Layla shifted on the mattress and felt the absence of her husband. As her hand moved on it, she realized Lucius was not bed and promptly she opened her eyes.
"Lucius!" Layla sat up and turned around to find him on the chair, ready in an attire as if he was heading somewhere.
Lucius, who had taken a nap on the same chair, stood up to approach her. "Good morning, Wife." He planted a soft kiss in the middle of her forehead and smiled. "I scared you, didn't I? By the way, I am heading to Russia," he said as he sat before her.
"Why?" Layla was shocked to hear that first thing in the morning.
"To catch Vladimir before he flees. Don't worry. This time I am completely ready, Layla. I will bring his empire down because only I can do that," Lucius stated with a determined gaze.
"Lucius, take me with you," she said.