Chapter 18 World of Magic and Swords

In another realm, there's a place completely different from Alexander's world. In the vast emptiness of space, a blue and green planet that is three times larger than Earth, can be seen.

Massive void worms that is large as an enormous ship, trying to breach the planet's atmosphere, but a barrier surrounds the planet, making their attempts futile.

Even with their thousands of razor-sharp, needle-like teeth trying to bite through the barrier, their efforts were futile, forcing them to flee from boredom with no results from their efforts.

The scene then zoomed in on the planet, revealing vast oceans stretching for millions of miles. Some sea creatures, never before seen or documented by science, roamed its waters.

The view then shifted to the continent.

Towering mountains dominated the landscape, and above them flew a beast the size of a large ship.