[1] Coordinate Error

In the midst of a world ruled by an outer god, destruction slowly but surely creeps into every corner of life. This world, once prosperous and beautiful, is now a mere shadow of its former glory, engulfed by a calamity known as the "World Eater." This merciless creature devours everything in its path, leaving no creation untouched by its grasp.

The outer god, bound by cosmic rules that cannot be broken, is eventually forced to take drastic action. In desperation, it decides to summon a saviour from another universe, a hero who might be able to turn the tide. In a move that defies its nature, the god pulls a teenage boy from his peaceful world and thrusts him into this nearly doomed one.

For the teenager, his arrival in this new world feels like being thrown into the hardest mode of a game. Yet, the outer god is not entirely cruel. Before transporting the boy, the god uses its boundless authority to bless him with extraordinary attributes and thorough preparation. With a strengthened body, sharp combat skills, and limitless magical knowledge, the boy becomes something more than just an ordinary human.

However, despite being well-prepared, this world is already on the brink of inevitable destruction. The boy, now a hero, must fight tooth and nail to survive while attempting to save the crumbling world around him. Intense physical training, mastery of martial arts, deep knowledge of magic, and careful strategies become part of his daily life. It doesn't take long for this teenager to reach the level of mastery in all the skills he needs.

With his preparations complete, the hero embarks on his perilous journey, battling the corrupted forces that serve the World Eater. Each battle is a test, and every victory is won with blood, sweat, and tears. Though casualties continue to mount, hope remains alive in the hearts of the people. Hope that their world, though almost lost, can still be saved.

A long and gruelling war ensues, with countless battles fought. Finally, after so much struggle, the teenager reaches the decisive point—the final showdown against the World Eater's power. This war involves not just one nation, but six different races in the world, each bringing a diverse army, from the strongest to the most cunning, all led by the young hero who is now no stranger to battle.

With courage beyond measure, the hero leads his forces into the war that will determine the fate of the world. One by one, they face the most terrifying enemies. Though luck seems to favour them, everyone knows that this victory will require immense sacrifice. This final battle is the climax of the hero's long journey, and only time will tell whether this world will be saved or plunged into eternal darkness.

At the peak of a towering mountain, hidden behind thick and mysterious mist, stands an ancient temple long forgotten by time. Its cracked and moss-covered walls emanate an aura of ruin, as if silently bearing witness to every tragedy that has befallen this world. This is the temple where the World Eater first emerged, bringing inevitable destruction.

Now, in the midst of this grand yet ominous temple, the final battle that will decide the fate of the world takes place. The World Eater, in its final terrifying form, stands tall upon an altar that was once a place of worship. Its gigantic body looms like a dark shadow over the entire temple, with glowing eyes radiating immeasurable hatred.

In front of it stands the young hero, a figure tempered by countless trials and relentless struggle. His face is full of resolve, but he cannot hide the deep weariness from battles that seem never-ending. This hero knows that this is the end of it all. Here, he must face the creature that has destroyed everything he loves, and perhaps, everything that ever was.

"You have brought ruin to this world," the young hero shouts, his voice echoing through the empty temple. "But I will not let you destroy what remains!"

The World Eater only sneers, its deep, rumbling voice like the threatening sound of thunder. "You are but a weak human, despite all the power you possess. What can you do against the will of fate? I am the destroyer, I am the end of all things!"

The battle begins. The young hero charges forward with incomprehensible speed, unleashing blow after blow with his brightly glowing sword, a weapon forged in the fire of courage and the blood of sacrifice. Yet, every strike seems futile against the World Eater, which counters with unmatched power.

The clash of their forces creates waves of energy that shake the entire temple, shattering stone pillars and trembling the ground beneath them. The sky above turns dark, as if mourning the battle that will determine the fate of all beings in the world. Lightning strikes, illuminating their forms in brief flashes, revealing the sheer intensity of the duel between absolute darkness and the world's last hope.

With every attack, the hero feels the weight of the world on his shoulders. The cries of those who have fallen, the faces he protects, and the destruction he has witnessed fuel his resolve to never give up.

"I may be just a human," he cries with undying spirit, "but I carry the strength of all that you have destroyed. They live within me, and together, we will defeat you!"

The World Eater roars in anger, its voice shaking the world. "You are a fool if you think hope can defy the power of fate!"

But in the hero's heart, he knows that this is not just a battle between two entities. It is a fight between hope and despair, between courage and fear, between life and destruction. He is not fighting alone; he is fighting with the entire world behind him.

With one final strike, filled with all the strength, courage, and love he has gathered, the young hero unleashes a slash that transcends space and time, cutting through the darkness and destroying the essence of the World Eater.

In a final explosion, the World Eater screams, its massive and terrifying body beginning to crack and crumble into dust, scattering into the cold night wind. Light begins to spread through the once-dark temple, replacing the darkness with new hope.


The hero collapsed to his knees, his body battered and bloodied, but his heart felt light. The world had been saved—at least for now. Relief washed over him, though his body trembled from the tremendous fatigue. Soon, his body began to glow, a soft light enveloping him, and in the blink of an eye, he found himself back in the place where his journey had first begun—a space filled with twinkling starlight, as if he stood in the midst of an endless night sky.

Before him, the outer deity reappeared, an entity taking the form of a radiant sphere of starlight, shining with indescribable majesty. The deity's voice echoed with a gentleness full of grandeur, as if coming from all corners of the space.

