface and sent it to his brothers, then walked back and closed the live broadcast room. He ignored the insults in the room. Most of the people in the room were poor people who had difficulty in life, had lost their minds and could only find a sense of existence on the Internet. They were people who were even more destitute than him. He had an absolute, superior sense of superiority and didn't care about what they thought at all.

Scar-Eye had been waiting in the snow for so long, and was already somewhat dissatisfied: "You're not going to play tricks on me by running around, are you?"

Li Tan smiled apologetically, "Boss, I swear this was an accident. You can check online that I am a student sponsored by the Bai family. I have countless photos with the people in power. I started working at the Bai Group after graduation. My parents also work there and have a good relationship with their family. They would not be willing to lie to me."

Scarface became even more suspicious: "Since they have such a good relationship, why would you want to harm them?"

Li Tan smiled cunningly: "I just want to rob the rich to help the poor. No matter how rich their family is, I can only get those fixed wages. It's better to fight and make myself a superior person. It's my fault that you brothers have made a wasted trip. I still have a bag of corn and a few bottles of beer at home. Brothers, have a good time tonight."

Scarface stared at him for a moment. The young man in front of him was both self-abased and arrogant. He really looked like a man with bad intentions. He said in a deep voice, "Okay, I'll trust you again."

A few people were walking back, and suddenly, the bloated monkey-like man ran back quickly, "Boss, it's bad, the way down is blocked by a meteorite!"

Scar-Eye turned around and immediately slapped Li Tan, "You're hurting me!"

Li Tan swallowed the blood in his mouth, suppressed his anger, and said, "Boss, this must be an accident, an accident, let's find another way."

Unfortunately, it was dark when the group of people found no way out, and one person fell into a pit and died on the spot.

After dark, the temperature became even colder, and the pile of rocks was drafty on all sides. Everyone had no choice but to strip Li Tan of his clothes to keep themselves warm.

Looking at Li Tan's face frozen in fear, anger and unwillingness, and his bald body being covered by ice and snow bit by bit, Bai Chen clasped his hands together and prayed to the sky.

In order to pray for Bai Yunyun, he chose to forgive those who had hurt him and let him die naturally. God, please let little Yunyun wake up soon because he put down his butcher knife.

There was no way Bai's mother and father could hide it any longer. As two elderly people who knew something about the inside story, they were always afraid that their son had met with an accident.