[17] Something that is destroyed cannot be re-formed

Asuka stepped carefully into the room, her gaze immediately landing on Shiranui, who lay still on the bed. The sight before her caused Asuka to pause in shock. Shiranui, who typically appeared strong and authoritative, now seemed so fragile and vulnerable, clad in battle attire that was entirely mismatched with her current state of mind and physical condition.

Gently, Asuka approached the bed and sat in the chair beside it. She observed Shiranui intently, trying to understand what had happened to this woman. "How are you feeling?" Asuka asked, her voice soft yet full of concern.

Shiranui turned her face towards Asuka, staring at her with a clear look of confusion in her eyes. "Sorry, who are you?" she replied, her tone sounding innocent and full of uncertainty.

Asuka gave a small, reassuring smile, attempting to ease the tension between them. "Oh, I'm sorry. Let me introduce myself. I'm Asuka Koukawa," she said warmly, hoping to provide a bit of comfort to Shiranui.

However, Shiranui's reaction was completely unexpected. Her eyes widened upon hearing the name, and suddenly, flashes of memory seemed to flicker in her mind. "Koukawa? I remember... You're from the Koukawa family! Wait, Asuka... aren't you still a child!?"

Asuka was taken aback by Shiranui's words. She quickly realised what was happening. It appeared that Shiranui's memories were trapped in the past, possibly from the last time they had met when Asuka was still a young girl. This revelation complicated the situation further.

Meanwhile, Kaoru stood near the door, observing the conversation with keen interest. His eyes followed every movement and expression of the two women, paying close attention to their interaction. He knew this was a crucial moment, one where Asuka had to handle Shiranui with care, given her shaken mental state.

Asuka looked at Shiranui with sympathy but knew Kaoru was right. Pressing Shiranui to recall her lost memories would only worsen her condition. Taking a deep breath, she finally agreed. "Alright... I understand," she replied, her voice calmer, though her heart was still filled with concern.

Kaoru stepped forward, approaching the confused and weakened Shiranui. Her eyes lifted, gazing at Kaoru with a look of uncertainty. "Mr. Kaoru?" Shiranui's voice was soft, laden with confusion, as if pleading for further explanation.

Kaoru gazed at her gently. In his heart, he felt guilty for having to do this, but he knew that rest was the best thing for Shiranui right now. He extended his hand slowly, placing his palm on Shiranui's head with a carefully measured motion.

"Everything will be alright," Kaoru whispered soothingly, his voice like a gentle breeze sweeping the night. With a subtle gesture, he cast a barely audible spell, "Sleeping."

In an instant, Shiranui's eyes began to close slowly, her eyelids growing heavier until she finally fell into a deep sleep. Her face, previously marked by confusion, now appeared more serene, as if the burden pressing on her mind had finally eased. Her breathing slowed and became more peaceful as her body surrendered to the exhaustion that had accumulated.

Asuka watched the scene with a mix of relief and worry. "You were right," she said after a few moments of silence, her voice soft. "She needs more rest than we thought."

Kaoru nodded, taking a deep breath before turning to Asuka. "Let's talk outside. There are some things we need to discuss without disturbing her." His tone was once again firm, but there was still a trace of gentleness, especially as he glanced at the sleeping Shiranui.

Asuka nodded in agreement, following Kaoru out of the room. As they closed the door gently, silence enveloped the room once more, leaving Shiranui to rest in her temporary peace.

Kaoru and Asuka sat facing each other on the simple yet comfortable sofa in the living room. The afternoon sunlight filtered through the curtains, creating a warm atmosphere that contrasted with the serious topic they were about to discuss. Kaoru poured a cup of hot tea for Asuka and himself, the fragrant aroma filling the room and slightly easing the tension.

Asuka took the cup with a nod of thanks, blowing on the surface before taking a sip. Her eyes fixed on Kaoru with seriousness, waiting for further explanation about the situation they had just encountered.

Kaoru placed his cup on the table, sighing deeply before he began to speak. "As I mentioned earlier, I found Shiranui in very poor condition at a hidden research facility. The place was filled with horrifying experiments, and it seemed they were doing something serious to her."

Asuka furrowed her brow, concern clearly etched on her face. "Do you know who is responsible for that facility? And what could be their motive for doing such horrific things to Shiranui?" she asked, her voice laden with unmasked worry.

Kaoru shook his head slightly, his gaze distant as if trying to sift through memories shrouded in fog. His eyes narrowed as he tried to grasp the question just posed. "Unfortunately, the information I have is very limited," he said, his voice heavy with regret. Then, with an unexpected hint of tension, he added, "Also, why are you asking me about this? Shouldn't you have more information than I do?"

