[11] Something hidden

Meanwhile, Kaoru casually planned his activities for the day, contemplating the best ways to have some fun. Yes, most of his plans did indeed revolve around having fun, especially as a means to relieve the lingering stress caused by his frustration with the outer gods. For a moment, Kaoru decided to forget about the bothersome things and focus on enjoying his life. Relaxing and embracing his freedom seemed like the best way to calm his mind, which was always filled with complicated problems.

With enough wealth from the sale of his gold coins, Kaoru began to consider more serious steps. He planned to invest in a small company that appeared promising. Though it was still small, he saw great potential in it, and his desire to apply the business knowledge inherited from his father grew stronger. Kaoru had successfully grown a small business into something big in another world, using strategies he had learned long ago. However, the challenges here were different—this world was the future, the year 2082, far from the medieval fantasy setting of the other world.

"It will be interesting to see how old strategies can be applied in this modern world," Kaoru murmured to himself, a faint smile forming on his lips.

With renewed enthusiasm, Kaoru began thinking about the concrete steps he needed to take. He drafted an investment plan, analysed market potential, and started planning how he could grow this small company into something substantial. Kaoru knew that this journey would not be easy, but that was precisely what made him feel challenged. For him, this new world was a new battlefield, demanding high levels of skill and intelligence.

Suddenly, his phone rang, pulling him from his deep thoughts. He saw an unknown number on the screen but didn't hesitate to answer it.

"Hello?" Kaoru greeted calmly, ready to hear whatever news might change his plans for the day.

The voice on the other end sounded enthusiastic. "Kaoru-san, it's Asuka. I've found someone who can fix your smartphone!"

Kaoru smiled slightly, recalling their conversation earlier that morning. "You're quick, aren't you? Alright, send me the address, I'll head there right away."

"As long as you don't cause any more trouble," Asuka added in a half-joking tone, though Kaoru could hear the warning in her voice.

"Don't worry, I'll behave this time," Kaoru replied, a mysterious smile returning to his face. After the conversation ended, Kaoru felt that today would be more interesting than he had anticipated.

"Yes, let's have some fun," Kaoru muttered once again, gazing at the blue sky outside the window, as if preparing himself for whatever might happen today.

Kaoru then headed to the address Asuka had given him, an old apartment on the outskirts of the city. The building looked worn out, with cracked walls and peeling paint. "Uh, I don't know if she's really helping or just sending me to the wrong place," he muttered, doubting Asuka's decision. However, Kaoru's naturally positive disposition urged him to move forward. He needed to see it for himself before making any judgment.

"Excuse me!" Kaoru knocked on the door of apartment number 4 rather loudly, hoping for a response from inside. However, only silence greeted him. There were no footsteps, no signs of life.

"Strange, why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Kaoru thought, feeling an unusual sense of unease. Relying on his abilities, he began to assess the situation inside the room without entering. The result made him even more suspicious—the room was empty. No one was inside.

Kaoru sighed in disappointment. "Maybe this was just a trick," he murmured as he turned to leave. However, as he walked down the deserted street near the apartment, he suddenly stopped when he saw something unusual. In the distance, he noticed three people being abducted by green-skinned creatures with horrifying faces.

"Orcs?" Kaoru squinted to get a clearer view. "No, they're different... These must be some sort of bio-engineered weapons, like the monsters from last night," he muttered, quickly analysing the situation.

The orcs, with swift yet strange movements, were carrying the three men into a truck. They continued to scan the surroundings, ensuring no one witnessed their actions. However, they were unaware of Kaoru, who used his abilities to remain hidden from sight.

"Okay, we're clear, let's load them up!" one of the orcs whispered in Japanese, his voice raspy and coarse.

"Something's definitely wrong here," Kaoru thought, his gaze fixed on the truck as it sped away. His instincts told him that this wasn't something he could just ignore. His curiosity and desire to uncover more pushed him to follow the truck.

With quick but calculated steps, Kaoru began trailing the truck. He used his abilities to stay out of sight, moving among the shadows and old buildings scattered along the road. The truck headed towards a more remote part of the city, and the further Kaoru followed, the more the tension grew.

Kaoru arrived at a vast area, a scene almost reminiscent of a luxurious estate owned by someone very important. High, sturdy concrete walls stretched along the road, indicating that this place was not an ordinary area. The area spanned about five kilometres, with dense forests filling most of it. In the centre of the forest stood a magnificent mansion, appearing elegant and mysterious, hiding secrets behind the lush trees.

However, the truck Kaoru was following did not head towards the mansion. Instead, it moved east, away from the mansion, towards a simple yet suspicious-looking single-storey building. The building was located two kilometres from the mansion, hidden among thick trees. The trucks quietly entered the basement of the building, as if they were transporting something extremely valuable or dangerous.

Kaoru, who had been flying in the air, carefully observed every movement. From his height, he could see everything clearly—the trucks entering the basement, and the tense atmosphere surrounding the area. A cold wind brushed against his face, while the black coat he wore billowed in the breeze, adding a dramatic touch to his mysterious figure.

"Alright," Kaoru murmured softly, his voice firm yet tinged with slight concern. "Even though I hope there won't be any supernatural battles, if this concerns the safety of many people, I won't hesitate to draw my sword again." His red-glinting eyes reflected his strong resolve, and the aura around him grew more intense.

The wind that blew carried an increasing sense of tension, as if signalling that something big was about to happen. Kaoru gazed intently at the building below him, ready for whatever he might face there. Deep in his heart, he knew that the next step would take him deeper into an unsolved mystery, and perhaps—once again—he would have to confront the darkness he had encountered in another world.

Without hesitation, Kaoru began to lower his altitude, approaching the building with caution. He braced himself for the worst, tightening his grip on the hilt of his sword hanging at his waist. As he landed lightly near the building, the sound of the wind seemed to muffle his footsteps, keeping him hidden from view.

"Now, let's see what they're hiding here," Kaoru murmured softly, his eyes full of vigilance as he cautiously approached the entrance to the basement.