Layla's muffled sobs

"Hmm. That explains it," Ruby said with a faint smile. "Layla, I'm really sorry again for not telling you anything. A lot was going on, and I didn't want to burden you when your problems seemed bigger than mine."

"Please stop apologizing," Layla replied warmly. "Just promise me you'll tell me whenever you're in trouble. By the way, do you have a new number now?"

"Yes. Wait, let me call you," Ruby said, pulling out her phone from her clutch.

Layla's eyes widened in surprise as Ruby dialed. "You remember my number?"

"Of course," Ruby replied with a small laugh, giving her friend a missed call. She hesitated before adding, "I might be getting engaged soon. I'll let you know when it happens."

"Of course, keep me updated," Layla said, saving Ruby's number in her phone.

Ruby glanced toward Lucius and David, both sitting at their table with watchful expressions. "We should leave. Our men are waiting," she said with a slight nod toward them.