Chapter 8 : [Geumho Station (2)]

It's been three days since the group arrived at Geumho Station.

Here, everything was simple. You chose which group to join, the Major group are the Minor group.

The Major group has the responsibility to feed everyone by going outside and looking for food in the area while the Minor group stays in the station, waiting for food.

Cheon Inho, the Station leader : "It's only fair that the Major group members are fed more than the Minor group members since they are risking their lives for everyone, right ?"

Nobody could deny that, it was pure logic.

Bang Cheolsu, one of the Major group supervisor : "If those of the Minor group want more food, they can still join us whenever they want."

Naturally, the Minor group was constituted of the weakest people, those who beg our heroes for food when they arrived.

Some of them tried to join the Major group but most of these people ended up being reported as "Poisoned in the fog".

Our crew joined the Major group since they are strong enough.

The only one hesitating was Lee Hyunsung, the strong-looking army guy but he didn't want to leave the others.

Yu Junghyoek decide to stay until the fog clears up since traveling through the subway is too dangerous for him alone and the others will stay at Geumho Station, they have no reason to leave.

They all were given special face masks, it was the first time Yu Junghyoek saw an item information panel.



TYPE : Armor

GRADE : Ordinary



[Lvl1] (Ordinary)

*This Item has been reinforced by an incarnation


~So… Someone here can grant object some effects ?~ Yu Junghyoek notices.

Then, they were separated into raiding groups of three people. Choi Hangyu went with two stranger without asking anyone so Yu Junghyoek, Lee Hyunsung and Kim Namwoon stuck together.

They went to the surface, it was hard to breath but thanks to the mask they could survive for at least thirty minutes outside and they managed to bring back a lot of food. However, most of it was kept in the Major group tent.

Cheon Inho : "We don't know when this scenario will ended so we have to save some for now."

Even if the Minor group was only fed enough to stay alive, everyone felt like he was right.

Since Yu Junghyoek was in the Major group, he could eat almost as much as he wanted.

~I still need to find my sister but right now, the poisoned fog is too hard to survive and those subways are full of Ground rats, I can't go right now. I need to wait for the scenario to end and gather as much coin as possible.~ Yu Junghyoek plans.

However, Yu Junghyoek didn't earn a single coin in those three days.

The third day, a really hungry old woman, named Seyna Kim, joined the Major group and was designed to follow Yu Junghyoek's raider group. She was weak, hardly surviving in the fog and carrying less food than the other but she could do something interesting to Yu Junghyoek.

Seyna Kim : "Yu Junghyoek, what is a 'Pro Gamer' ?"

~How does she know these words, don't tell me…~ Yu Junghyoek realizes.

Yu Junghyoek : "I see you got yourself a useful skill. A Pro Gamer is a good video game player."

She has the [ (Ordinary)] skill grant by her [(Ordinary)] attribute. It is not the only attribute giving this skill which explains it's low rarity. However, it was the first Time Yu Junghyoek encountered someone with it.

Before the apocalypse she was a reporter, which allowed her to develop this attribute.

~It's a pretty solid skill since she can guess the dangerosity of someone based on his attribute.~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.

When they were alone, Yu Junghyoek asked her to reveal the others' information she has.

Seyna Kim : "Well, Kim Namwoon is an 'Prince Of Darkness' which is Epic grade and Lee Hyunsung is a 'Justice Concerned Soldier', Ordinary grade."

Yu Junghyoek : "And what about the others ?"

Seyna Kim : "Most of the Major are 'Gangster' or 'Bully' so I believe they knew each other before the apocalypse. Cheon Inho is an 'Inborn Leader' which is rare."

Yu Junghyoek nods.

Her : "In the Minor group, one is 'Truth seeker' like me, there are many 'Lucky to survive', 'Crunched personality' and 'Grateful followers'."

When they get back to the station, the supervisor Bang Cheolsu looked at them surprised.

They get inside and put their food in the storage box.

Cheon Inho is sitting in front of a map.

When they leave the tent, Lee Hyunsung tries to talk to his comrades.

"Guys, I need to tell you something important… Don't you feel strange about-"

Bang Cheolsu, loud : "Listen up raider !"

Lee Hyunsung stops talking instantly.

Bang Cheolsu : "I will take group 3 and 4 with me, we will go to Daldang. Group 9, come show us the way."

~Group 9, it's us !~ Lee Hyunsung realizes.

~But why are we all going, it's a small store ?~