EP 13:- Magical Night

Everyone sat inside the car. Ken drifted out of the car park. 

Everyone were enjoying singing and enjoying the ride. But Shiro and Rose were still sleeping. Everyone took for a long ride traveling half of the Tokyo.

Then suddenly Ken got a call from Daniel. Ken and everyone were confused why he called us now. Everyone became silent. Ken accepted the call and replied "Hello sir! How do I help you?"

Daniel replied while laughing "I know you all are enjoying. I'm giving you all 2 day leave you may enjoy moment and yeah I wired some money on your account. The amount is 35000¥."

Ken replied "Sir! what would I do of this amount?

Daniel replied "Use the amount on your trip. I was also going to come but I was busy checking the files." Ken replied "Oh really sir. But sir are you sure about the money you gave us?"

Daniel replied "Yes! Enjoy it. I won lottery and wished to give you."

Ken said "Thank you sir!"

Daniel replied suddenly "Um, did you saw Shiro? He didn't troubled me for work. Do you know where he is?" Ken said "Oh, sir he is with us and one more thing. He got a company.

Daniel said "Another bro like Shotoro?

Ken said "Nah! I don't know how to say this! Um... Like a supportive lover i would say."

Daniel went silent. Ken thought Daniel got a Trauma after hearing this.

Daniel said "WHAT THE HELL? STOP JOKING! HE IS NOT LIKE THAT!" Ken said "Sir this is true. I'm not trolling you."

Daniel said "Damn! He got a girl that fast!

Ken said "Hard to believe right. They both are sleeping now heads on each others shoulder and they holding hands."

Daniel said "I'm out enough of it. I want to sleep now my head is gonna pop out!" Daniel declines the call.

Ken and everyone looks at each others face and they all started laughing like crazy. Ken said "SIR GOT A HEADACHE AFTER LISTENING TO THIS NEWS!"

Ken said enough of joke. We all are going to some hotel or resort t stay a night. Shotoro said "Let's go to Vince's house."

Ken said "Stop joking! He would blast out head off. Last time I survived that."

Alice said "Let's go something good probably like a mansion or something rent a day." Alice said "I have a better idea. I and Lizzie went to Water Motel. Um it's like motel on a boat it looks good by the way."

The suddenly everyone's stomach was growling. Yup they needed food. 

Alice said "We all are currently hungry. So, I know a drive thru place named SpiceRoll. There's currently an offer of 3 Mega Chicken SpiceRoll would give us all a free chocolate milkshake.

Everyone were ready to go. Ken rushed at full speed and drifted at the turns and reached the destination.

Ken ordered "3 Mega Chicken SpiceRoll, A Cheese burst pizza. 2 Chicken SpiceBurger."

Everyone woke up Shiro and Rose and asked them "What do you want? We are currently on a drive thru.

Shiro and Rose said "A Cheese Burst Pizza and A Veg Burger."

Shiro saw Rose and said "Why you look sleepy? Didn't you slept?" Rose replied "I slept it looks like you didn't slept mister."

Shiro said we both didn't slept good. Shiro asked Shotoro "Did we miss something?"

Shotoro said "You both slept in the car after finishing the food at Tokyo's Delight made you both sleep. We sang songs, enjoyed dancing, shared some interesting topics and yeah Daniel called and he gave us 35000¥. Just to travel. We also told that you both love each other.

Shiro said "Love? When did I love her dude? Shut your bloody mouth."

Rose said "L...Love? When? I don't" Alice saw her face and knew that she was lying. But she didn't interrupt her.

Alice said "Grab your food we are leaving this place." Everyone took their food and started enjoying their meal.

Shotoro, Ken and Alice got mouth burned due to the Mega Chicken SpiceRoll.

Shiro shared his Pizza with Rose. Rose started blushing. She said "Thank you, you also have this chocolate. I brought this for Alice but she didn't want to eat it. Here have it."

Shiro took the chocolate happily. Shiro said "Listen, They all are shipping us but I want here the truth from you. Do you really l...love me?"

Rose blushed and became silent She became way too silent. She said "I...I really.."


Alice said "It's way to late I think we should get on the Water Motel. There it is lets push and park it there. 

Shiro came out first and started pushing the car.

Everyone came out and started pushing. After a long time... They reached the parking area they parked the car and went out. Shiro put his hand on on Shotoro's shoulder. 

Everyone came to the Water Motel while singing. Ken said "One night stand 5 people how much?"

Shotoro said "Hey Shiro, have this chewing gum i brought it here. It's having the last 2 pieces."

Ken said "Hop in guys, Let's have a time on the boat." Shiro said "The boat is arch shaped and consisting 7 rooms and well designed." Shiro was amazed to see that.

Shiro took a Beach chair and sat on it. and took a sip of the chocolate milkshake. Shiro said "Now, this is called luxury!"

Ken also took a chair and sat and ordered a Lemon Mojito. 

Shotoro said "I will take a shower. I will be right back."

Alice was going to sit on the beach chair but suddenly Rose grabbed her from behind and pulled her. Alice said "Are you a bastard why did you pull me?"

Rose said "I...I love Shiro but I.. I don't know how to express him he is way to straight forward." Alice said "Don't worry he always cares for girls and woman. He didn't hurt any woman and he also don't love anyone.

Rose said "What should I do? go propose him in a empty place no distractions.

*Scene Shifts*

Shiro asks Ken "Bro, that girl Rose loves me or not? Because she always gets shy and doesn't talk. But today she talked to me and that sweetly. Is she really?"

Ken said "Well, she loves you i worked with her a lot. She have some feeling for you because. She loves you since that day when you saved her life from that ass Cisco. Cisco tried to kill her but instead you took a hit and fought for her and killed him. Made her feel safe and she admired you a lot. When you got send to the Care Centre because you suffered some grave wounds and you were about to die. Doctor's lost their hope but she didn't she saved you not your luck.

Shiro woke up in serious manner and said "Really? I...I didn't know this..." Shiro sat down on his knees and asked "What should I do bro?"

*Scene Shifts*

Alice came to Shiro and said I wanna talk to you private can you come here. Shiro nodded his head and came following her. Alice said wait a minute I will be right back. Alice ran away.

Shiro became silent and started to think about his past. He saved her from Cisco. Cisco was a cold-blooded murderer. Police were also lost their hope catching him and i killed him and this girl loves me. Because I saved her life can I actually be loved I...I didn't know that. 

Rose came out of he the door and she came towards the edge of the boat and Shiro also came there. 

Rose first smiled at him. Shiro also gave her a smile and both at that time were nervous. 

Shiro sat down on his knee with a Rose on his hand and Rose also with a Rose. She moved back and both at the same time they both said 

"I Love You!

This changed their reaction on the both of their faces. 

they both hugged each other. Shiro finally started laughing. 

This laugh attracted everyone on the boat Shotoro, Alice, Boat Driver and his assistants. 

Ken was sitting chill knowing that they both expressed their feelings finally after a long time. This pain of Shiro has ended.

Suddenly someone shot a bullet that was leading towards Rose and she...