My part and yours.

"Is that a finger?" Luna asked, with a gasp.

Phoebe nodded.

"A human bone that was used as a talisman, this is the third case i have seen with this kind of thing. I am starting to think that the source is the same. Let's see what this one is for...."

She turned the feathers over, looking at them keenly for a good five minutes with a frown on her face. By her side, the Saxon spirit maintained perfect silence, waiting for Phoebe to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Just when the spirit was beginning to think that Phoebe would not understand, she figured it out and gasped loudly.

"Wealth transfer!" she exclaimed.

On thinking about it even more, the Elithera's did face significant financial troubles after the death of Duncan. Within three years, they went from a top five family to paupers.