[82] Exchange of swords

Kaoru accepted the wooden sword handed to him by Rinko with a small nod. After putting some distance between them, they both assumed their stances, showcasing their respective fighting styles.

Kaoru adopted the Aslan Sword Style, a swordsmanship he learned from another world, specifically from the Kingdom of Aslan, a realm resembling medieval Europe. This style bore a striking resemblance to Western sword techniques—swift, sharp, and powerful strikes. Kaoru smoothly integrated all four aspects into his movements, creating a combination of attacks that were ferocious, wild, yet highly structured.

On the other side, Rinko stood firm in the Itto-ryu stance, a sword style passed down through the Akiyama family. Kaoru didn't know much about this style, except that its techniques must have inherited the wisdom of Rinko's ancestors. If he wanted to understand it more deeply, the only way was to face its user directly.

"I'm ready whenever you are, Kaoru-san," Rinko said firmly, her sharp gaze locking onto him.

Kaoru smiled slightly. "Alright. Don't hold back, Rinko-san."

The rustling of the forest wind served as a perfect backdrop for the tension building between them. Kaoru knew that this sparring match wasn't just a simple practice. Every move he made would be a test—not just for Rinko's skills but for his own as well.

In an instant, Rinko launched the first attack. Her movements were swift, her wooden sword cutting straight and efficiently, embodying Itto-ryu's emphasis on precision and power in every strike. No motion was wasted, every action maximized for efficiency.

Kaoru, with his quick reflexes, easily parried the blow. The sharp sound of wood clashing echoed between them. Without hesitation, Kaoru retaliated with a flurry of rapid strikes, his wooden sword moving as fluidly as the wind, difficult to predict. The Aslan Sword Style allowed him to maintain relentless pressure, each attack coming from a different angle, forcing Rinko to remain on constant alert.

"Your speed... it's incredible!" Rinko exclaimed, struggling to maintain her defense as each of Kaoru's strikes grew faster and stronger.

Yet Rinko did not retreat. Itto-ryu wasn't just about offense—it was about facing the opponent with steadfast resolve, relying on disciplined technique. Every strike she blocked, she returned with precise defense, maintaining her balance against the storm of Kaoru's attacks.

Kaoru, while continuing his assault, observed Rinko's fighting style. "Your technique is solid, Rinko-san. Itto-ryu is stronger than I expected," he said, a note of admiration hidden behind his calm tone.

Rinko gave a small smile. "I've trained for years to master this. Don't underestimate me, Kaoru-san." Although her breathing grew heavier, her resolve remained firm, waiting for the right moment to strike back.

This sparring session was not just a clash of techniques; it was a mental battle as well. Rinko felt herself being pushed to her limits with every second near Kaoru, but at the same time, she sensed something she hadn't felt before—admiration, respect, and perhaps something deeper, hidden within each clash of their swords.

Kaoru, on the other hand, remained calm and focused. "Good, let's see how far you can keep up with me." He advanced more aggressively, his sword now moving like a storm, giving Rinko no time to catch her breath.

Rinko grinned with determination. "Come on, Kaoru-san! I won't back down!"

After exchanging blows for some time, the pace and intensity of the sparring increased. Their wooden swords continued to clash, creating sharp echoes in the serene forest. Kaoru and Rinko remained focused, both deeply immersed in their respective sword styles.

"Come on, Kaoru-san! Don't underestimate me!" Rinko shouted, her eyes glowing with determination. She advanced with a frontal attack using Itto-ryu. This technique utilized straight, quick movements, ensuring each strike carried both power and precision. Her sword came down from above, a move that was incredibly difficult to evade.

Kaoru responded calmly, effortlessly raising his sword to block the vertical slash. But he didn't stop there—on the contrary, the moment his sword met Rinko's, he immediately launched a series of follow-up strikes, utilizing the Aslan Sword Style's signature fast and agile combinations.

"You need to be quicker, Rinko-san," Kaoru said with a slight grin. His sword slashed from the left, then the right, followed by diagonal strikes, all delivered with incredible speed. The attack was designed to leave the opponent with no time to think, forcing them to react instinctively.

