The Challenge

(Third Person POV)

Viserys stood up and scowled, "Baelon what do you think you are doing?!" He exclaimed, "You are accepting a Trial by Seven on my behalf? On the King's behalf?!"

"I will not allow this scum to further insult our Family, The Crown, and The Realm!!" Baelon responded with a serious glare at Trevor, "If he wants us to abide by the laws of the gods, then so be it! I'll prove to him and to the realm that House Targaryen is not to be stepped on!! We are The House of The Dragon and Fire and Blood will rain on those who dare challenge us!!"

Daemon smirked, "Well said…" he said under his breath

Trevor was standing there looking at Baelon, "What is your answer, King Viserys?" He asked, "Are you going to defy this? I demand for the gods to judge me."

Viserys sat back down and coughed into his cloth. Otto looked at him with a somewhat concerned face. The Lord-Hand was a bit taken aback at this sudden turn of events.

"The Gods have already judged you, Trevor." Viserys said, "You just don't know it yet."

"Well, what is it going to be?" Trevor said, "The Gods are waiting for an answer."

"Your Grace, if you refuse the Trial, allow me to cut him down right here and now." Baelon placed his hand on Blackfyre, "For insulting our House and the Crown."

"Wait, Baelon." Viserys said, "Stay your blade."

"Very well." Baelon said as he relaxed his stance

Trevor smirked, "So eager to kill me…" He said, "Do you hate me so much, Heir?"

"What do you think…?" Baelon said, "You, who tried to kill me on the most important day of my beloved wife's life. I will make sure that all seven hells await your arrival."

"Stand down, Baelon." Viserys said, "Trevor, do you truly want a Trial By Seven? Do you have 7 Champions who will oppose the Crown?"

"You would be surprised by how many men wish to see your son dead." Trevor said, "Aye, I have 6 other champions who would fight alongside me. I will fight for my own freedom, I would not be labeled a coward."

"Poison is the coward's weapon." Viserys said, "Do not think you're above that. Baelon is indeed correct. You tried to assassinate him on the day of my daughter's wedding. Not only that, you have manipulated my eldest daughter to try and place yourself above the Crown. With just one of those crimes, I should have you executed on the spot. But if Gods desire for a Trial, I am not above them to refuse."

"Viserys…." Alicent spoke up, "This is a ploy to stall for time. You should deny his demand and have him executed."

"The Heir wishes for blood to be shed." Daemon said, "And to lure out the rats that support this scumbag. If you accept the Trial by Seven, Brother, I will fight alongside your son. Nobody tries to trample on our Family and gets away with it."

Viserys looked at him, "Of course, I would expect you of all people to jump at the opportunity..." He said sternly

"He conspired to have me killed as well." Daemon said seriously, "He needs to die. And if the gods want it to be like this, who cares?" 

Trevor chuckled, "The Rogue Prince, of course." He said, "It would be a shame if you were to die in the Trial. Would that not be terrible?" 

Daemon scowled and took a step forth, "I will gut you like the pig you are, scum." He said seriously, "To think that you still breathe after everything you've put my blood through. I will ensure that History remembers you as a rat that was squashed by the Dragon." 

"Enough." Viserys said

Alicent walked up the steps and to the throne, "Viserys, you cannot be serious." She said, "You cannot think of humoring this wretched man. What he did to your Daughters.....manipulated Rhaenyra, and put Helaena in emotional turmoil. You will give him an opportunity to get out of it without punishment?" 

"Look at your son." Viserys said seriously

Alicent turned to see Baelon, standing in front of the steps to the throne, staring Trevor down. From the angel that the Queen stood, she could still see a glimpse of his face; it was deadly serious. She saw Baelon's eyes piercing through the Traitor, and there was nothing but pure animosity in them. 

"This...." She said before her eyes shifted to Helaena who was looking at Baelon, "This...." 

While there was a bit of concern in the Princess's eyes, she did not seem rather bothered by this. She felt at ease, seeing her husband, Prince Baelon, standing with such conviction. It was not just her, but all of Alicent's children were looking at their eldest brother, standing in front of a man who tried to destroy their family, and staring him down with the eyes of an angry dragon.

Even Rhaenyra was taken aback by this, she could not mask her surprise, she was looking at Baelon with a bit of tears forming in her eyes. 

"Baelon...." She whispered under her breath, "Don't...." 

Viserys cleared his throat, "Very well...." He said as he stood up, "I, King Viserys, accept your demands, Trevor of Claw Isle." 

There were murmurs in the room, all of the lords were looking at each other and conversing among themselves quietly. This was a pivotal moment in history that they were witnessing; nobody has seen a Trial by Seven in decades. The Realm had never witnessed another Trial like this since Maegor took the Throne by force after the death of his elder brother, King Aenys.

Trevor smiled slightly, "Of course you do." 

"The Trial, however, will take place tomorrow." Viserys said, "If your fellow champions do not show themselves, the Trial will be forfeited and Blackfyre will cleave through your neck." 

"Worry not." Trevor said, "They will show themselves." 

"Your judgment will depend on the Trial. If you and your fellow conspirers think of scheming something, know that the Flames of House Targaryen will burn you and their houses to the ground." Viserys said seriously, "I will not hold Balerion and Caraxes back. What did Baelon say?" 

"Fire and Blood will rain down on your heads."