[9] I'm handsome, you know (II)

Before long, Kaoru, with a smile that seemed genuine yet carried a deadly charm, continued the conversation. Each word that left his lips felt like a hypnotic melody, gradually lulling Asuka into the allure of the man. Unconsciously, she began to open up, sharing the story of her life, filled with wounds and loss.

"I am Asuka Koukawa," she said softly, her voice carrying a profound bitterness. "I come from the Taiman family, which… was destroyed. My entire immediate family was mercilessly slaughtered by someone named Edwin Black."

Kaoru's eyes narrowed, indicating his full attention to Asuka's tale. He remained silent, allowing her to continue.

"Due to the explosion that destroyed the manor where we lived, I lost all four of my limbs," her voice trembled slightly as the memory surfaced. "But in this era, technology has advanced significantly. I was given a second chance with prosthetic limbs that are nearly perfect. They not only look like the real thing but also can feel touch, even the sense of taste in my skin has returned, though I need to undergo regular treatments."

Kaoru nodded slowly, as if understanding the burden Asuka carried, though his heart was still filled with admiration for the girl's strength to endure.

"But that's not all," Asuka continued with a more serious expression. "I am now hunting a malevolent organisation led by Edwin Black. His ambition… is truly insane. He wants to create his own universe, with himself as the god. It's not just a dream. It's a dangerous ambition that could destroy everything."

Hearing this, Kaoru was stunned. His usually calm and confident expression changed drastically. His shock was so evident that it made his face pale. His mind whirled, trying to comprehend the scale of the threat Asuka had just revealed. It turned out, the world he was in now was far more dangerous than he had imagined. This was not just an ordinary modern world; it was a modern world with a deadly supernatural twist.

Kaoru suddenly felt a headache, causing him to stand up quickly. His steps towards the refrigerator left Asuka a bit confused, and she asked, "Where are you going?"

However, Kaoru remained silent. He opened the refrigerator with a swift motion and took out a bottle of vodka he had bought earlier. Asuka tilted her head, her eyes looking at Kaoru with a mix of confusion and disbelief. They both appeared to be around 18 years old, but Kaoru showed no hesitation as he gulped down the vodka.

"Ahhh~ Damn it!" he cursed, his voice sounding heavy and filled with frustration. Asuka was taken aback by this, seeing the man who was once so calm and enchanting now appearing disheveled and even angry.

Asuka looked at Kaoru with concern, her eyes filled with deepening worry. "Why are you…?" she asked, her voice carrying a soft yet worried tone, as if afraid that her words might shatter something fragile within Kaoru.

Kaoru slammed the vodka bottle down on the table, the sound breaking the tense silence. His eyes flashed with emotions that were difficult to understand. "I just… need something to cool my head," he replied with a bitter tone, trying to hide the turmoil raging within his mind. Yet, in his heart, he cursed the fate that trapped him in this world. 'Damn it, I really want to punch that outer god!' he thought with anger and frustration.

Asuka observed Kaoru's change in expression, sensing that there was something much deeper he was hiding. "Well? Since I've shared my story, don't you have one too? I mean, where do you come from that allows you to wield supernatural powers?" Asuka asked with curiosity. In this world, only those with special bloodlines could wield supernatural powers, so the question was unavoidable.

Kaoru sighed deeply, exhaustion clear on his face. "No… my family was a normal one, but I'm the only one who's different," he said, his voice weakening as the awareness started to waver due to the alcohol flowing through his body.

Asuka looked at him more sharply, trying to understand the meaning behind those words. "You mean…?"

Kaoru, now drunk, unwittingly began to reveal something he had tightly guarded. His eyes were slightly blurred as he looked at Asuka, and for the first time, he seemed hesitant to speak. "Do you believe in other worlds?" he asked, his voice turning into a whisper filled with dark secrets.

Asuka paused for a moment, her eyes widening in surprise. "Other worlds?" she repeated softly, trying to process the words Kaoru had just spoken.

Kaoru gazed at the ceiling, as if searching for something beyond their sight. "Yes… a world different from this one. A world full of wonders and dangers. A world that's… more than just this," he said in a quiet voice, filled with deep nostalgia, as if he was recalling something very distant and unreachable.

Asuka felt a shiver run down her spine. "Kaoru… what do you mean? You speak as if you come from there," she said, her voice almost trembling.

Kaoru gave a bitter smile, realising what he had just said. "Maybe I've said too much," he murmured, trying to close the door to the secret he had inadvertently opened.

Asuka, who had been so eager to uncover the truth, suddenly realised how close she was to Kaoru. Her cheeks flushed immediately, and the embarrassment she had momentarily forgotten now hit her with full force. "W-well…" she replied in a soft voice, almost like a whisper, while the swirling mix of emotions within her made her voice quiver slightly. She slowly withdrew, lowering her head while clutching the sofa cushion in her hands, trying to find comfort in the familiar touch.

Silence soon enveloped them, but it was not a peaceful silence. Instead, it was a tense silence, filled with unspoken feelings, unanswered curiosity, and a mystery hanging in the air, almost like a thick fog that was hard to penetrate. Asuka could feel her heartbeat racing, as if it was in rhythm with the confusion that filled her mind. Meanwhile, Kaoru remained silent, his gaze empty, as if he was submerged in a sea of his own thoughts, the depths of which no one knew.

However, the charged atmosphere was abruptly altered when Asuka, driven by an impulsive urge or newfound courage, swiftly grabbed the vodka bottle from Kaoru's hand in an unexpected move.

"Hey!" Kaoru exclaimed, surprised by the sudden action, his eyes widening slightly as he saw Asuka bringing the bottle to her lips.

Without any hesitation, Asuka took a swig of the vodka in one determined motion, letting the strong alcoholic liquid flow down her throat. Her face immediately flushed deeper, not only from embarrassment but also from the effects of the alcohol spreading through her body.

"Haaah~ It's not fair if you drink alone!" she said with a slightly choked voice, trying to mimic a firm tone but ending up sounding rather amusing. Asuka was easily drunk, and after just one sip, the effects were already evident. Her eyes sparkled slightly, her face began to lose control of her emotions, and a mischievous smile appeared at the corners of her lips.

Kaoru looked at her with raised eyebrows, unable to hide his surprise and amusement. "You really don't know when to stop, do you?" he said, his voice still calm but with a hint of hidden laughter.

Asuka, now drunk, gazed at Kaoru with a more daring and intense look. "Hmm, you think you can tease me so easily, Kaoru? Maybe it's my turn now," she said, her soft voice sounding seductive, something unusual coming from her normally calm and composed self.

Kaoru sighed, trying to suppress his laughter. "So now you want to play with me, huh? Remember, Asuka, you're playing with fire."

"It doesn't matter… I'm not afraid of getting burned," Asuka replied with a challenging tone, though her movements were starting to lose coordination. She crawled a little closer to Kaoru, her lips forming a smile full of determination. "Maybe I want to see how hot that fire really is."

Kaoru chuckled softly, amused by Asuka's sudden boldness. "You're really asking for trouble, Asuka," he said in a teasing tone, but with a note of caution. "But I'll give you one chance to back out before you regret it."

However, Asuka, buoyed by the alcohol and sudden confidence, shook her head slightly. "No, Kaoru. I'm not backing down… not tonight," she said, her voice trembling but full of resolve.

The silence that followed was filled with tension, but this time it was not frightening. It was a tension filled with exciting anticipation, something new and unexpected waiting to be revealed.

Kaoru could only smile faintly, feeling that this night would be more interesting than he had anticipated.