Boss Woman

"How was Gianna this morning?" 

Athena opened her tablet, as she questioned Aiden, her driver and bodyguard. 

To the outsiders, he was a mere driver with lean muscles, but Athena had trained with him in the same martial arts academy, and knew what he was capable of. 

She was actually honored to have him, even though he claimed that he was the one honored to serve her.

"Gianna looked downtrodden this morning. She tried covering her dull face with make-up, and an earnestness to work, but I thought she still looked sad. I think she will also be working late today; she told me to let you know that you should pick up the kids after school." 

Athena sighed, and looked up. 

Gianna and Zane. 

Could she hold back her thirst for the knowledge of their history? How long will she be able to hold on?

 "And the twins? How are they?" 

"Just the same. Only that they seemed sad about something."

A pause.