[47] A strange, but happy dream (II)

Asuka began to accept the reality that she was in a dream, but this dream felt so beautiful, so soothing. After all, it was just a dream—one she could enjoy without any burdens. Sometimes, when the real world felt so heavy, dreams like this provided a sweet escape.

She offered a small smile as she watched Kaoru in the kitchen, busy preparing breakfast while conversing with Lily, who was seriously assisting him. The scene brought Asuka a sense of calm, observing Kaoru—usually so stern—now transformed into a caring father figure. In this dream, he seemed like the perfect man, full of affection, effortlessly fulfilling his roles as husband and father.

Meanwhile, Natsuki—the adorable little boy with his white hair—continued to cling to Asuka even as they sat at the dining table. He held onto her arm tightly, as if afraid of being separated from his mother. Asuka couldn't help but smile at Natsuki's sweet behaviour, which reminded her that, although this was a dream, everything felt so real. This feeling warmed her heart.

"Mom, can I sit on your lap?" Natsuki asked with his sweet voice, his big blue eyes looking up at her with hopeful anticipation.

Asuka paused for a moment, then smiled gently. "Of course, darling. Come sit here," she said, lifting him onto her lap with warmth, as though she was accustomed to this. Natsuki immediately snuggled close, and Asuka could feel the warmth of his small body, bringing her a sense of peace.

At the other side of the table, Kaoru and Lily continued to work together preparing breakfast. "Lily, please pass me the salt," Kaoru requested, skillfully frying eggs and preparing other dishes.

"Sure thing, Dad!" Lily responded enthusiastically, reminding Asuka of herself as a child. Lily's determination and innocence made Asuka smile, watching the children play their roles in a seemingly perfect family.

A warmth seeped into her. Asuka had never imagined herself living such a life—being a mother, a wife, and part of a happy family. Yet here, in this dream, everything felt so perfect. There were no threats, no anxieties about the duties of being a Taimanin. There was only peace.

Kaoru turned to them, bringing a plate full of breakfast to the table. "Alright, breakfast is served," he said with a broad smile. "Today we have fried eggs, toast, and a little salad. Let's eat before it gets cold."

Asuka looked at the simple yet appetising dish and, for a moment, felt as though she was in a different life—a peaceful life far from the heavy responsibilities of being a Taimanin. She nodded slightly, acknowledging without saying much. Natsuki, still on her lap, cheered softly, clearly pleased that breakfast was ready.

"You're amazing, Dad!" Lily exclaimed, patting Kaoru's back proudly. "I'm going to learn to cook like you one day!"

Kaoru chuckled, gently patting Lily on the head. "I'm sure you'll be even better than me one day, Lily. But for now, just enjoy the food, alright?"

Asuka, still slightly puzzled by the dream, eventually started eating slowly. Each bite felt real. The warmth and togetherness at the table were so different from her usual life. She glanced at Kaoru, who was gently feeding Lily, and thought how comforting this situation was. A dream she might want to hold onto longer.

Yet, behind all this warmth, a hint of curiosity lingered. 'Who am I in this dream? Who is Kaoru really here? And how is it possible that I have this family?' she wondered. But she set aside all those questions. For now, she just wanted to enjoy the moment, experiencing what it was like to live a different life.

"Darling, are you alright?" Kaoru suddenly asked, noticing Asuka's slightly distracted expression.

Asuka jolted from her thoughts and smiled. "I'm fine… just thinking about how lovely this morning is," she replied softly.

Kaoru smiled warmly. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. How about we take the kids out for a walk after this? The weather is lovely today."

Asuka nodded slowly, feeling that in this dream, there was perhaps nothing better than spending the day with those she loved. Even if it was just a dream, the happiness she felt was truly real.

As the family enjoyed breakfast, Asuka observed Natsuki, who seemed engrossed in separating the salad on his plate with a frown. "Natsuki, don't you like salad?" she asked gently, somewhat concerned but also amused by her son's sweet antics.

Natsuki remained silent, his cheeks puffed as if he was holding something in. His frown only made him look even cuter. Asuka couldn't help but smile at the sight of her little boy facing what seemed like a major dilemma.

Lily, sitting next to Kaoru, looked at Natsuki with mild irritation. "Natsuki! Dad made breakfast for us, you should appreciate it!" she said a bit sternly, startling her younger brother.

Seeing the tension, Kaoru merely chuckled softly. "Oh dear, my son," he said in a gentle yet teasing tone. "Didn't you say you wanted to protect your mother in my place? If you don't eat your salad, how can you be strong like me, hmm?"

Natsuki, hearing Kaoru's teasing, looked even more confused. He stared at the salad on his plate as if it were a formidable opponent he had to conquer. His puffed cheeks showed a very cute reluctance.

Asuka, witnessing this interaction, felt happiness flowing through her. She laughed softly, unable to hold back the warmth in her heart. "You can do it, Natsuki," she said gently, joining in the teasing. "If you eat your vegetables, I'm sure you'll be stronger than Dad."

Natsuki, though still hesitant, eventually picked up his fork and speared a piece of salad. With a serious expression, as though he was making an important decision, he put the salad in his mouth and chewed slowly. His eyes closed, as if bracing against the taste, but he managed to swallow it successfully.

"Fantastic!" Asuka cheered, giving a small clap to encourage him. "Natsuki will surely become strong!"

Lily also smiled proudly, while Kaoru gave an appreciative nod. "See? You're starting to be strong, Natsuki!" Kaoru said, gently patting his son's head.

Natsuki smiled shyly, his face flushed, but he seemed pleased to receive praise from his family. Although he was still reluctant about the salad, he felt proud to have done it for his mother and father.

At that moment, Asuka felt an overwhelming sense of happiness. All these small interactions—seemingly simple—brought a peace and joy she had never felt before. It might be just a dream, but in this dream, she felt like she was part of something profoundly meaningful.