Treason IV

(Third Person POV)

Trevor Celtigar looked at Baelon Targaryen, who sat down on the log, "You are a Targaryen Prince, descended from Aegon Targaryen, The Conqueror." He said as he gave the Prince a serious scowl, "Your entire family descends from a vast dynasty of Valyrian Dragonlords who managed to escape Old Valyria before the doom, escaping the end of our brethren race." 

Baelon nodded, "Go on." 

"You and your dragons settled on Dragonstone and from then, history was made." Trevor continued, "Aegon and his sisters decided to Conquer Westeros and since then, your Family has ruled the Seven Kingdoms. Together with House Velaryon, The Targaryens have been a staple in Westeros. You and your dragons, the Velaryons and their ships.....your two Houses are regarded as the last of the Valyrians....but what about our House? House Celtigar? We are Valyrian as well.....!!" 

Baelon sighed, "Sure...." I said, "You are.....but you are not Ship lords....nor are you Dragonlords....right?" 

"You are right...we did not have ships...nor did we have dragons...." Trevor said, "But what if that would change? What if you Targaryens were dethroned? To be showed that you are nothing but fortunate that you were born with the dragon's are no different than us...than a Celtigar....a lowly Valyrian house...." 

Baelon chuckled and looked up into the night sky, "Everyone.....every single person in the Realm.....No.....the world...." He started, "No matter what race they are.....they are the same....we are all meat and blood in the end...the only difference is what status we have when we are born. Some are born as peasants, in the mud and cold, struggling to survive...others are born as Nobles, in a nice and warm Keep which keeps them safe and their bellies full..... But none of that matters....what matters is what you do during your lifetime....which defines who you are. Even Targaryen Princes, in the end, would be more pathetic than a Bastard who rose among the ranks of the military and became a well-renowned warrior....." 

The Prince looked at Trevor who stood there, giving him a scowl. There was little to no emotion in Trevor Celtigar's eyes, the brief anger that he showed the Prince was now gone, disappeared like a quick burst of flames. 

"You Targaryens are above us Men....they all view you as gods." Trevor said

"Ha!" Baelon laughed, "Even I know that is a load of shite. I know where I stand, Trevor....but a god? No. I am a Prince, The Heir to the Iron Throne....I am the Rider of Balerion and wielder of Blackfyre. All of those titles make me seem above life but I am but a man, Trevor Celtigar, just like you. And as I said, some are born more fortunate than others but for you, the son of a Valyrian Lord, to complain about where you fall in the hierarchy is just ironic. You should be content with being born a Celtigar, a lowly Valyrian House...who managed to manipulate his way into marrying a Targaryen Princess and putting his worthless seed into her. Perhaps it was not worthless, you did give me a beautiful niece who still lives." 

"The gods intervened when you were born....and Balerion was reinvigorated." Trevor said, "But I wanted to know how far that fortune took you and I was surprised that it took you this far. To think that Corlys was stupid enough to take that damned cup." 

Baelon raised his eyebrow, "What?" 

"Your sister is a fine woman, I admit." Trevor said as he looked at his nails, "But her children are failures...none of them have done what you and her did....claim a dragon at a young age. Even Aemond Targaryen claimed Vhagar at 10. So I needed to do get another child that is capable of doing just that. I wanted one that could claim Vermithor.....but nobody seemed to be worthy....and I looked at your Wife, Helaena.....and she was to be married to you....." 

Baelon narrowed his eyes, "Mind your tone when speaking her name...." He said, "Your lips are not worthy of saying her name...." 

"It was best to take you out before you consummate the I could take her for myself....and put a child inside her." Trevor said, his eyes devoid of any emotion, "But Corlys was a fool, a prideful fool. He wanted to drink from your cup while watching you writhe in pain with the poison...but little did he fucking know that it was the cup that was was switched out in the end...." 

"So you confess...." Baelon said with an angry scowl, "It was you...." 

"To kill the Rider of Balerion, to prove to the world that you, a Targaryen, are not above any of us." Trevor continued, "Even if it started a war, Balerion would be riderless and I could still have the advantage....House Velaryon and their Vermithor...if Aemma was not so fucking useless..." 

