A polite Cassie, good heavens!

It took a while and two glasses of lemon glass iced tea for Phoebe to settle down and put away the unease from the crazy ghost therapist.

When the Saxon spirit tried to bring her up, Phoebe would not hear of it. She did not want to think about the woman ever again. Killing a child was an abomination to her.

Slowly, Phoebe and the spirit rearranged her office, putting everything back where it had been. When that task was completed, she left her cafe and took an elevator to her apartment.

"How do you feel about tomorrow child?" The Saxon spirit asked on their way up.

Phoebe sighed, it was another subject she did not wish to discuss but also wanted to talk about at the same time. It was her birthday with the Mayfair's who were quite excited which also kind of made her excited.

She was aware that her parents especially her mother was planning a surprise for her. Phoebe was anticipating and dreading it at the same time.