[23] Movement (II)

Yomihara District

Under Eden Brothel

Yomihara, an underground city hidden 300 meters beneath Tokyo, spans an area of five kilometers. Kaoru, whose curiosity always ran high, discovered this place through rumours on obscure corners of the internet while sifting through dark, often-overlooked information. A few shady forums mentioned that beneath the colourful and technological facade of Akihabara, there was an underworld filled with darkness. When Kaoru used his magic eye to observe, the truth was revealed before him. Beneath the seemingly peaceful surface, another city pulsed with hidden activity—Yomihara, a place where supernatural beings and humans met in an unimaginable web of illicit trade.

Kaoru walked down the narrow streets, filled with shadows and mystery. His thug-like appearance, with a black leather jacket and slicked-back white hair, proved an unexpected advantage in this lawless city. "Who would've thought that looking like a thug would make things easier," he muttered with a wry smile, glancing at the crowd bustling with their own affairs.

At the corner of the main street stood a building illuminated by red neon lights—*Under Eden*—a brothel managed by a shadowy organisation. The sound of music echoing from within, mixed with laughter and whispers, created an atmosphere both sordid and enticing for those who sought it. Feeling hungry, Kaoru decided to stop at a street food stall. The ramen served looked simple, but the aroma of the broth was so tempting, it was as if the place were an oasis in a desert of sin.

While slurping down the hot ramen, Kaoru's ears caught various conversations from other patrons coming and going. Most of the talk centred on rumours about a new prostitute set to appear that night. "They say she's young, right?" "I heard she's really beautiful." The voices blended together, creating an odd yet familiar rhythm in a place like this.

Kaoru merely smirked at all the chatter. 'Ah, those kids have such poor strategy,' he thought, realising that Yukikaze and Rinko might be involved in a dangerous plan inside the brothel. He quickly finished his ramen, paid without speaking, and walked steadily towards *Under Eden*.

Before entering, Kaoru paused for a moment in front of the door, took a deep breath, and whispered to himself, "Alright, the game begins. Let's see how deep this rabbit hole goes."

As Kaoru stepped inside, the world within felt entirely different from the one outside. Dim lights and the heavy scent of perfume filled the air, making the place feel like a false paradise for those trapped within it. Kaoru carefully observed his surroundings, making sure not to miss anything. One thing was clear—tonight would not pass without surprises.

Kaoru approached the bar with calm steps, ordered a drink without haste, and sat on a comfortable chair. His sharp eyes surveyed the area, alert but maintaining a relaxed appearance, as if he were just an ordinary visitor enjoying the night. Next to him, a rough-looking man with a prominent scar on his cheek was talking excitedly with the bartender, his voice filled with barely-contained eagerness.

"So, when's the new prostitute going to perform?" asked the man, his tone full of anticipation, as though this night was something he had been awaiting for a long time.

The bartender, a woman with a teasing, mysterious smile, nodded while giving a faint grin. "Just be patient a little longer, sir. They'll be out in a few minutes. Trust me, tonight will be unforgettable."

Kaoru slowly sipped his drink, feeling the cold liquid slide down his throat, but his mind was still working. 'I can't wait to see how their plan unfolds,' he thought, placing his glass back on the table with a measured movement. His gaze remained sharp, ready for whatever might happen in this place of deceit.

Meanwhile, behind the dark and mysterious curtains of *Under Eden*, Yukikaze and Rinko were undercover as prostitutes. They were forced to wear tight and provocative clothing, even though they were more accustomed to their combat gear that gave them freedom of movement. Wearing something designed to allure lustful men gave them a strange feeling—a mixture of discomfort and piercing self-awareness.

Their outfits tonight were completely different: silk dresses that clung tightly to their bodies, showing off perfect curves in striking red and black, designed to catch eyes and stir desire. Every step they took was slow and cautious, as if they were walking on thin ice, where the slightest mistake could send them tumbling into an unexpected abyss.

This was their debut as new prostitutes, and so far, everything was going smoothly without arousing suspicion. Their fake smiles and sweet whispers had successfully fooled the drunken men overwhelmed by lust. However, when they were called by the servant to enter a private room, the atmosphere grew even more tense. Someone had ordered both of them tonight, and Yukikaze and Rinko knew this was the moment they had been waiting for—the time to execute their plan.

They walked down the long, dark corridor, adorned with erotic paintings that only added to the sensual atmosphere of the place. Their steps were filled with concealed anxiety, but also an alertness they couldn't hide. Their hearts raced as the servant finally led them to the door of room number 32. When the servant opened the door and ushered them in, the world seemed to stop for a moment.

As they stepped into the dimly lit room, they were immediately shocked. There, sitting with a familiar smirk, was Kaoru. His sharp eyes gleamed with cunning intelligence.

"Oho~ So it's you two?" Kaoru's voice broke the silence with a teasing, ironic tone.

Yukikaze and Rinko could barely hide their surprise. Their hearts pounded, adrenaline surged, but they quickly tried to regain their composure. Their faces showed a mix of fear and confusion, while Kaoru only smiled wider, seemingly enjoying the unexpected situation.

The bartender who had earlier escorted them to the room bowed respectfully to Kaoru before speaking in a polite but meaningful tone. "Sir, these are the new girls that have been talked about. Please, enjoy their services tonight. If you need any assistance, just ring the bell," she said before leaving and gently closing the door, leaving the three of them in a tension so thick it could be cut with a knife.

Yukikaze and Rinko were still stunned, not fully able to process that Kaoru was here, and in a situation vastly different from what they had planned. Kaoru, on the other hand, seemed entirely at ease, as if he were the ruler of the room. He calmly sipped vodka from his glass, savouring every drop, while his two companions struggled to find their words.

"What are you waiting for? Speak up," he said nonchalantly, showing no concern or guilt.

Yukikaze, unable to contain herself any longer, stepped forward quickly and hissed, "Why are you here, Kaoru?!"

Kaoru raised an eyebrow, showing a slight interest in the question. "Hmm? Of course, to make sure everything goes smoothly, right?" he replied casually, sipping his vodka again as if nothing was more important than the drink in his hand.

Rinko, who was calmer than Yukikaze, tried to speak with a more formal tone, even though her heart was still filled with anxiety. "Kaoru-san, didn't we make it clear that we could handle this on our own?"

Kaoru swirled his glass slowly, letting the liquid inside spin before looking at them with a more serious gaze. "Ah, you really don't understand, do you? I forgot to mention something very important," he said in a slightly darker tone, giving the impression that what he was about to say next was no trivial matter.

"What do you mean?" Yukikaze asked, her tone now more cautious.

Kaoru smiled faintly, a smile more like that of a wolf ready to pounce on its prey. "This place is very likely the lair of an incubus king. So, I'm here to make sure you don't get caught up in something you can't handle."

Those words struck them like lightning in broad daylight. Yukikaze and Rinko exchanged glances, feeling the growing tension between them. An incubus king's lair? That was far more dangerous than they had imagined. Suddenly, what seemed like a simple mission had transformed into something far more complicated and deadly.

Kaoru, still appearing relaxed, raised his glass again and spoke with ironic tone, "So, what's your plan now? Continue with the mission or… find a way out before it's too late?"

The atmosphere in the room became even more oppressive, as though the walls were closing in, forcing them to make a quick decision. The faces of Yukikaze and Rinko showed a mixture of tension and resolve. They knew that tonight, everything could change, and they had to be ready for whatever was to come.