[28] Wherever, the devil's weakness is holy power

Yukikaze and Rinko finally joined the battle, although the monster before them displayed an extraordinary regeneration ability, re-growing its severed limb as if nothing had happened. The creature, now even more ferocious, let out a low growl from its gaping mouth, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth that gleamed like metal. Tentacles sprouted from its body, swaying and ready to strike at anyone who came close.

Above them, Kuroi Ryuuji stood calmly, barely disturbed by the chaos unfolding below him. He watched it all with cold eyes and a sly smile on his face. It was as though the entire fight was mere entertainment to him, a horrifying drama he had directed himself. Kaoru felt a rising anger burn in his chest. His gaze locked onto the dark figure, and his instincts screamed that this man was far more than human. The dark energy emanating from Ryuuji's body was overwhelming, reminiscent of the presence of demons he had faced in the past.

"Damn it," Kaoru muttered through gritted teeth, his eyes narrowing at Ryuuji. "That energy... he must be the Incubus King." Kaoru's experience as a hero in another world had made him familiar with such creatures—beings full of deceit and cruelty. The signs were all there: the almost palpable darkness, the aura brimming with malevolence, and that disgusting, self-satisfied smugness.

Kaoru deftly twirled his sword, his eyes fixed on Ryuuji standing above. Every move exuded confidence and speed, showcasing years of honed expertise. "You two, take that monster down as quickly as possible!" Kaoru commanded Yukikaze and Rinko below, his voice ringing out over the roars and crashes of battle. "I'll deal with this filthy creature!"

With a swift leap that sliced through the air, Kaoru evaded a tentacle swipe from the monster aiming for him. He even used the tentacle as a springboard, launching himself skyward with such speed that the air around him howled. Kaoru cut through the wind, soaring towards the balcony where Kuroi Ryuuji stood arrogantly, like a dark king awaiting his challenger.

As his feet landed, the sharp thud echoed, accompanied by a radiant red aura swirling around Kaoru's body. Now, he stood on equal footing with Ryuuji, glaring fiercely into the man's eyes, which glinted with a hideous pleasure.

"You think this is just a game?" Kaoru said in a low voice, filled with intensity. The aura around his sword glowed brighter, waves of energy radiating an illusion of overwhelming power, ready to destroy anything in its path.

"Kekeke~... Of course!" Ryuuji laughed, his cackle piercing the air, brimming with arrogance and cruelty. His slit-like red eyes gleamed wildly, highlighting the madness emanating from within him. "Everything in this world is merely my plaything. Humans, monsters, all bow to my will!"

Kaoru no longer restrained his rage. With one swift move, he lunged forward, his sword slashing without hesitation. The attack was so fast it tore through the air with a booming sound, but Ryuuji, with unexpected agility, dodged the strike. In fact, with a mere flick of his fingers, he deflected each of Kaoru's sword swings as if they were nothing more than a light breeze.

"Hahahaha~!" Ryuuji laughed maniacally, revelling in every second of the battle. "Excellent, boy! You have potential! You'd make a fine warrior in my ranks! Serve me loyally, and I promise you limitless power!"

"Tch, like I'd ever serve a scum like you!" Kaoru spat in disgust. He backed away momentarily, steadying his breath, before activating a more serious technique—the Aslan Sword Style. Time seemed to halt as he began moving his sword with precision and grace, yet deadly force.

"First Form – Sword Dance!"

Kaoru launched into a series of strikes so swift and fluid they were almost invisible to the naked eye. His sword danced, leaving behind shimmering black afterimages with every swing, each slash brimming with energy that struck with immense force. The red aura surrounding him now formed the illusion of a ferocious lion, accompanying his every movement, ready to pounce on the enemy before him.

Ryuuji, though initially surprised by Kaoru's extraordinary speed and skill, only widened his grin, his lips curling into a sinister smirk. "Interesting... very interesting!" he muttered, his tone growing more wild and filled with anticipation. The darkness around him swirled and gathered, amplifying his terrifying aura. In an instant, his body, which had been nothing more than a lump of flesh after Kaoru's devastating assault, regenerated. A swirl of black blood flowed, reforming his body without a single scar. "But that... is still not enough," he taunted, his voice dripping with mockery.

Kaoru paused, not out of shock or disbelief, but because he was beginning to enjoy the situation. His eyes gleamed oddly, filled with an unexpected excitement. His opponent had an incredible regeneration ability, something that, for Kaoru, was not an obstacle, but a challenge that only fuelled his spirit further. He saw his initial attack as nothing more than a test, a warm-up without unleashing his full power.

Ryuuji narrowed his eyes, confusion creeping into his thoughts as he noticed the strange smile now etched on Kaoru's face. "What's wrong with this kid? Has he completely lost it?" he wondered, while Kaoru bowed his head and chuckled softly, as if he was finding joy in this battle.

Then, something unexpected happened. The sword in Kaoru's hand, which had previously seemed simple and crudely made, slowly began to glow. Not the red light from before, but a bright white radiance, shining like holy light from the heavens. The aura emanating from the sword felt different, far more terrifying and profound, as if an ancient power beyond comprehension was being unleashed.

Kaoru calmly began slashing towards Ryuuji, each swing of his sword generating waves of energy that cut through the air, heading straight for his enemy. Ryuuji, who had appeared relaxed earlier, suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of danger. His instincts screamed at him to defend, and he quickly raised his hand to block the attack.

But as Kaoru's sword made contact, an excruciating pain shot through Ryuuji's arm. "AARRRGHHHHH!!" Ryuuji roared, his body jolting backwards violently. He fell to his knees, his arm, which had been used to block the strike, felt as though it was burning from the inside out. An invisible fire spread, causing unbearable agony.

"Impossible...," Ryuuji muttered through laboured breaths, cold sweat dripping down his forehead. This didn't make sense. Ryuuji knew that this was only his avatar—a shadow of the true Incubus King, who resided deep in the depths of hell. Physical wounds should mean nothing to him. Even when his body had been torn apart by Kaoru's earlier strikes, he had felt no pain. But this was different. The pain was real, terrifying, and there was something disturbingly familiar about the burning sensation.

"This... is Holy Power?" he whispered, his voice laced with fear.