Two faced, like a coin.

"Oh my God, I heard everything about that lunatic cuckoo," Luna gasped and expressed herself melodramatically, rolling her eyes and throwing her arms out while grunting. It was so over the top that Phoebe managed a laugh and Connie snorted derisively.

"She is just like you." The Saxon spirit whispered to the teenage girl.

Connie pouted and vanished into the space; she was in one of her sulky tantrum moods suddenly, so the spirit followed in order to coax her.

Phoebe sighed, "How did this become my life?" she mumbled. She had a moody teenage ghost, a mothering one that was always in her business, a happy one that was obsessed with food and America, the intellectual one.

Then she had friends like Evelyn the scattered one who could not settle, Luna the maniac and Shanna the intellectual.