[72] Kousuke is forgotten

Kaoru remained unfazed. With a cold yet responsible gaze, he lowered the Caliburn sword towards Edwin. "This is the end for you."

In a swift slash, more of a release from suffering, the sword sliced through the air almost soundlessly. Just as the blade was about to touch Edwin's body, a blinding flash of light erupted—a light that engulfed Edwin Black entirely.

Edwin no longer screamed. There were no cries, no final rebellion. Only silence blanketed Yomihara as Edwin's body, now powerless, slowly vanished, as if absorbed into nothingness.

As the light faded, only Kaoru remained, his sword still drawn, and the air around him filled with a deep sense of relief. The knights of Charlemagne had also finished fighting Edwin Black's forces.

Kaoru stared at the spot where Edwin Black had just been erased by the flash of Caliburn. Though Edwin's body and energy had disappeared, Kaoru sensed something was off. "Tch, looks like I missed something," he muttered in slight frustration. His instincts told him that Edwin, with all his tricks and power, might still have a final card to play. But for now, the battle was over, and he chose not to dwell on it—at least for the moment.


Elsewhere in the devastated city, Asagi and the Masked Taimanin moved swiftly through a narrow alley, carrying two prisoners who were the last of Edwin Black's subordinates. Asagi felt somewhat relieved that the sounds of the great battle had ceased. "Looks like the fight is over," she murmured, taking a deep breath. Even so, she knew there was still work to be done here.

Just as the Masked Taimanin prepared to leave suddenly, Asagi quickly intercepted her, standing in her path with a sharp gaze. "Where are you going?" she asked suspiciously.

"I have to find my comrade!" the Masked Taimanin replied firmly.

Asagi raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical of the dangerous mission the Masked Taimanin seemed intent on. "You mean the ninja who was thrown into that building? I'm not trying to be harsh, but I doubt they survived. That attack was too powerful." Her tone was more pragmatic than cold, as she understood the lethal force Edwin Black commanded.

The Masked Taimanin hesitated for a moment behind her mask. She wasn't sure if Hotaru, her comrade, was still alive after the brutal assault. But a sliver of belief and hope burned within her. She was determined, though she knew the odds were slim.

As they debated, a shadow suddenly leaped from the rooftop into the alley where they stood. Both immediately tensed, hands ready on their weapons. The shadow approached quickly, and as the dim light revealed the figure, the Masked Taimanin's eyes widened behind her mask.

Hotaru, though clearly on the brink of physical exhaustion, forced a faint smile as he glanced at Ingrid and Kayla, who were tied up and unconscious in the corner of the alley. "No need to worry about me, by the way," he said, his tone lighter than his battered body would suggest. "The war is over. Edwin Black has been killed by that mysterious man. So, what are we going to do with these two women?"

Hotaru's words reminded Asagi of their primary mission at Chaos Arena. For a moment, all the chaos surrounding them had made Asagi forget the crucial reason for her being there. "Right," she muttered anxiously, staring at the two captives lying helpless on the ground. "I came here for Kousuke!"

Without wasting time, Asagi knelt beside Ingrid, who was in a semi-conscious state, and began shaking her. "Wake up!" she called out, trying to rouse Ingrid. "Where's Kousuke?! What did you do to him?!"

Asagi heard Ingrid's mocking laugh, which only served to boil her blood. "Kousuke…" Ingrid laughed softly between her labored breaths, her voice dripping with mockery. "Hahaha~ That little man... it was truly delightful seeing him suffer! I can't wait to see the look on your face when you find—"

"You bitch!" Asagi's rage exploded before Ingrid could finish her sentence. With a swift motion, Asagi swung her fist directly into Ingrid's face. The sly grin on Ingrid's face vanished immediately as her body jerked back from the force of the blow.

But before Asagi could continue her assault, Hotaru and the Masked Taimanin quickly leaped forward, restraining her arms.

"Calm down!" Hotaru shouted firmly, though his body was still riddled with injuries. "She's just trying to provoke you. You can't let yourself get dragged into her emotional trap!"

"Let go of me!" Asagi struggled to break free from their grip. "She deserves this! After everything she's done, after what happened to Kousuke—!"

The Masked Taimanin gripped Asagi's shoulders tighter, her voice steady but firm. "This isn't the time to let anger control you, Asagi. If you want to save Kousuke, we have to stay focused. Violence won't give us answers."

Asagi paused, her breathing still heavy, but slowly she began to calm down. She knew they were right, but the overwhelming frustration and fury she felt toward Ingrid were almost impossible to contain. "She deserves to be destroyed..." she muttered under her breath.

"And she will get what's coming to her," Hotaru added, glancing at Ingrid, whose lips now bled from Asagi's punch, her grin replaced with a grimace. "But we have to do it with a clear head."

Asagi took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. She couldn't afford to lose focus now. "Fine," she said at last, her voice slightly more controlled. "But we can't waste time. Kousuke might still be under the arena."

Hotaru looked at Asagi and the Masked Taimanin with a calm gaze, despite his body being covered in wounds. "You two can leave these women to me," he said, his voice cold but resolute.

Asagi frowned, clearly confused. "What do you mean, Hotaru?" she asked, still holding tightly to Ingrid's arm.

Hotaru took a deep breath, trying to suppress the pain in his body. "Masked Taimanin, I beg you, accompany Asagi. She'll need you to save Kousuke. I'll make sure these two women don't escape."

The Masked Taimanin glanced at Asagi for a moment before turning back to Hotaru. "Why should we leave them with you? How do we know you can control them?" she asked suspiciously.

Hotaru smirked weakly. "If you want to find these two again, meet me at the temple in western Tokyo. I have a way to get the information you need, but it will take time. And while you search for Kousuke, time is something we don't have much of." He stared seriously at the Masked Taimanin and Asagi, making sure they understood his intentions.

"This is too risky," Asagi muttered, still hesitant. "I can't just let them go after everything they've done."

Hotaru moved a bit closer, his gaze unwavering. "You want to save Kousuke, don't you? We don't have much time. Trust me with this. I'll make sure they can't escape."

The Masked Taimanin watched Hotaru closely, trying to read the intent behind his words. Then, she slowly nodded. "We don't have many choices. Asagi, we need to move."

Asagi clenched her fists, sensing something wasn't right, but she knew the situation was growing more urgent. Finally, she released Ingrid and Kaliya from her grip. "Fine. But if you betray us, I'll come for you myself."

Hotaru gave a faint smile. "I won't disappoint you, Asagi. Trust me, we're on the same side."

With the decision made, Asagi and the Masked Taimanin turned and prepared to head toward the arena's ruins to search for Kousuke.

Meanwhile, Hotaru glanced at the bound Ingrid and Kaliya his eyes gleaming with a clear plan forming in his mind. "It's time to begin," he murmured, his voice filled with mystery.