Chapter 19: The Plan Unfolds

Arthur, Seraphine, and Volt crept through the dark cavern, the weight of their task heavy in the air. The enormous, grotesque spider loomed in the distance, surrounded by its legion of mutated offspring. Its many eyes glistened in the dim light, and the entire cavern seemed to pulse with a foreboding energy.

Seraphine clenched her fists, her fiery aura barely contained. "We need to move fast. That thing is far more dangerous than anything we've faced so far."

Volt nodded, sparks crackling around him. "We can't afford to fight it head-on. It's too risky. If we can draw its attention away, the others can take out the core."

Arthur listened quietly, his thoughts elsewhere. While his teammates could sense the danger of the creature, they had no idea of the true nature of what they were up against. Arthur could feel the monster's connection to something ancient, something far beyond the comprehension of anyone here. But that wasn't important to them right now. His focus had to remain on the mission: distracting the beast and destroying the core.

Arthur nodded, bringing his attention back to the group. "Let's head back. The others need to know what we're dealing with."

They carefully made their way out of the cavern and back to the rest of the teams. When they arrived, Seraphine was quick to explain what they had seen.

"There's a massive mutated spider guarding the dungeon core," she said. "It's surrounded by smaller mutated ones, and it's more powerful than anything we've encountered so far. But if we can distract it, the others can get to the core and destroy it."

The rest of the students looked uneasy. Adam, who had been injured earlier, grimaced as he listened. His arm was bandaged, but he was still standing, determined not to be left out. "So, what's the plan?"

Arthur stepped forward, his presence commanding. "We split into two teams. Seraphine, Volt, and I will be the distraction. We'll lure the monster and its minions away from the core. The rest of you—Adam, Elara, and the others—will use that opportunity to get to the core and destroy it. Once the core is gone, we should be able to break out of this dungeon."

Adam frowned. "You sure you can handle that thing? It sounds like it could tear you apart."

Volt smirked, his confidence unshaken. "Don't worry about us. Just focus on getting to the core and breaking it."

Elara, her face pale from the mention of the mutated spiders, nodded shakily. "We'll do our part. Just keep that monster off us long enough."

Arthur gave her a reassuring smile. "We've got this."

The plan was set, and they moved quickly. The air in the dungeon was thick with tension as they returned to the cavern. Arthur's team moved into position, ready to act as the distraction while the others circled around toward the core.

As they prepared to make their move, Volt looked over at Arthur. "You sure about this? That thing feels like it's going to be a lot of trouble."

Arthur's expression didn't change. "I'm sure. We just need to hold its attention long enough. Stick to the plan, and we'll get through this."

Volt nodded, though his usual cockiness was tempered by the seriousness of the situation. Seraphine took a deep breath, her eyes locked on the grotesque spider in the distance. "Let's do this."

With a signal from Arthur, they launched their attack.

Volt was the first to strike, sending bolts of lightning crackling across the cavern floor. The electric surge lit up the cave, catching the attention of the mutated spiders. They hissed and charged toward the group. Seraphine followed with a wave of fire, her flames scorching the ground and forcing the creatures back.

The enormous spider shifted, its many eyes locking onto the source of the commotion. It let out a guttural screech, its limbs unfurling as it began to move toward them. Arthur watched it closely, feeling its power as it lumbered forward. Despite its size and intimidating presence, Arthur remained calm. He could handle this creature without breaking a sweat, but the plan required patience. He wasn't here to crush it—yet.

Meanwhile, Adam, Elara, and the rest of the team took advantage of the distraction. They hurried along the side of the cavern, their eyes fixed on the glowing dungeon core that pulsed like a heartbeat in the distance. The path was littered with smaller mutated spiders, but with Arthur's team drawing the majority of them away, they managed to push forward.

As they got closer, Elara raised her hand, casting protective barriers around the group to shield them from stray attacks. "We're almost there!" she called out, her voice strained from the effort.

Adam gritted his teeth, his hand clenched around his sword. "Let's destroy that core and get out of here."

Back at the front, Arthur, Seraphine, and Volt were in the thick of the fight. The mutated spiders swarmed around them, but Arthur cut through them with precision, his movements fluid and controlled. Volt's lightning surged, keeping the creatures at bay, while Seraphine's flames scorched the ground, creating a barrier of fire.

The grotesque spider loomed closer, its massive form casting a shadow over the cavern. It hissed and lunged toward them, its jaws snapping with deadly force. Volt narrowly dodged the attack, rolling to the side as he sent a surge of electricity into the creature's side. It recoiled, but its eyes remained fixed on them.

"That thing is relentless!" Volt shouted, his breath labored.

Seraphine wiped sweat from her brow, her flames flickering. "We just need to hold it off a little longer. The others should be close to the core by now."

Arthur didn't respond, his focus entirely on the massive creature in front of him. As it lashed out again, he sidestepped with ease.

As the others neared the dungeon core, they could feel the power radiating from it. The glowing orb pulsed ominously, its light casting long shadows across the cavern floor. Elara, with a determined expression, prepared to cast her final spell to break it.

"Now!" Adam shouted, raising his sword to strike.

At the same moment, Arthur felt a shift in the air. The grotesque spider paused, its many eyes turning toward the core as if sensing the imminent destruction of its power source.

*It knows.* Arthur's heart raced, but he remained outwardly calm. He glanced at Volt and Seraphine. "Get ready. It's going to get desperate."

Sure enough, the creature let out a deafening screech and lunged with renewed fury. It knew its time was running out. But Arthur was ready.

As the spider charged, Arthur stepped forward, his aura flaring. He met its attack head-on, his movements swift and decisive. For the first time in the battle, he let his true strength show, and the cavern shook with the force of their clash.

Behind him, Adam and the others made their final move. Elara unleashed her spell, and with a brilliant flash of light, the dungeon core shattered.

The entire cavern trembled as the power holding the dungeon together began to collapse.


**To be continued.**


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Rise of the Strongest Harem King(DXD)