[49] Reluctance

Asuka wandered aimlessly through the corridors of Midoribashi Academy, still disoriented from the beautiful dream she had the night before. Each step felt heavy, as if something was left behind in her real world. Her gaze was distant, and her mind was still trapped in memories of a family she had never had. When one of her friends passed by and greeted her, Asuka only gave a small nod in response, not uttering a word.

Despite this, Asuka's charm remained undeniable. Known as the Super Onee-san among the students due to her slightly tomboyish and cheerful personality, she was always full of energy and often teased her friends into having fun. Her popularity at the academy was not solely due to her beauty—her lively personality attracted anyone she encountered. However, today, something was different. The bright aura that usually radiated from her seemed to be dimmed, as if shrouded in shadows.

Nonetheless, her physical appearance still stood out. Her school uniform, consisting of a blue blazer with a white chest cover and a red tie, contrasted perfectly with her long, glossy brown hair that cascaded gently down to her waist. Her blue eyes, usually captivating, today felt empty, as if detached from the world around her.

"Asuka-nee-san?" That familiar voice broke her reverie.

Asuka stopped and slowly lifted her head. Standing before her was Sawaki Kousuke, her childhood friend with whom she had been close for a long time. Although they were the same age, Kousuke had always called Asuka "nee-san"—a habit formed since their childhood. Asuka would usually tease Kousuke about this, but today, the sound of that name felt alien to her.

"Eh, Kou-kun?" Asuka finally spoke, but as the nickname left her lips, something caused her heart to pound strangely. Her head suddenly throbbed. The name "Kou" seemed to trigger memories from the beautiful dream she had just left—reminding her of Kaoru, the man in her dream. A mix of confusion and loss gripped her heart, making her feel even more disconnected from reality.

Kousuke looked puzzled, but his face quickly shifted to a cheerful smile. "Nee-san? It's unusual for you to call me that! What's up?" he asked in a light tone, seemingly unaware of the inner turmoil Asuka was experiencing.

Asuka forced a thin smile, but inside, she felt lost. Kousuke's face seemed to blur, briefly resembling Kaoru standing before her. The strange feeling continued to haunt her, making her more confused about where she truly was.

"Ah… it's nothing, Kou-kun," Asuka replied wearily. She wanted to say something, to explain the storm of emotions within her, but she couldn't. Kousuke examined her closely, as if sensing that something was off with Asuka today, but he chose not to press further.

"If you need to talk, you can tell me, nee-san," Kousuke said with his usual gentle smile, trying to make Asuka feel comfortable. But Asuka could only nod slowly, still trapped in her own thoughts, wishing she could return to the dream world that felt so much more real and comforting than the reality she was now enduring.

Asuka looked up, and there, at the top of the stairs, stood Takuto—her annoying ex-boyfriend, with the smirk that always made her blood boil. He was surrounded by his usual entourage, as if he were the center of their universe. Takuto's sly grin was plastered on his face as he looked down at Asuka, seemingly enjoying the tension she was feeling.

"Are, Asuka-chan?" he said in a mocking tone, a voice Asuka knew all too well, filled with subtle derision and falseness. Since their breakup, Takuto had always tried to grab Asuka's attention in the most irritating ways. It was as if, despite their relationship ending, Takuto still wanted to show that he could control her emotions.

Asuka felt her heart race faster, but not out of love or longing—only anger that had been pent up. She tried to keep her composure, though inside, she was filled with reluctance and frustration. His presence here, especially after what had just happened in her dream, felt like an insult to the reality she had just left. The dream of a beautiful family with Kaoru... it seemed like a different world.

"Takuto…" Asuka murmured with a flat tone. Her voice sounded colder than usual, unlike the Asuka everyone else knew.

"Wow, you've come this far. I was waiting for you in the music room, but I thought you might be too scared to come." Takuto descended a few steps with a casual stride, his eyes still locked on Asuka, as if challenging or provoking her. "Are you really going to ignore me again, Asuka-chan?"

Asuka gritted her teeth, trying to restrain herself from responding to Takuto's provocation. This time, she didn't have the energy for this game. After a dream that was so warm and filled her heart, the reality before her felt much harsher. Takuto was part of a past she wanted to leave behind, but fate seemed to keep bringing her back to situations like this.

"What do you want, Takuto?" Asuka asked, deciding to confront the situation despite her growing hatred for the man before her. "I don't have time for your games today."

