Chapter 2 Curse

"Look! That's Young Master Quinn," a clan member whispered, nodding towards a disheveled figure at the edge of the gathering.

"He's the clan's disgrace. His fiancee broke off their engagement last year, which was the final nail in his coffin. Now, all he does is drown his sorrows in drink and wallow in his own misery, living the life of a loser. I wouldn't go near him if I were you. Trust me—he brings bad luck to anyone who gets too close."

The tragic story of Quinn Thorne was well known throughout Lotus Grove City. His name had become synonymous with failure and disgrace.

Once a promising young master, he had fallen from grace, his trash talents overshadowed by his reputation.

Whispers of his misfortune circulated like wildfire, igniting a mix of pity and contempt among the clanspeople.

The rumor mill churned relentlessly, painting him as a cautionary tale for those who dared to dream big.

As the new disciple listened, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy.

He had heard snippets of Quinn's story, but the malicious delight with which the other clan members spoke of it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"What a bunch of idiots!" our overpowered main character thought, having overheard the gossip.

He no longer cared about their opinions, especially not those of lesser beings who reveled in the misfortunes of others.

With his newfound strength, he had transcended the petty concerns of the clan. Quinn's suffering seemed trivial in comparison to the power he now wielded.

There was no reason for him to stoop to the level of mere peasants, and he resolved to carve his own path, one that would lead him far beyond the confines of their judgment.

Now that he possessed the power to do anything he desired, it was only fitting not to waste any more of his time.

He had risen above the petty concerns of those around him, and the weight of their judgments no longer held him back.

The world was vast and full of opportunities, and he was determined to seize them all.

With each confident step, he felt the energy of the realm pulsating around him, a constant reminder of the strength he now wielded.

The whispers of envy and disdain from the clan members faded into the background, replaced by the thrill of possibilities.

After a few more purposeful strides, he glanced back at the crowd, a small smirk playing on his lips. The gazes that had once been directed at him with scorn were now merely a distant echo.

And with that final look, he turned away, allowing the shadows to envelop him as he vanished from view, ready to embark on a journey that would reshape his destiny.

* * *

When our overpowered main character reappeared, he found himself in a beautifully adorned room that radiated femininity.

The air was filled with an exquisite scent—fresh and enticing, a fragrant bouquet that could only be found in the presence of women.

Soft silks draped the walls, reflecting delicate hues of pink and gold, while lanterns softly illuminated the space, casting a warm glow that enhanced the room's tranquil ambiance.

In the center of the room sat a woman in a lotus position, her aura serene and powerful. The solemn hymn of the Dao enveloped her, indicating she was in a deep state of enlightenment.

Her long hair flowed like silk, framing her delicate features, and a faint glow surrounded her, suggesting she was in communion with the essence of the universe.

Such an event was rare and sacred, a moment to be revered rather than intruded upon, and it spoke volumes about the extraordinary talent of this beautiful woman.

This was one of the key reasons our op mc had chosen to target her among the 100 million residents of Lotus Grove City.

He sought not only beauty but also a talent that matched it—a true gem worthy of his attention.

As he observed her, he felt a mix of admiration and intrigue. She possessed an innate grace that drew him in, and he couldn't help but wonder what profound wisdom she had gained in her meditative state.

The stillness of the room was palpable, as if time itself had slowed to honor her journey inward.

After what felt like an eternity, the woman finally opened her eyes, a radiant joy illuminating her face.

It was clear she had gained profound insights from her meditation, her eyes sparkling with newfound clarity.

However, that joy swiftly transformed into a cold gaze as she registered his presence, the warmth of her enlightenment overshadowed by the realization that she was no longer alone.

"What brings you to my humble abode, fellow Daoist?" she inquired, her voice steady, yet edged with caution.

She gracefully rose from her seated position, her movements fluid and elegant, embodying both poise and alertness.

One should note that her cultivation room was laden with intricate defensive formations, meticulously arranged to create a formidable barrier that shielded her from the outside world.

Each formation was a testament to her skill and dedication, designed not only to protect her during her meditative practices but also to enhance her connection with the Dao.

It was perilous to be disturbed while cultivating; such interruptions could lead to a qi deviation, a dangerous consequence that could jeopardize her progress and even her life.

Many practitioners had fallen victim to this fate, their ambitions shattered by a single moment of distraction.

Now, as she sensed the presence of the stranger who had entered her sacred space so easily and silently, the lovely woman felt a surge of unease.

She quickly realized that she was not merely facing an intruder but an expert—someone with a profound understanding of formations, capable of bypassing her defenses without triggering a single alarm.

The very fact that he had entered her room undetected suggested that he was not only skilled but possibly someone whose cultivation base surpassed her own.

A chill ran down her spine at the thought. The implications were simply staggering!

"I want to make you my wife, fellow Daoist," our overpowered main character declared, his voice steady as he returned the courtesy of the title.

He didn't see anything wrong with his request, especially considering that this woman stood at the pinnacle of power in the city.

Her strength and beauty were undeniable, and he found himself captivated by the idea of having her by his side.

The woman regarded him with a mix of surprise and caution. "I am honored by your kind sentiment, but I'm already married. Please seek your woman elsewhere," she replied, shaking her head gently.

She was well aware of her beauty, confident that she could easily be considered the most stunning woman in the city.

However, her marital status rendered his proposal impossible, a barrier that felt insurmountable despite the allure of his words.

"To a man who is now half dead," he countered, his tone calm and unwavering. "It matters not, for you remain pure and untouched. Your potential remains unblemished, and I see great promise in you. Still, I am not here empty-handed. Marry me, and your husband will awaken from his slumber, restored to life and vigor. Deny me, and you will face the consequences of such rejection—a curse that could follow you for all eternity. Think carefully before you decide."

His words hung in the air, heavy with implications. The woman felt a shiver run down her spine as she considered the weight of his offer.

Unfortunately for her, she would soon discover the true meaning behind our overpowered main character's words.