"I knew you could do it," said the deity, its voice soft yet full of conviction, bathing the hero in warm light.

Yet, instead of feeling joy or gratitude, the young man felt a twitch at his temple. Anger that had long been simmering erupted suddenly, spilling over like boiling water.

"HEY! WE MEET AGAIN, YOU FUCKING BALL OF LIGHT!" he shouted, standing up quickly and pointing at the deity with unrestrained rage.

The deity's reaction, perhaps accustomed to such emotional outbursts from the young man, was simply a long sigh. "Oh my, you're still the same as when I first brought you here," it said in a resigned tone, as if speaking to a stubborn child.

However, those words only served to intensify the hero's anger. The twitching on his forehead grew more pronounced, and he gritted his teeth. "Of course I am! Do you think this is funny, huh? Ruining someone's nice, peaceful life!" he bellowed, his voice rising several octaves. "I was just an ordinary high school student with a normal, calm, and comfortable life! Then suddenly, I found myself in front of you, begging to save your world that's on the brink of destruction! Who wouldn't be pissed off about that? Especially when everything I've experienced felt like living in hell!"

The deity's light flickered as if responding to the startling outburst. Yet, its voice remained calm and patient, though there was a hint of regret. "I understand your feelings, but you were the only one who could do it. That world needed you, and you saved it. It wasn't an easy task, I know. But… perhaps you've found something more valuable than the peaceful life you once had?"

The young man fell silent for a moment, his breath still ragged from the lingering anger. Yet, in the depths of his heart, he knew there was truth in the deity's words. He had grown, changed, and though the path had been fraught with difficulties and suffering, he had become something more than his former self.

"Yeah, maybe," he mumbled finally, lowering his finger and looking at the ball of light with a calmer gaze, though there was still a trace of dissatisfaction. "But still, next time, don't just drag people away without permission, okay?"

The deity chuckled softly, a sound like the tinkling of spring water, filled with tranquility. "I'll consider it," it replied, its light shimmering as if smiling.

The young hero sighed deeply, though his lips curled into a faint smile that was hard to suppress. Despite his anger, he knew there might be a purpose behind it all, and perhaps—just perhaps—he wouldn't change a thing if given the chance.

Once the burning anger subsided, the young man took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. His gaze was now more composed, though there was still a hint of curiosity lingering in his mind. With a gentler tone, he finally asked, though with a trace of curiosity he could not hide.

"So… can I finally go back?" his voice sounded softer, almost like a whisper full of hope.

The deity's light shone brighter for a moment, as if providing an answer before the words were spoken. "Well… As promised, I will return you to your world," replied the deity, its voice full of certainty and soothing warmth.

Hearing this, the young man almost couldn't contain the relieved smile forming on his lips. "Finally," he muttered, a deep sense of relief flowing through him like a fresh breeze after a long storm.

Yet, before that happiness could fully engulf him, the deity suddenly asked, with a slightly teasing tone. "Kaoru Rasputin, now that I think about it, your name is quite unique. Why didn't you take your mother's family name instead of your father's?"

Kaoru was taken aback by the question, his brow furrowing for a moment. "How do you know about that?" he asked, his tone becoming more wary.

The deity, its light sparkling like stars in the dark night, answered in a casual tone, as if discussing something very ordinary. "Well, while I was searching for candidates on Earth, I naturally gathered information. You didn't think I chose arbitrarily, did you?" The deity's voice was full of wisdom and a hint of jest, yet still carried a powerful undertone.

Kaoru clicked his tongue, feeling slightly irritated by the answer. "Tch, there are many reasons. Anyway, it's none of your business. Now send me back, and quickly!" His voice was full of the desire to wrap this up and forget all the heavy experiences he had endured.

The deity simply laughed softly, a soothing and somewhat mocking sound. "Alright, alright, don't be so grumpy," it said with a teasing tone, yet still filled with an oddly comforting warmth.

With that, the light around Kaoru began to whirl, growing brighter and faster. An odd sensation enveloped him, as if his entire body were being pulled into a vortex of energy that could not be resisted. Yet, amidst it all, there was a sense of calm, for he knew he would finally return—to his world, to his life, though he knew he had changed forever.

After sending Kaoru back, the outer deity looked on for a moment, satisfied that its task was complete. But suddenly, an odd feeling crept over it, as if something was amiss. The starlight surrounding its form flickered, and it realised that something was wrong.

"Are… Wait, the coordinates have changed?" it murmured, its voice filled with confusion and a hint of disbelief.

Elsewhere, Kaoru Rasputin reappeared in the real world. However, instead of being welcomed by familiar sights, he found himself standing in the midst of an alien city—a dystopian world that seemed to have sprung from a nightmare—cyberpunk with towering skyscrapers, dazzling neon lights, and advanced technology scattered everywhere. The streets were filled with floating vehicles and people who appeared part-machine, their faces cold and expressionless.

Kaoru stood frozen, his eyes wide as he tried to comprehend what was happening. The noise of this futuristic city pierced his ears, and a deep-seated anger began to kindle within him. He clenched his fists and looked up at the sky, as if he could see the outer deity from there.

"OUTER GOD, DAMMIT!" he shouted with all his might, his voice echoing between the towering buildings. His rage blazed like fire, and once again he felt that fate was toying with him, throwing him into a world he did not recognise. It seemed as though destiny continued to test him, placing him in increasingly insane and unpredictable situations.