Secretly Following (Part II)

Thana adjusted the robe she wore to blend in with the celestial staff, her usual dark cloak replaced for the day's work. The grand feast was drawing closer, and the heavenly realm's bustling activity was a testament to its importance. She had seamlessly integrated into the everyday routine, moving among the celestial workers with the practiced ease of someone accustomed to disguise.

The palace was fully occupied with preparations. Celestial cooks, decorators, and servants moved through the halls in preparation for the grand occasion. The tempting aromas of delicious meals filled the air, blending with the lively sounds of laughter.

Thana's eyes, however, were focused on the female servant, who had been suspicious since day one.

The servant, a young woman with a worried expression, was overseeing the arrangements for the feast. She, adjusted table settings, and spoke in hushed tones with other workers, her demeanor tense and hurried. Thana watched her closely from the edge of the kitchen, pretending to help.

"Need any help with that?" Thana asked a nearby worker, her voice light and casual.

The worker glanced up, clearly focused on their task. "It's alright, my lady."

Thana nodded, while her gaze occasionally flickered toward the female servant, who seemed to be constantly checking her surroundings and whispering to unseen contacts.

Later in the day, Thana found a quiet spot in a secluded part of the palace gardens. She pulled out a small enchanted scroll and quickly wrote down her observations about the servant's behavior. The scroll's magic allowed it to send messages directly, ensuring that her communication would not be detected.

The message read: "The female servant is acting suspiciously. She appears anxious and is in frequent contact with unknown individuals. It seems she might be involved in a plot against the Supreme Heavenly Lord. I will continue to monitor her activities closely."

With a murmured incantation, Thana sent the scroll off to the Supreme Heavenly Lord's chambers, hoping he would receive it in time. She knew that the grand feast would be a perfect time for them to move, and the information she gathered could be critical in preventing any potential threat.

As evening approached, she made sure to keep an eye on the female servant, who was now moving with even more urgency. The servant occasionally glanced over her. Thana's suspicion grew stronger with each passing hour.

In the midst of her routine, Thana overheard a snippet of conversation from a couple of celestial workers nearby.

"Have you heard? The Supreme Heavenly Lord is being extra cautious this year," one worker said, her voice low.

"Yes, but that's not stopping the plans," the other replied. "Tonight's the night. If everything goes as planned, we'll finally make our move."

The plans were indeed set for the grand feast. She had to stay vigilant and ensure that the Supreme Heavenly Lord was aware of the impending danger.

The grand feast commenced, transforming the palace into a display of luxury and magnificence. The halls sparkled with golden chandeliers, and tables overflowed with lavish delicacies. Celestials, deities, and guests interacted, their joyous laughter and chatter resonating throughout the space.

Thana continued her role, blending in seamlessly. She noted the extra security and the Supreme Heavenly Lord's rare appearances among the guests. He was ever the picture of grace and authority, exchanging pleasantries and overseeing the festivities with an air of calm.

Despite the lively atmosphere, Thana kept her focus on the female servant. The servant was now moving more cautiously, casting furtive glances and whispering to a small group of individuals who seemed equally nervous.

During a brief lull in the festivities, Thana took the opportunity to slip away and send another message. She found a quiet alcove near the palace gardens, her mind racing as she quickly scribbled her latest observations.

"The traitors are active. The female servant and her accomplices are making their move. Please be on alert."

She sent the scroll off magic, hoping that the Supreme Heavenly Lord would receive it in time to take necessary precautions.

The night was wearing on, and the atmosphere in the hall was a mix of revelry and mounting tension. Thana could sense that the time for action was drawing near.

The female servant was now acting more conspicuously. She was moving towards a secluded corner of the palace, her steps were quick. Thana followed at a distance, careful to remain out of sight.

The servant reached a hidden door and quickly unlocked it. Thana watched as the servant slipped inside, closing the door behind her. Thana moved closer to find out what was going on.

Once the servant had disappeared into the hidden room, Thana waited a moment before carefully approaching the door. She pressed her ear against it, reaching to hear any sounds from within.

Voices drifted through the door—muffled but distinct. The traitors were meeting, discussing their plans. Thana's heart raced as she listened, knowing that this information could be crucial.

The conversation was filled with talk of their plans for the feast and how they intended to overthrow the Supreme Heavenly Lord. Thana could barely contain her anxiety. If their plans were successful, it could spell disaster for the heavenly realm.

Eager to gather as much information as she could, Thana patiently waited for the noise to settle. She quietly walked through the hidden door, and gently entered the room.

Inside, she discovered a small group of people was gathered around a table. There was a map of the palace and they seemed to be finalizing their plans. Thana's presence was unnoticed for now, but she knew she had to be careful.

Thana edged closer to the table, her eyes scanning the map and the notes scattered across it. The traitors were clearly well organized, and their plan was meticulously detailed. She mentally noted the key points of their strategy, knowing she would need to report this to the Supreme Heavenly Lord immediately.

As she continued to observe, one of the traitors looked up, sensing something amiss. Thana froze, her heart pounding in her chest. She needed to get out before she was discovered.

With a swift and silent movement, Thana slipped back through the hidden door, closing it gently behind her. She made her way back to the palace's main hall, her mind racing with thoughts of how to relay the critical information.

Once she was safely back among the crowd, Thana took another moment to compose herself. The feast was still in full swing, and the Supreme Heavenly Lord was mingling with guests, unaware of the imminent danger.

Thana took a deep breath and pulled out her enchanted scroll. She quickly wrote down everything she had learned, including details about the traitors' plans and their intended actions. The scroll would be her lifeline to ensuring that the Supreme Heavenly Lord was fully informed and prepared.

With a whispered incantation, Thana sent the scroll off to the Supreme Heavenly Lord's chambers. She could only hope that her efforts would be enough to prevent the disaster she had just uncovered.