Aunt Maureen returns.

"I apologize for her, she is...." David could not find the words to describe Katherine, the only one that rung in his mind was crazy.

"A fool." Rose-bell suggested, "Ignore her, let us chat and catch up, is it true that the Cooks are sharing fluids with other people?"

Some of the men groaned.

"No, talk about something else, nobody wants to imagine Dorothy Cook like that, she is grandma's age for crying out loud!" Newton Saxon wrinkled his nose.

"But it's all anyone is talking about," Rose-bell whined, she looked at Phoebe and smiled. "No offense but your trial has not exactly made sweet waves. All anyone is going to remember is Dorothy's ousting."

The conversation moved to the bribery and suspicions about who else had possibly participated in it. Rex's name came up a lot and it was not surprising because Dorothy was his minion, it was doubtful that he was not aware.