Baelon's Love II

(Baelon's POV)

"We'll fly over tomorrow." I told Helaena, "I sent a letter to Father already. He expects us soon." 

We were sitting at the table, eating breakfast as servants came in and served us more food. 

She nodded, "Very well." She said with a slight smile, "I cannot wait." 

I looked at her, "Our nephew is going to be there." I said, "Aegon's boy." 

"I wish to see him." She said, "For Aegon to be a father before....well, nevermind." 

I shrugged, "It doesn't matter to me." I said, " are right, it is quite surprising. I am proud of him for changing. The whole incident with Aemond really shook him up. He blamed himself for it and changed for the better." 

"Aemond has grown quite a lot in the past two years. A sudden spurt of growth." She chuckled, "He is taller than me." 

I nodded, "He's training more with the blade." I said with a smile, "I wish to spar with him. The same for Daeron, he's training more as well. His dragon is growing faster by the day, Tessarion can join us when we fly." 

"I am happy for that." She said as she looked at her plate, "I miss them." 

I nodded, "As do I. They almost never visit..." I said, "But they are busy. Cannot blame them." 

She looked at me, "Would you prefer it if they lived with us? It is so empty these days...." She said, "The would be nice to fill it out with their loud presence..." 

I chuckled, "I would love to invite them...but I know Mother would like to keep them in the Red Keep. You know how she gets." I told her, "Especially since she got Daeron back after so long of being a ward. He learned as much as he could in Oldtown and he has finally returned." 

"I am happy that he is back..." She said, "I cannot wait to go see them..." 

"What would you like to do today?" I asked her, "Another walk on the beach? A flight over the waters? Or some reading in the library?" 

"I...." She said, "I would like to read." 

I smiled, "Very well." 


I walked over to Helaena, she was sitting down, reading a book. 

"What are you reading, my love?" I said as I wrapped my arms around her from behind, giving her a kiss on the cheek

"The Conqueror..." She said softly, "Aegon I." 

"Hm? What of him?" I asked

"Well, he was your dragon's rider...." She said, "But you obviously know that." 

"Mhm.." I said as I rubbed her shoulders, "Yes, of course." 

"He was married to his sisters....Visenya and Rhaenys...." She said in a soft tone, "And they were his queens..." 

I chuckled, "I know that." I said as I kissed her cheek again, "What of it?' 

She looked at me, "Don't you wonder?" 

"Wonder what?" I asked

"If that would be acceptable nowadays." She said

"Hm....." I said, "The Faith won't allow it. They barely allowed Targaryen Incest." 

"Yes well...." She said, "Maegor Targaryen had more wives." 

"Well, that's Maegor Targaryen. You know the kind of man he was." I said with a chuckle, "He was The Cruel. He forced everything to his whim. Nobody was going to question him because of his cruel personality and because of Balerion." 

"But Aegon I was not Maegor and they accepted it." She said

"Because he was already married, no?" I said

"I just wonder, that is all." She said as she looked back at the book, "They both had Balerion. Maybe that is the reason why they didn't do anything about. With Aegon because he was a decent man and already married...yet he had Balerion....with Maegor, they feared him and accepted it because he had Balerion. The kind of destruction he would leave should people truly dare go against him and his choices." 

"Uhuh...." I said with a raised eyebrow, "What is the point of this?" 

"If someone with Aegon's good heart and the conviction to do what needs to be done.....decides to take another wife..." Helaena smiled, "Nobody will question, that is all I am trying to say." 

I looked at her, "You" 

"It is just a thought." She said with a chuckle

I blinked, "Well...why would I want another wife?" I said, "That is a serious headache I don't want to deal with." 

"I am not saying you will want to....I am just saying that if the possibility arises....I do not think anyone would question it." She said, "It's nothing, my love. Forget I said anything." 

"Hm." I said, "Very well." 

"Another thing I wonder..." She started

I pulled a chair next to her and sat down, "Yea?" 

" long would you believe he will live?" She said, "He is the last living dragon from Old Valyria....he is older than Vhagar, whose age is visible. a piece of History.....Yet, he still lives.....and he seems he will be healthy for quite a while." 

I chuckled, "I do not know how long Balerion will live." I said, "But trust me on this, he will be my dragon for the rest of my life, however long that is. My only wish is that he outlives us and our children...should we have any....and their children as well. He is too important to die with me...." 

"I believe he will not accept anyone other than you." Helaena said with a smile, "When we pass of old age, he will leave and live out in the wild, he was meant to." 

I gave her a smile, "Oh, I hope so." I said, "I don't want him to be treated as a weapon after my passing.....he deserves rest....good rest....where he can enjoy his time..." 

She looked down and frowned, "B-Baelon...." 

"What is it, love?" I asked

"Should we have children..." She said softly as she looked at me, "W-What would we name them?" 

I patted her cheek, "Whatever you want, Helaena." I said, "As long as you are happy, I do not mind." 

"I...." She started

"We can be much older when we start having...." I said as I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her on the cheek, "I do not care. As long as you are happy with our marriage, everything does not matter to me. Name them however you want...." 

"I see...." She said, "Okay...." 

"Can I have you tonight?" I asked her

"Your vigor has been quite healthy as of late." She chuckled

"It is because of you...." I said, "I am really attracted to you...." 

"Don't make me blush..." She said as she pulled away, "If you wish, we can release any energy we have here...before we go to King's Landing...I know they will overhear us should we be too loud...." 

I chuckled, "Yes..." 

She looked back at the book, "I will resume reading if that is okay with you." She said with a smile

I nodded, "Of course." I said as I stood up, "I will go and check on the dragons."

"Be careful." She said as I walked away

"I'll be back later." I told her, 

"I wish to embrace you all day."