Takuto chuckled softly, "Oh, don't be so cold, Asuka-chan. I just want to talk. Haven't we been closer than this before?"

His words felt like a stab. But Asuka didn't want to get caught up in this emotional game again. She just wanted the day to pass, even with the mixed feelings between the beautiful dream and the harsh reality hitting her.

"Then talk here," Asuka replied firmly. "I don't have much time."

Takuto moved closer, his sly grin still on his face, while Asuka braced herself for whatever he was about to say. But in her heart, one desire remained burning—she wanted to return to her dream, to a world where happiness and tranquility were hers.

As Takuto's steps drew nearer, he emanated a threatening aura that made Asuka tremble inside. She knew Takuto was not a true man but a coward who always used dirty tricks to gain power. Yet, despite knowing this, the mental pressure from his threats left Asuka feeling powerless, as if she were trapped in a scenario she couldn't escape.

But suddenly, before Takuto could come any closer, Kousuke moved swiftly. He positioned himself as a shield between Takuto and Asuka.

"Wait!" Kousuke shouted, his face tense but determined. "You can't keep playing with Asuka like this, Takuto!"

Takuto stopped, his smile fading briefly before reappearing, this time with a more cunning expression. "Oh... Kousuke, huh?" he murmured, eyeing the man in front of him. "I didn't expect you to interfere in this matter."

"Asuka has suffered enough because of you!" Kousuke retorted, his eyes shining with resolve. "If you want to hurt someone, you'll have to go through me first!"

Asuka's eyes widened, surprised to see Kousuke standing with such courage in front of her. Her heart fluttered seeing her friend willing to protect her, even though she knew Kousuke might not be a match for Takuto and his gang. Yet, Kousuke's bravery gave Asuka a glimmer of hope.

Takuto laughed softly, but it was clear that Kousuke had annoyed him slightly. "Ah, so you're the knight in shining armor? Quite brave, aren't you? But… are you really sure you can protect Asuka from me?"

Kousuke stood firm, even stepping closer to Takuto, his gaze unwavering as he faced Asuka's former boyfriend. "I might not be the strongest, but I won't just stand by and watch you hurt my friends!"

The poignant moment shattered instantly as Takuto resumed his verbal assault with threatening words. He fixed his gaze on Asuka, a satisfied smirk on his face as he relished the sight of someone feeling pressured and powerless.

"Well, Asuka-chan, you haven't forgotten what I said before, have you?" Takuto taunted, his annoying tone making Asuka flinch and fall silent, feeling trapped in a situation she could not avoid.

Takuto was indeed known for his vile nature, with a track record as a playboy who had treated fifty ex-girlfriends with utter disdain. He had reduced those women to mere commodities, to be showcased for powerful individuals with bizarre tastes. Now, Asuka was just another "product" for his display to those with unsavory interests.

As Asuka was reluctantly compelled to approach Takuto, Kousuke's frustration and anger deepened. "Nee-san?" His voice cracked with helplessness as he watched Asuka forced to confront Takuto.

"I'm sorry, Kousuke," Asuka said softly, clenching her fists and ignoring the worried gaze from her friend. Reluctantly, she took a step past Kousuke toward Takuto, feeling the weight of the decision she had to make.

"Good~" Takuto declared with satisfaction, casually draping an arm around Asuka's shoulders, a gesture that only fueled Kousuke's anger further.

"You!" Kousuke shouted, ready to act and protect Asuka. However, one of Takuto's larger followers stepped forward, glaring at Kousuke with an intimidating stare.

"Give it up, kid. We'll have some fun with your girl for a while~" Takuto's follower said dismissively. Their inappropriate behavior only added to Kousuke's fury and the gravity of the situation.

Kousuke felt a jolt of his body, not from fear but from the pressure and helplessness of facing such a blatant physical threat. Despite his bravery, his resolve began to waver against such formidable opponents.

In her desperation, Asuka turned with a heavy heart, looking at Kousuke with pleading eyes. "Kou-kun, just forget it. This isn't the time to act recklessly."

Kousuke gritted his teeth, struggling to control his anger and despair. Yet, as Asuka continued her reluctant approach toward Takuto, he felt deeply pressured and unable to do more to protect her.

Takuto, enjoying Asuka's suffering, watched every one of her movements with satisfaction. "Excellent. Now hurry up before I change my mind."

In her desperation, Asuka struggled to remain calm. She knew that if she did not comply with Takuto's demands, not only would she suffer, but Kousuke and everyone around her would also face the consequences.