Carry your sin

"Out of all the paths you could have taken, you chose the one that would destroy you. You could have better friends than him, but you never listened to me "

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she pushed forward.

"Lucius, I never imagined Vladimir would continue his search for so long," she whispered. "I thought I had escaped him."

Lucius's expression remained unreadable. Then, with a calm tone, he spoke again.

"Tell me the rest of the truth."

Evelina hesitated, but the torment in her son's gaze forced her to continue.

"Vladimir was behind Antoine's death," she admitted, and a sob escaped her lips. "He planned the attack… He wanted to force me out of hiding. When he found out I had married Alekis, he wanted to make me suffer. Killing Antoine and you were his way of delivering a message. He didn't know you were his son."