[5] I'll be fine, right? (II)

"What do you mean there was someone else who defeated that Ghoul?" Asuka's colleague's voice came through the phone, sharp with profound shock and disbelief.

Asuka walked briskly down the dim, deserted corridor, the soles of her shoes echoing off the wet asphalt that reflected the streetlamp's light. Her face was still marked by astonishment, yet her eyes burned with a fierce determination. She pressed a button on her earpiece, trying to calm herself before responding.

"I'm absolutely certain about what I saw," Asuka said with conviction, though her voice still quivered slightly. "The man moved so quickly, like... like a gust of wind suddenly rushing by. One second he was standing still, and the next he was attacking with a speed that was impossible for the human eye to follow. His movements were like 'swoosh' and then 'zrasssh', and before I knew it, the Ghoul was sliced to pieces like meat on a chopping board!"

On the other end of the line, Asuka's colleague was silent for a moment, processing the nearly unbelievable report. His heavy breathing conveyed the depth of his surprise.

"Asuka, are you serious?" his voice finally came through again, laced with scepticism. "Your description sounds... rather absurd. Are you sure you didn't experience hallucinations due to the stress of the mission?"

Asuka furrowed her brow, feeling slightly offended by her colleague's doubt. "I know what I saw, Kenta," she replied firmly. "The man appeared out of nowhere and dealt with the Ghoul that even I struggled to face in no time. His movements were unlike anything I've ever seen before. This is not a hallucination or a side effect of my adrenaline. It's real."

Kenta sighed heavily before responding, his tone calmer but still serious. "Alright, let's assume what you saw is true. But we need to focus on the current situation. We've coordinated with the authorities to cover up the incident. The media will be silenced, and all evidence will be secured. Bioweapons like Ghouls must not be exposed to the public; you know how dangerous that is."

Asuka paused, looking up at the starry night sky, her thoughts still focused on the mysterious figure she had just seen. "I understand the procedure, Kenta. But I feel that this man is a crucial element. We can't just ignore his presence."

On the other end, Kenta sighed again, this time with frustration. "What do you mean, Asuka? You want to chase after him now? After all the chaos that's happened?"

"Yes, exactly," Asuka answered without hesitation. "My instincts tell me that he could be a valuable asset or a potential threat if we don't find him soon. He defeated the Ghoul effortlessly, something I struggled to do even with all my technology. We need to know who he is, where he's from, and what his intentions are."

There was a brief pause before Kenta responded, his tone now softer but still cautious. "Asuka, I understand your concern. But you also need to remember the procedures and protocols we need to follow. After the mission, you should return to the base for debriefing and evaluation."

Asuka bit her lip, her eyes scanning the area for any signs of the mysterious man. The streets were nearly empty now, save for the city lights and the distant sound of sirens. "I know, but our time is limited. If I go back now, his trail might be lost. Let me search a little longer; I'm sure he hasn't gone far. I can gather more information before heading back to the base."

Kenta was silent for a few seconds before finally responding with a resigned tone. "Alright, Asuka. You're as stubborn as ever. But remember, don't act recklessly. Prioritise your safety and make sure your identity isn't compromised. We don't want to add any new problems."

A thin smile appeared on Asuka's lips, feeling relieved despite the slight complaint. "Thank you, Kenta. I'll be careful, I promise."

"Alright, I'll be waiting for your full report tomorrow morning. Don't be late, and make sure you don't cause any more commotion," Kenta said, his tone half-joking to ease the tension.

Asuka chuckled softly, feeling a bit more relaxed. "I'll do my best. See you tomorrow, Kenta."

The call ended, leaving Asuka standing alone in the quiet night. The night breeze gently tousled her brown hair, but an undercurrent of anxiety lingered within her. As a Taimanin—demon-slaying ninja capable of using Taima Particles to fight criminal demons and humans—Asuka knew that every step she took could determine the fate of many. She had to ascertain whether the man she had just seen was a threat or an ally in their struggle.

Meanwhile, in a dim corner of the city, Kaoru was scratching his white hair with a deeply frustrated expression. He was in despair, frustrated because his old smartphone—the only tool he had to communicate with the outer gods—had just been severely damaged after a fall. Kaoru groaned, realising that spare parts for such an old model were scarce, as were people who could still repair it.

"Damn… Damn… DAMN IT!" he shouted in frustration, unleashing a string of curses. The smartphone was his lifeline, the sole connection to the power that granted him his hero status in this strange world.

Elsewhere, Asuka was making a concerted effort to suppress her nervousness as she observed Kaoru from a distance. Although the man appeared to walk casually down the now-empty street, she couldn't shake off her suspicion. Kaoru had used illusions to deceive those around him, but Asuka, from her vantage point, was not completely deceived. The man's face was etched in her memory, and she was confident she could recall every detail.

From atop a building, Asuka kept a close watch on Kaoru's every move, studying his actions, trying to understand who he really was. But suddenly, Kaoru stopped walking. His sharp eyes swept the surroundings, his face showing signs of alertness. He sensed something—an unsettling presence, a feeling of being watched. As a hero, Kaoru had the ability to detect malicious intent, but this time, what he felt was not hatred but rather a strong curiosity. This made him stop, then vanish in the blink of an eye from Asuka's view.

"Eh, where did he go?" Asuka exclaimed in panic, her eyes darting around trying to locate the vanished figure. But the street below was empty, as if no one had been there.

Then, without warning, a deep, wild voice suddenly sounded in her ear, causing her heart to race as if struck by an electric shock.

"Looking for me, Miss?"

Asuka felt warm breath near her ear. Kaoru had appeared behind her, speaking in a calm yet menacing tone. In that instant, Asuka froze, her body tensing immediately. With a swift movement, she turned around, only to find the man's cunning smile as he stood casually before her, seemingly relishing her confusion.