Chapter 71: Third Aunt's Husband He Feiyu

The little one in her arms began to move around. Mi Li patted her back, and a tall figure stood in front of them.

Bai Jiao jumped off the stands and clamped Nangong Tian's hand.

"Logically speaking, I shouldn't interfere in other people's family affairs, but my baby is still in Mi Li's arms. What if the child has a psychological trauma?"

Nangong Tian, ​​who was full of arrogance, immediately weakened his momentum by three points. He said in a gentle tone: "Miss Bai, I am just worried and confused. I am sorry that I was impulsive just now."

Bai Jiao ignored him and took out a towel and ice pack from his pocket and handed them to Mi Li: "Let the baby walk by herself, apply some ice, you take the baby to find her mother, I'll wait for Hong Xue here."

The sports field was in chaos. People sat in groups, only staying with their relatives and friends, for fear that another alien would appear.

Soon, the radio announced that the chaos was over and everyone could rest assured.

Hong Xue came back running, shook her head at Bai Jiao, and whispered, "Ten security guards died. The people who came to deal with it had obviously seen it before, and their methods were very clean. Those who were scratched were shot dead on the spot. There was fog in that grove, probably because of the soil. I just ran around the school, and the concrete or asphalt roads were fine. There would be light fog in the fields and woods. It wasn't as harmful as the heavy fog, but it accumulated over time..."

Nangong Zhu also returned safely and glared fiercely in the direction of Mi Li.

After this incident, the school had to conduct an investigation and gave the students a holiday.

Hong Xue asked Mi Li: "Are you going home or back to the dormitory?"

Mi Li smiled bitterly: "I can only go back to the dormitory."

Hong Xue looked down at Bai Yunyun, who took out her phone watch and turned up the volume: "Go back to Bao Bao's house and be Bao Bao's sister."

Mi Li was at a loss. She looked around at the adults who were smiling at her and said with her head down, "I'm so sorry..."

Bai Yunyun had already grabbed her trouser legs with her hands and started to pull them up.

Domineering cub forces love! Duck head, baby, you are not allowed to say no!

Bai Xi showed an awkward smile: "I'm sorry, the child is ignorant."

But no one stopped Bai Yunyun, and Mi Li did not dare to confront the baby. What if such a young baby got angry and collapsed?

On the way back, Mi Li kept looking at her phone, but unfortunately no one sent her a message. She turned off her phone and simply stopped thinking about it.

Aunt Xiao had already prepared a guest room next to Hong Xue's room. Hong Xue showed her around her home and whispered in Mi Li's ear, "It's okay, I was adopted too."

Mi Li's eyes widened in surprise. Hong Xue shrugged: "It's nothing. Love doesn't transfer with blood."

Mi Li thought of her sister and her parents sadly and admitted the fact: "You are right." Perhaps, she should also find herself a new pair of parents.

Since they didn't welcome her, there was no need for her to follow them. She lived well alone in the countryside.

Life in the Bai family was very happy. Every child had milk after meals. It was not until taking a bath that Mi Li realized how dirty she was. However, her wound had almost healed and her complexion had also improved a lot.

When she woke up the next day, her complexion had returned to its former rosy color, and she excitedly shared the story with Hong Xue.

Hong Xue said with a smile: "The Feng Shui of my house nourishes people. If you have a good rest, your complexion will naturally improve."

In her spare time, Mi Li would follow her father Bai to farm. Although her father looked very serious, he actually had a good temper and was very gentle to children. Mi Li accidentally stepped on a seedling, and her father Bai praised her for being careful, unlike the troublemaker at home who would roll around in the fields.

On the day of visiting Third Aunt's family, Bai's father, Bai Chen, Bai Xi, Bai Jiao and Bai Yunyun all went. They wore bulletproof vests innermost and beautiful bulletproof jackets on the outside. There were daggers hidden in their shoes. Bai's mother said that they were not here to visit relatives, but to complete a mission.

Third Aunt's house is a large land-based villa with several armored vehicles parked at the door.

Bai Chen and Bai Xi were looking at the familiar armored vehicles suspiciously. Third Aunt had already seen them from upstairs. She came downstairs and opened the door with an unhappy look on her face: "I invited you here with good intentions, but why are you all standing at the door like thieves, looking around and not coming in? Are you suspecting that I set a trap for you?"

When the Bai family heard this, they knew that Third Aunt was very angry. Although they did think so, they were too lazy to care about it. They explained a few words and went into the house.

Third Aunt was still cursing, saying that they had watched them die in the extreme cold and that it was all thanks to her husband's wisdom and bravery that he saved the whole family.

Already sitting in the living room were Third Aunt's husband He Feiyu and a tall and strong man. A circle of security guards surrounded the coffee table and sofa. It really looked like a Hongmen Banquet.

Third Aunt silently moved the fruits and vegetables under the coffee table, replaced them with a plate of melon seeds, and looked at them unhappily.

The Bai family was always shocked by her stinginess and shamelessness. Bai Xi took out a plate of cut fruits from his bag and handed it to Bai Yunyun.

Bai Yunyun looked at He Fei and Du Yao openly. She found the former strange, but the latter more familiar.

He Fei went straight to the point, talking about the people and the country, the big family and the small family, the mist coming out of the soil and the magical soil. Every sentence was a moral blackmail to make the Bai family give up the villa and the land for their research. Du Yao provided the information passed on by his illegitimate brother before his death, hoping that the Bai family would cooperate.

The Bai family listened quietly. When they first took out the potatoes, they knew they would be investigated. There was still fog. They believed in the magic of the soil and did not doubt people. The Bai family had already prepared to sell the villa. It was time to get rid of this hot potato. Although the villa was decorated with a lot of ingenuity, it would be better to put them into the space and leave them an empty shell.

Several people exchanged glances, and Father Bai said, "Okay, exchange it with an equal amount of gold and materials. We only want 100 million gold."

After listening to Bai's father's words, He Fei talked with Du Yao for a while and said, "Five hundred million, how about it?"

Father Bai said, "One billion, the reserve price."

Du Yao could afford 1 billion in supplies, not to mention the government's backing, but their original maximum budget was only 500 million. Du Yao had a sharp eye and recognized that the Bai family members were all wearing bulletproof vests, and they came prepared and could not be easily frightened. The above meant that they could only threaten at most, and could not take real action. The Bai family was a great hero in the extreme cold apocalypse, and there was no reason to let a great hero be bullied.

Finally, the deal was done. Several people continued to discuss which materials to use for the exchange. It was already noon, so He Fei gave them some time. This time, Third Aunt was much more generous and served them plates of fragrant dishes.