"I knew it.... " Baelon said seriously, "This entire time....." 

"Why would I bother putting my seed in Rhaenyra if she could not give me a child who could become a dragonrider?" Trevor said seriously, "Why waste all of that time? All for nothing.....just for my sons to be so weak and die of a plague....that was from their Mother....." 

"Watch your tone..." Baelon said

Trevor began to rub his temples, "All of this.....this pain...." He said, "All for you to die....yet you cannot do matter how much I tried.....I could not get rid of you. Every single time you went and rode on Balerion, I hoped that something happened to you just like his previous rider....even when you decided to go to Skagos, I prayed to the gods that your hubris would bring about the end. Even with the Plague, I would be fine with my sons' deaths if it meant that the plague took you are resilient, Baelon Targaryen...who would have thought that I had to get a blade stained with your blood to get it done?" 

"Hm?" Baelon said

Suddenly, a twig snapped behind Baelon and as the Prince turned around, he was met with a blade on his throat. 

A hooded figure stood behind him, holding a dagger to his throat, "Do not resist, Prince." the man said with a sly tone, "Otherwise, you will have a bad time." 

"Oh?" Baelon said as he looked at this newcomer, "Who are you supposed to be? Some cutthroat?" 

"Call me that." He said

Baelon narrowed his eyes, "'re a bastard....uhm....Stone...? Yes, yes....I recall..." He said, "One of Lord Arryn's" 

"You...." the man said

In a swift motion, Baelon pushed his hand off and leaned away to avoid being cut. Then, he drew his own dagger, the valyrian steel dagger that his uncle had gifted to him in his wedding. Baelon swung the dagger at the man's throat, slicing it with ease as he stood up. 

"G-Guh..." the man said as he stumbled

Baelon then grabbed him by the cloak, "Hm." He said, "These are your friends, Trevor?" 

Baelon then stabbed the man in the eye, the valyrian steel piercing through his skull with ease. There was a quick yet disturbing grunt that was heard from the man's mouth. 

Trevor narrowed his eyes, "Hm...." 

Baelon let go of the man as he plopped to the ground, dead. 

"Well, I got you to confess." Baelon said as he pointed his dagger at him, "This is good...progress...." 

" are here, pointing a dagger at me..." Trevor said, "You have already had intent to kill me....this is merely you using your power as a Targaryen Prince to kill me. How would your Father, the King see this?" 

"Ho?" Baelon said, "What, you think he will side with you?" 

"He knows the kind of reckless and unruly man you are." Trevor said, "I am confident that his skepticism of the situation will be on my favor." 

"Oh is that so?" Baelon said, "Truth be told, I could not get him out here since he does not feel that well....the whole after-effect of the Racking Cough....but....I got the next best thing....."

Baelon gestured to his side. 

Trevor looked to the side to see several hooded figures emerging from the shadows. One of them took their hood off and revealed himself to be Prince Daemon Targaryen holding the heads of two men, men who Trevor recognized to be members of his friend group. 

"W-What?" He said with a bit of surprise

A sword was unsheathed behind him and Trevor looked back to see Aemond Targaryen, pointing his sword at him. 

"Hello, Lord Trevor." Aemond said with a sly smile

"What is this?" Trevor said

"It appears that Prince Baelon was right after all..." a voice said

Trevor looked over to see Otto Hightower removing his hood and looking at him. 

"All we needed was for Corlys's bastard to get him over here alone...." Daemon said, "And the threat of her dying was not even going to be used." 

Trevor looked at Otto, "Lord-Han-" 

"Silence." Otto said as he gestured at Aemond, "Restrain him. He is to spend the night in the dungeons." 

Daemon tossed the heads on the ground and walked over to Trevor who reached for his sword but Aemond had already reached for his arm and gripped it tightly. 

"No, you don't." Aemond said

"Y-You..." Trevor said with a fierce look on his eyes

Baelon smirked, "Well well well.." He said, "What? Did you really expect things to go your way, you piece of shit?" 

"You are not that fortunate, Celtigar."