Chapter 82 No worries about food and clothing

The old man said, "Those young people will do better than us, we are old." They thought, just drag their rotten bodies and slowly rot on the land where they have lived all their lives. This way, they will return to their roots.

Bai's mother said: "Young people also need the guidance and experience of their elders. Don't worry, we don't keep idle people in our base. If you feel that you are not capable of doing those jobs and still want to go down the mountain, I will send you up."

The old men were interested. Most of them had gray hair and slightly bent backs, but they still had strength in their walk and their eyes were bright. If it weren't for the end of the world, they would still be good hands in the fields.

Bai Jiao drove all these people up, and when the door was opened, everyone was stunned. It was peaceful inside, like a peach blossom wonderland.

There is a large lawn at the entrance, surrounded by terraced fields, farmland, medicinal fields and flower fields, with a canal for irrigation, and chickens, ducks, cows and sheep playing around there. If you stretch your neck, you can see a thorn castle, with other buildings on both sides of the castle, and a small garden inside the castle, which can be seen through the gaps between the thorns and the wall.

Three children were sitting on the grass, one of them was holding a... 80cm lobster? ! ! They knew the other two children, they were the poor young couple's. The three of them were working hard to peel the lobster, wearing mini disposable gloves and eating the lobster meat.

Trying hard to ignore the weird feeling of the giant lobster, the residents breathed a sigh of relief. The welfare of this base is indeed very good, at least it is very good for children. These people have never seen such a giant lobster before the end of the world! It seems that the Bai family still has rich background and strength.

Bai Jiao winked at Bai's mother, who went over and drove the three children to the living room of the villa, and quietly took the lobster from the children's hands. It was almost time for dinner, and after eating a whole lobster, the children would not be able to eat dinner.

Speaking of which, we should build a kindergarten. There will be more and more people in the base. It will not be safe to play on the public lawn, and it is not good to put it directly in the living room. In the future, the entire villa will be a private place for the Bai family.

Wait, why not just turn the whole mountain into a base? Bai's mother conceived the vision of expanding the base to make it more sparsely populated, and thought of Bai Chen and Bai Jiao who were now working day and night, as well as Bai Xi who was practicing hard and striving to be able to work day and night. Forget it, the children are already so tired that they wish they could learn the art of clones. If they are given the task of expanding the base, they will probably be exhausted to death. It won't be too late to recruit more workers when there are more people.

Some vines grew out of the grass, naturally forming stools. Bai Jiao asked them to sit down and announced the rules of the base.

"The base is still under construction, and the specific rules and regulations have not yet been released, but it is roughly the same as in peacetime.

Article 1: Anyone who betrays the base will die.

Article 2: Fighting and killing are prohibited on the base.

There will be more to come, but I believe you all know the rules. There will be a notice board on the lawn with detailed rules. "

Bai Jiao glanced at the crowd. She was now completely different from her previous image of joking around in front of Bai Yunyun. She was now cold and dignified, full of the aura of a superior.

"Now, everyone, please tell me your original occupation, specialties, age, etc. I will arrange simple tasks for you and you will start working tomorrow."

A voice came from the crowd: "Are you arranging our positions without notifying the person in charge of the base? Isn't that too hasty?"

"I am the person in charge of this base." Bai Jiao said.

An old man stood up first: "I used to work on a construction site, then I went home to farm. Now I am 60 years old."

Bai Jiao's eyes lit up. The base was in need of construction workers! As long as they could tell the detailed construction steps and there were people with special abilities, the hospital could be built quickly.

Gradually, more people stood up.

"I used to be a salesperson and also did some editing. Now I'm 30."

"I work as an accountant, I have a certificate, I have been working in the industry for five years, and I am 29 now."

"I'm a trainee veterinarian. My father sells pork at the market, so I'm good at raising and slaughtering pigs. I'm 25."

"I'm a fashion designer and I'm 25 now."

"I used to be a silkworm farmer. Now I am 70."

Bai Jiao assigned some elderly people to feed chickens, ducks, cows, sheep and other animals. She planned to plant mulberry trees and silkworms in the space tomorrow. A young veterinarian and a middle-aged woman assisted in the management and care of the animals and the elderly.

The old workers and carpenters will gather at 8 o'clock tomorrow and continue to improve the hospital construction with Fang Meiqing. Bai Xi will withdraw and build a points system with the coders.

Lawyers, dance teachers, designers, writers, etc. have other jobs and are responsible for the cultural construction of the base.

Including various chores such as sweeping the floor and cleaning the dishes, almost everyone had a job, except the children.

The children were assigned two teachers to take care of them. They first taught them basic housework and common sense of life, and then started cultural courses after they had learned them.

Finally, Bai Jiao announced that everyone would get off work at 17:00 every day and gather on the grass at 19:00 to be taught martial arts. Except when they were sick, they had to gather to practice every day, unless their movements met the standards and they passed the exam.

Bai Jiao was busy until the evening, as he was busy entering their identities into the system and arranging rooms for them.

When those people saw the bright and clean apartment, their hesitant expressions immediately turned into determination. They walked around the room excitedly and even ran back to the first floor to confirm with Bai Jiao repeatedly whether he really gave it to them. They waited for the broadcast to remind them that it was time for dinner in the cafeteria before they reluctantly left the apartment. When they arrived at the cafeteria, they had to swipe their cards to use their points to eat, but the staple food and soup were free, and only the vegetables and snacks required money.

"Bang!" A man slapped himself hard, then said excitedly to his wife and daughter, "Great, I'm not dreaming, this is real!"

But almost everyone only took half a bowl of rice, and there was still a lot of leftovers in the rice buckets in the cafeteria.

Aunt Xiao walked over and asked in confusion: "Is everyone full? Does anyone want more rice?"

They all replied that they were full and that they would save the rice for the next day. The bowls were all cleaned up, not even a drop of oil was left.

The chef quietly told Aunt Xiao that everyone was restraining themselves because they were afraid that if they ate too much now, they would have nothing to eat later.

"After a few days, they will know that the base is not short of food, and they will return to normal." The chef said. He has now become a die-hard fan of the base. Here, he lives better than before the apocalypse. He wants to work for the base for the rest of his life!

The next day, those people came to the cafeteria at almost six o'clock.