Margaret's accusations hung heavily in the air, she was right, many people on tower grounds had a reason to kill Dickson. Some had made it obvious verbally and others had attacked him physically. But. of course, nobody was foolish enough to admit to it and the denials started.
They shrugged, muttered, talked about their alibis and distanced themselves from the crime whether they were guilty or not. As long as there was no evidence, all of Margaret's accusations were baseless.
As the Saxons denied having anything to do with Dickson's death, David stepped away to make a call to Phoebe. He did not want his woman to be caught off guard by the news of Dickson's death.
He was Margaret's entire reason for existing, she was obsessed with her son. No doubt, she would go looking for the Mayfair's and lay these accusations at their feet, Phoebe especially.
The phone rang five times before she picked up. "Good morning my darling....." Phoebe voice rhymed with joy.