EP 5:- Matsuda

Daniel said "Wait! Did you say Matsuda? He is a funny man. He doesn't like to work that much so lives inside my office". Shiro said "What? Than this means he checked the files now." Daniel Replied "No, The room is always dark when I'm not here and inside there are traps and outside there are armed guys. So he cannot even get a chance."

Shiro said can you please tell me the story. YES! Daniel replied and said "Matsuda was a whole different person back. He was a hacker and a gamer but he got arrested later for hacking which he didn't done so after that in jail he ran way successfully but when he was driving somebody shot his car and gone to coma 4 years. When he woke up he was much frightened and said where I am? After that one man came and said I'm your brother and he helped him he cared about him but later he died of heart attack. Matsuda said his Brother made this file and gave it to me he said when I will not be there to support you use this file to get help." That's it. Shiro said in anger "You actual idiot he made you fool after May he will be vanished."

Daniel turned his chair rudely and said ask Matsuda then. He is in the basement canteen. Go meet him. Shiro rushed towards the stairs and ran down and went to the canteen and saw there were many people in the canteen Shiro shouted Matsuda! If your here! If yes raise your hand.

Shiro saw that everybody was staring at him and none of the people were raising the hand and suddenly he saw one hand rising at the last bench. Shiro said in his mind "Well! He is brave for sure!" He gone to the last bench and saw a man with a rubix cube holding tightly and said "Welcome, Mister how may help you?" Shiro became angry and said "You are the imposter right? If no then me the actual story that what happened to you. If not it will be you and my bullet okay." 

Matsuda gives a smile and said "Hey, Control Mr. Anger or whatever is your name. I joined at January 13 and this was the day when my brother died. I cried at that time but it was my brother's last wish so that's why I joined this gang to help you all and if you want to put that bullet inside of head I'm ready I don't care because you will create a big mistake after killing me." Shiro said to himself "Well, He is smart. He knows that if I shoot him he would be dead and I at the same time. It's 50/50 that he is the imposter."

Shiro woke up and left the canteen before the leaving the canteen Shiro looked back and stared at Matsuda and said to himself he is much different person it's much hard to figure that he is imposter. For that I need clear evidence that proves me that Matsuda is the imposter. Shiro walked towards the lift and called the lift and entered and he pressed the 4th floor button to meet Daniel.

Shiro walked out of the lift and walked towards Daniels office. Shiro opened the door and Daniel said "Alright! What's the answer?" Shiro said "He is much different from others his words and his attitude makes me think that he is an imposter. A big point is that he acted like a man with carefree life."

Daniel threw a document on Shiro's face and said "Shiro this is his medical report the psychiatrist confirmed that he is a Disturbed Person. To keep him cool we have to make sure that we should treat him like a child not like a man." Shiro kept quiet and suddenly Shiro heard a voice behind Daniels couch. Shiro turned and checked who was it. He saw Shotoro with a Diary. Shiro said "Oh! Ok the shadow appeared again." Shotoro hands the diary to Shiro. Shiro takes the diary and opens it slowly he saw that this book was of the informer of Blue Ghoul and informers name was M. Kerr.

Shiro started reading he found that the Blue Ghouls are going to do a software deal with Magnus Toss a software designer at May 10 Time 7:00pm. In Yamaoka Castle or Resort. Shiro said to Shotoro "Hey! It's the today's date lets go." What's the time? Shotoro asked Shiro. Shiro saw the time at the wall clock which is behind Daniel's Closet. Shiro said its 6:00pm. Let's go come on.

Shiro ran outside and took some weapons lethal and non lethal. Shotoro came outside and saw Shiro with weapons in lethal Silenced Pistol [Beretta], Glass Cutter, Fiber Wire, lock picks x4, Rope. Shotoro was surprised to see that. Shiro said to Shotoro "Let's Go." Shiro took the bike towards Shotoro. Shotoro sat on it and Shiro used the map to its location.