Chapter 21 : [Flag Fishers (4)]


Talks : " "

Thoughts : ~ ~

System messages : [ ]

Subway map from the Seoul Metropolitan Government :


Ki Kangdae : "The Brawl King army is here !"

Kong Pildu : "And the King ?"

Ki Kangdae : "I couldn't..."

Brawl King, loud and clear : "Alright Chungmuro ! I am Baekho Kim, also known as the Brawl King ! Who is your leader !?"

Yu Junghyoek approaches : "I led the attack on your weak men !"

~Kong Pildu can't leave his zone so it's better if I pretend to be the leader of Chungmuro until we learn more about the Brawl King abilities.~ He thinks.

Brawl King, to one of his ally : "Does he have the leader attribute ?"

His ally : "The leader attribute is hidden until one's become a King."

Brawl King, loud : "So you are no King, why did you threaten us, don't you know what a King is capable of ?"

~Nice, an opening !~ Yu Junghyoek realizes.

Yu Junghyoek : "I have never seen a King once in my life, but I will all make them kneel in front of me."

Brawl King : "You will be surprised to..."

Yu Junghyoek, talking over him : "Now kneel, poor King !"

The Brawl King glares at Yu Junghyoek : "You son of a *****"

[The Brawl King's special skill has been activated]

Holographics walls appears around Yu Junghyoek and the Brawl King forming a cube.

[You entered the Brawl King's Arena]

[You can't leave the Arena]

[The Brawl King will soon choose the weapon allowed]

Brawl King : "I am sorry but I am not a sword guy like you."

[The Brawl King selected a Fist Fight]

[Only Fist are allowed]

Yu Junghyoek's sword disappears.

Him : "What is happening ?"

Brawl King : "Don't worry, it will come back when the fight is over."

He gets into a fighting stance that Yu Junghyoek never saw in his life.

Yu Junghyoek : "What is this style ?"

Brawl King : "Street style."

He slowly approaches Yu Junghyoek.

~He covers his head but not his chest.~ Yu Junghyoek sees.

He tries to punch the Brawl King but it was a trap, he catch his arm and twists it until it almost breaks.

Yu Junghyoek screams in pain : "HAaa !!"

The Brawl King doesn't let him recover as he kick him in the leg so hard that Yu Junghyoek fall on the ground.

Yu Junghyoek grabbs his foot but the Brawl King crushes his face with his knee.

When he gets back, everyone sees that Yu Junghyoek has already fainted.

The Brawl King searches Yu Junghyoek for a flag but he finds nothing.

Brawl King : "He wasn't the Leader ?"

The cube disappears, he turns to his soldiers.

"Find the hidden leader !"

They all scream while attacking the station : "WAaa !"

Soon there are a lot of blood, screams and metal noices only covered by gunfire sounds. Kim Namwoon's Aura blade is slaughtering his opponent, Lee Hyunsung's punch makes the whole station shake, Kong Pildu's holographic bullets are flying everywhere.

~Yu Junghyoek didn't lie about the strength of his companions, however our enemies are pretty decent too.~ Kong Pildu analyses.

Among the enemies, a women is using a magik-looking whip to destroy everything around her like a tornado. Moreover, a man is shoots lightning with his sword and another one looks like he can control some ground rats.

~There are so many powers that we have never seen before, I need to grow stronger if I want to protect my squad !~ Lee Hyunsung realises.

However, the strongest of all the opponent in this room is the Brawl King who is moving so fast that no one can touch him. It looks like he has dozens of fist hitting the entire battlefield by himself.

Yu Junghyoek slowly wakes up, he is close to Kong Pildu's property.

Kong Pildu : "How could you told me we would win ? They are so strong !?"

Yu Junghyoek : "Kof... Don't forget, the most important part is when we take the flag, we need to be fast so be ready !"

Kong Pildu : "What the hell are you talking about !? We are never taking that flag !"

Ki Kangdae, shooting at the enemies : "I see three more people comming at us from the subways !"

Yu Junghyoek, walking to Kong Pildu : "I used my main card a long time ago, even before the fight beggan..."

Brawl King, listening to one of those Ki Kangdae just saw coming : "What are you saying ?! An attack ?"

Yu Junghyoek : "Our prisoner told us a lot about the Brawl King's enemies so I send Seyna Kim to spread the rumor that there are lot of fighter leaving the main station for some time."

Brawl King, loud : "Dang Heejin ! Take the others and get back to defend, I will take care of this station myself !"

The woman fighting with the whip leaves with most of the strong fighters, their only is the Brawl King and some small fries left.

Kim Namwoon, Lee Hyunsung and Yu Junghyoek regroup.

Lee Hyunsung : "There is still the strongest one."

Kim Namwoon : "Which so happen to have their flag."

Yu Junghyoek : "If we take the flag before the other groups take over their station we could add all those good fighters who left into our group."

Lee Hyunsung : "The King too ?"

Yu Junghyoek : "If you manage to take his flag without killing him, yes."

Kong Pildu : "Hey the three of you ! Stop talking and bring me his flag !"

Kim Namwoon : "And he gets to become even more powerfull thanks to us."

Yu Junghyoek : "We don't have time to fight among ourself, the enemies are in front of us."

The three of them reach the Brawl King.

~He can't do much against the three of us~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.

Lee Hyunsung tries to punch him but he dodges, Kim Namwoon almost cuts him with his aura blade but the Brawl King manages to avoid once more. Yu Junghyoek's sword almost pierce his shoulder before the Brawl King activates his special skill.

Brawl King : "Three vs One... This isn't fair ! Lucky for me, it's time for round two."

[The Brawl King's special skill has been activated]

Holographics walls appears around Lee Hyunsung and the Brawl King forming a cube.

[You entered the Brawl King's Arena]

[You can't leave the Arena]

[The Brawl King will soon choose the weapon allowed]

Yu Junghyoek, smiling : "Poor King, you picked the wrong guy to a hand fight..."

Brawl King : "This armless guy !? I think I can do some.."

He stops talking as he sees Lee Hyunsung serious look.

Lee Hyunsung : "You had a lot of fun with Yu Junghyoek back then... Now is your turn to EAT KNEES."