An Advice

Ewan watched absentmindedly as the butler kept a tray of cookies and tea on the table. 

Opposite him was Zane's father, Herbert, reading a newspaper. 

Ewan didn't bother to ask how the older man had gotten his hands on today's paper, when it was barely six a.m. The man had his ways. 

What grasped his attention however, was the headlines of the first page. 

'Ewan Giacometti at the brink of deterioration?' 

Ewan balled his fists. If the news was already on papers, then everyone in the city would see it soon, everyone would know of his incompetence. 

His fists flexed and then relaxed. At this rate he won't be surprised if his heart gave up on him.

 He let himself inhale and exhale softly. This too shall pass away.

Then he continued checking out the paper. It was in the process that he discovered the owners of the paper. It was the KN press!