Maker Of Bad Decisions

Athena looked at the strand of light brown hair in her hand with a cursory contemplation. 

The hair strand was similar to Luca's, yet she had to confirm. 

She picked her phone from her dresser and called a colleague, whom she trusted enough to be discreet and fair about the matter.

 "Hello Chelsea, I need a favor…" 

When she was done with the call, she placed the strand of hair into a small transparent polythene bag, and put it into a compartment of her drawer; where she was sure her children wouldn't bother trespassing—she didn't need any form of contamination. 

After that, she walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen to bake a chocolate cake for the children. 

Cakes were Friday rituals. 

Because the day preceded the weekend, Athena had slotted it in for diverse cooking and baking experiences, as it helped her to spend more time with her children in the kitchen.

Today was different though, her children had a visitor.