Asuka suddenly realised, her face flushing with embarrassment. She covered her awkwardness with a small, somewhat forced laugh. "Oh, goodness! You're right, I almost forgot!" she exclaimed, raising her hand to her head in a playful manner, then striking a 'Tehe~' pose with her index finger touching her cheek, mimicking a cheerful yet childish expression.

However, this reaction was not well received by Kaoru. Instantly, his face hardened, his jaw clenched tightly, and forgotten memories surfaced unexpectedly. A disturbing memory that he wished to remain buried resurfaced.

Asuka, quickly noting the change in Kaoru's demeanor, stopped laughing. "What's wrong?" she asked with concern, her brows furrowing as she realised something was troubling Kaoru.

Kaoru immediately turned his face away, struggling to hide the flicker of anger burning in his eyes. He made a concerted effort to keep his voice neutral. "No... It's nothing," he replied, though it was clear from his avoidance of Asuka's gaze that something was troubling him.

Asuka looked at him with worry in her eyes but decided not to press him further. "Alright... If you say so," she said quietly, though her tone suggested she wasn't entirely convinced.

She then continued, her voice becoming more serious and calm. "The group Shiranui was pursuing two weeks ago was a band of Incubus involved in the red-light district. They were suspected of engaging in illegal activities and conducting experiments involving biological weapons. We suspect they were trying to create a new weapon, which is why Shiranui infiltrated their operation. However, it seems the mission ended in disaster."

Kaoru listened attentively, though his heart was still turbulent with emotions he struggled to control. His gaze remained fixed on Asuka as he tried to process the information just revealed. "Incubus involved in biological weapons..." he murmured, as if speaking to himself. "That explains a lot, but there are still too many unanswered questions."

Asuka nodded, concern evident on her face. "I agree. This situation is far more serious than we initially thought," she said with a firm tone. "Shiranui is not just an ordinary Taimanin; she has extraordinary accomplishments and a very rare talent. She also holds a high position within the organisation due to her exceptional abilities. Ordinary Incubus should not be a significant challenge for her."

Asuka paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing, her voice growing more serious. "Special attacks like the sexual fog usually employed by Incubus should not have a significant impact on Shiranui, as she has a very high charm resistance. If she was defeated and captured, it means her enemies are much stronger than mere Incubus. If my assumption is correct, it's likely that the Incubus King himself has emerged in this world."

Hearing this, Kaoru looked at Asuka with deep concern. "Is it that bad?" he asked, trying to grasp the magnitude of the threat they were facing.

Asuka let out a long sigh, her face growing increasingly serious. "It's very bad, Kaoru," she replied with a tone full of worry. "Demon creatures often have destructive ambitions. Take Edwin Black, for example! That bastard! The Incubus King is not much different from him. If the Incubus King is truly here, he must have grand plans that could bring devastation to our world."

Kaoru felt the tension rising in his chest as he listened to Asuka's explanation. The threat they faced was far greater than he had ever imagined. "So, what should we do now?" he asked, his voice firm despite the apprehension that he couldn't ignore.

Asuka looked at him with determination. "I need to report this to my organisation," she said resolutely. "I have to inform them about this threat. As for Shiranui, I'll entrust her to you for the time being."

Kaoru looked surprised and tried to prevent Asuka from leaving. "Oh, wait a moment!" he said, his voice slightly panicked.

However, Asuka shook her head, affirming her decision. "Sorry, Kaoru, but I can't bring Shiranui into my organisation. Even though we are both Taimanin, we are under different organisations. Bringing Shiranui into my organisation could create new problems, especially if someone sees it as a violation."

Kaoru's expression turned to one of anxiety and frustration upon hearing this. He knew that looking after Shiranui alone was not an easy task, especially with such a great threat lurking in the shadows. Yet, he also understood Asuka's position, bound by the rules and responsibilities of her organisation.

Kaoru took a deep breath, trying to come to terms with the conflicting emotions swirling within him. "Alright," he said, his tone reflecting reluctant acceptance. "I'll take care of Shiranui. But you need to return as soon as you report this. I can't handle this alone for too long."

Asuka gave a small, appreciative smile, showing sincere gratitude. "I'll come back as quickly as I can, Kaoru. Thank you for understanding. I know this isn't easy, but we have no other choice."

Kaoru could only nod, realising the heavy responsibility now resting on his shoulders. "Be careful, Asuka," he said, his voice filled with concern.

Asuka responded with a reassuring smile before turning around and preparing to leave. Kaoru watched her with mixed emotions, knowing that what was about to happen next was another complicated matter.