Chapter 7 Music

Everyone had their own theories, their whispers filling the halls of both powerful clans and common households alike. 

How could someone like Quinn, who had once been nothing more than an ordinary mortal, capture the attention—and hand—of someone as extraordinary as Lady Aurora? 

Many found it impossible to believe, and rumors spiraled out of control. Some speculated that he had stumbled upon a rare treasure or technique, others thought he must have blackmailed her, and a few even suggested he was under divine favor. 

But despite all the speculation, no one could get a definitive answer.

At home, Quinn—now our overpowered protagonist—faced interrogation from his parents and siblings. They demanded to know how this improbable engagement had come to be. 

His father, a man of stern logic, asked him outright how he could possibly explain winning the favor of a cultivator at Lady Aurora's level. 

His mother, while more tender, was just as curious, and his siblings bombarded him with questions of their own.

Calmly, Quinn offered a simple answer: "Lady Aurora fell in love with me at first sight. She just can't resist my charm at all." The explanation was absurd, almost laughable. 

How could someone as powerful and calculating as Lady Aurora, who had lived through centuries and seen countless men, fall for him, a man who just months ago was considered a worthless mortal? 

It was a story no one in their right mind would believe. And yet, he stuck to it. He repeated it with such confidence and nonchalance that eventually, his family had no choice but to accept it—or at least pretend to.

There was a moment of awkward silence as they exchanged uncertain glances. They didn't believe him, of course, but what else could they do? 

The engagement had already been announced, and Lady Aurora's immense power meant no one dared challenge the union. 

In the end, they relented, brushing aside their doubts. From that moment on, they treated him like a king.

His life transformed almost overnight. He was moved from his modest quarters into a massive courtyard, befitting someone of his new status. 

The space was luxurious, far grander than anything he had ever dreamed of, filled with ornate decorations, vast gardens, and beautiful architecture. 

Servants now waited on him hand and foot, attending to his every need. 

He had slaves who cleaned and prepared meals, and maidservants who were constantly at his beck and call, ready to fulfill his every whim.

At the gates of his new home, a personal retinue of guards stood vigilant, ensuring that no one dared disturb him. 

Their loyalty was absolute, and their presence only cemented his newfound authority. 

The days of being looked down upon, ignored, and treated as insignificant were gone. 

The Quinn Thorne of the past, the man who had been dismissed as a weakling and a nobody, no longer existed. 

In his place was a man of power, a man whose every move commanded respect.

It wasn't even wrong to say that Quinn now held more prestige than the clan patriarch and all the elders combined. 

His engagement to Lady Aurora had elevated him to an untouchable status, one that even the most powerful figures in his clan could not contest. 

One should know that Lady Aurora was the top powerhouse of the Harlow clan, a figure so revered that she stood above even Patriarch Darius himself.

If Patriarch Darius could destroy the entire Throne Clan with a mere wave of his hand, Lady Aurora could do far worse—inflicting devastation with even less effort. 

Her power was the stuff of legends, and now, by association, Quinn shared in that power. 

No one dared to cross him, for fear of invoking the wrath of Lady Aurora. 

And with that came a level of respect and deference that surpassed even the highest-ranking members of his clan.

Life had done a complete reversal. Just a month ago, Quinn had lived in relative obscurity, struggling to make a name for himself in a world that had long since written him off. 

But now, with Lady Aurora by his side and his engagement to her solidified, he found himself at the center of attention. 

His every action was scrutinized, every word listened to carefully, and his presence commanded admiration and fear alike.

He could still remember the looks on the faces of those who once belittled him. Now they bowed, their attitudes transformed. 

Those who once sneered at his weakness now whispered words of flattery and praise, eager to align themselves with him. 

The world had turned upside down, and he reveled in the irony.

Life was truly full of surprises, as long as one refused to give up.


One month later, every corner of Lotus Grove City was adorned with exquisite decorations, a testament to the grandeur of the upcoming celebration. 

Banners fluttered in the gentle breeze, and lanterns hung from every tree, casting a warm glow that illuminated the streets. 

Even a blind man could sense the excitement in the air; the scent of joy and festivity filled the atmosphere, mingling with the tantalizing aroma of fine food from nearby stalls. 

At the Thorne Clan, influential figures from all walks of life gathered to witness the wedding of Lady Aurora and Quinn. 

This was a monumental occasion, and they couldn't afford to miss it, especially given Aurora's status as one of the city's top powerhouses.

The very thought of disrespecting her was unthinkable, for a long-lived cultivator had a long memory, and any slight could be repaid in kind, often in unexpected and devastating ways.

The grand occasion was filled with guests, each one dressed in their finest robes, eager to catch a glimpse of the union between two remarkable figures. 

The atmosphere buzzed with whispers and laughter as friends and acquaintances exchanged pleasantries, their eyes alight with anticipation.

"Friends, guests, and fellow daoists, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Quinn and Aurora. The two of them will—" Patriarch Leander began, presiding over the wedding ceremony, his voice echoing in the grand hall. 

Everything seemed to be proceeding smoothly, and the atmosphere was one of joy and celebration.

However, just as he spoke, the atmosphere shifted dramatically as some uninvited guests chose to crash the event.

"Bang!" A powerful force surged from the east, sending ripples of energy through the crowd. 

Gasps of disbelief spread among the gathered cultivators, all struck by the sheer might of the new arrival. 

The air crackled with tension, and conversations halted as everyone turned toward the source of the disturbance.

"This is…" an elderly powerhouse exclaimed, his eyes widening in recognition. 

He had fought alongside this formidable expert before and knew the spiritual signature all too well. 

It was a man that commanded respect, one that heralded both power and prestige.

In the blink of an eye, a striking man in elegant azure robes descended gracefully on a giant flying sword, the blade gleaming under the sun. 

His arrival was nothing short of spectacular, and all eyes were drawn to him as he landed effortlessly before the stunned crowd.

"I'm not late, am I, Aurora?" he called out, his tone laced with humor and confidence, as though he had simply come to join a gathering of friends rather than crash a wedding.

"Sword Saint Tristan!" gasps erupted from the crowd as they finally recognized the bold intruder who had barged into the ceremony. 

Whispers of astonishment rippled through the assembly; it was one thing to hear tales of the legendary Sword Saint, but quite another to see him in person, disrupting a prestigious event.

Everyone's gaze shifted from the Sword Saint to Lady Aurora, and then finally to Quinn. 

They knew that within the next few breaths, a major confrontation was inevitable.