In Silver nation.

Maureen growled a warning to Andre; the sound was like that of a wolf on the precipice of an attack. Phoebe could not help thinking that Andre was treading in very dangerous waters. Maureen was not a woman to cross.

[This fool!! His mouth is really troublesome. You are skating on thin ice brother, thin ice.]

Old lady Mayfair was not sure what they were up to, but she was displeased for sure. "Phoebe, I hate to go all in on your personal business, but you said they would be helping out in the cafe."

"Nana, helping out is more than serving coffee, selling potions and faking smiles. Ghost work is also cafe work, our main work as a matter of fact. Haven't you always been worried when I go out to work cases on my own?" Phoebe put her hands on her grandmother's shoulders and turned her back in the direction of the door. "Now, you won't have to worry anymore because I have help. We will be back in a jiffy."