EP 2:- The Meeting And A Surprise of A Shadow

Then Shiro ran towards the exit with a question mark on his face. Then he took his bike and rushed towards his hideout. While he was driving he thought that he would get a dangerous mission which he always likes but this time he was having a weird feeling that was making him more curious to think what really Daniel wants to tell and what he wants this time?

Then he reached his hideout he pulled the lever and reached inside the hideout he saw those boring men who are always guarded with a rifle. Then he walked towards the cabin he saw many new and strong people in his gang. Shiro was quite surprised.

Then reached the cabin he saw that in the cabin Daniel was smoking and one person was there to and he was wearing a black T-shirt with full sleeves and his hair is black-blue and his right hand was having a big scar which was big that it was lining the whole arm. Shiro was quite confused because he was having three questions in his mind. Who is he? Why he is in Daniels office? And why I think that I know this guy?

Then Daniel called Shiro inside the office he came there and sat on the couch and there Shiro started to stare the man who has in his right hand. Then Daniel said "Shiro I called you because your missions are outstanding and completed well by this I am giving you a mission to find out the 2nd imposter who is among us and if you have any problem while investigating this man would help you to find the imposter. By the way this man's name is Shotoro he has many talent like finding clues, planning, sharpshooter, scout, disguise and stealth. He is great source for you. If get any problem or some issues call me."

Shiro said wait do I know this person. Daniel said "yes" you know him he was the one who saved you before get shot to death. He took the bullet and showed that he died. Shiro was shocked after hearing this and asked the next question "wait we just knew that there are only 1 imposter among us then how it turned to 2. Daniel replied "I also got shocked after eliminating the 1st imposter. I found a letter in his pocket which was telling that the 2nd imposter is way smarter than everybody in this gang so find him or her as fast as you could. I wish you all the best.

Then Shiro came out of the office and asked Shotoro what do you think who must be the imposter. Shotoro replied in a bored manner "Huh, you idiot you just think Daniel said that the imposter is a smart person so it's almost 60% of chance that Daniels close friends or members will be the imposter I guess because Daniel doesn't hide much things from the close ones that's my theory."Shiro said "This means Ken, Carlos, Ed and Theo in this only one may be an imposter. I suspect Theo because he argued with Daniel with some problems and by the way I will say that Ken is one more suspect because he the bodyguard of Daniel. He is closest one of Daniel.