Exposing Dickson.

The tears were genuine because Margaret felt like the world had squeezed, she and her son into a tight corner. They were not the most well-liked Saxon's, not by the public and not even in the family. Lately, it seemed more and more as if everyone was coming after them, relatives wanted Dickson out of the company and off the board. A position which he had earned rightfully as the only son of his father.

Had he married Phoebe at least they would have the Mayfair wealth to back up on when his business collapsed, and the board decided to kick him out of active participation in the Saxon group, but he did not.

Dickson had divulged to her that things were not looking great when it came to the business lately. The investors had pulled out completely, DP holdings wanted a return on investment because DC pharma had breached a clause in the contract. The victims of the fake vaccine were reportedly getting ready to sue Dickson for hundreds of millions.