Rinko backed up a few steps, struggling to parry Kaoru's strikes. While her defense was solid, Kaoru's relentless pressure kept pushing her back. Itto-ryu, which focused on single, precise, powerful strikes, required the perfect moment to counterattack. But the constant pressure from the Aslan Sword Style forced Rinko to remain on the defensive.

"Are you only going to defend?" Kaoru taunted, his voice full of challenge. His sword swung again from an unpredictable angle, pushing Rinko further into a corner.

But Rinko wasn't one to give up easily. In an instant, she spotted a pattern in Kaoru's repeated attacks. She changed her tactic, waiting for the perfect moment when Kaoru would be setting up his next strike.

"Now!" she murmured to herself.

Quickly, Rinko twisted her body to the side, narrowly avoiding Kaoru's slash. In one smooth motion, she countered with a signature Itto-ryu strike—a swift, straight slash that utilized the momentum from her dodge. The strike was so precise, aimed directly at Kaoru's body.

Kaoru was slightly surprised, but his smile remained calm. In a fraction of a second, he used the Aslan Sword Style's agile footwork, sidestepping and spinning his body to avoid Rinko's strike. His movements were lightning-fast, like the wind slipping through the smallest gaps.

"Well done, Rinko-san. You're starting to read my moves," Kaoru said, standing upright again. Their eyes met, and in that gaze, there was a mutual understanding—this sparring match was more than just a simple practice session.

Rinko smiled faintly, her breath coming in heavy gasps, but her spirit was undaunted. "I'm not done yet."

Kaoru nodded and assumed a new stance. "Alright. This time, I'll get serious."

Rinko furrowed her brow. She knew that wasn't just an idle threat. The moment Kaoru moved, she could feel a significant change in the rhythm and power of his attacks. His strikes were now more aggressive, fully utilizing the Aslan Sword Style's continuous and combined assault techniques. His slashes came from every direction—up, down, left, right—flowing without pause, pushing Rinko to the point where each defense became increasingly difficult.

"Your speed has increased!" Rinko could barely speak, her arms growing heavy as she blocked strike after strike that seemed to come from all sides.

Yet, amidst the pressure, Rinko showcased the true strength of Itto-ryu—calmness under attack, focusing on that one perfect moment for a lethal strike. With all her remaining strength, she waited for that chance.

Then, when one of Kaoru's strikes came a bit too high, Rinko saw her opening. With one powerful slash, she swung her sword straight forward, using Itto-no-Kata—a technique that emphasized a single, perfect cut. Her strike was so fast and precise that even Kaoru couldn't fully dodge it.

"Gotcha!" Rinko shouted as her wooden sword came close to Kaoru's chest.

However, in the final moment, Kaoru twisted his body with lightning speed, and with a deft move, he redirected his sword to parry Rinko's attack.

The sharp clash of wood resonated in the air. Both of them stood still, breathing heavily as their swords remained locked in midair. Their energy was nearly depleted, but the fire of their determination continued to burn brightly.

"That... was a good strike, Rinko-san," Kaoru finally said, his voice softer than before.

Rinko smiled, her breath still labored. "You too, Kaoru-san. The Aslan Sword Style is truly remarkable."

Kaoru lowered his sword, letting out a small laugh. "I think that's enough for today. Thank you for sparring with me."

Kaoru turned toward the sound of clapping, spotting a young man with purple hair and eyes, similar to Rinko. His face radiated enthusiasm, as if he'd just witnessed an extraordinary spectacle. Rinko, still catching her breath from the intense sparring session with Kaoru, now had to face the presence of her younger brother, Tetsuro Akiyama.

"Tetsuro!" Rinko called his name instinctively, her voice tinged with embarrassment. Her face flushed as she realized that Tetsuro had watched nearly the entire sparring session.

Tetsuro approached with a wide smile, his clapping finally ceasing. "That was amazing, sis! I've never seen you fight so well! You both looked like real warriors!" Tetsuro's eyes sparkled with admiration. Although young, his excitement was undeniable. He resembled a child who had just watched his favorite heroes in action.

Rinko awkwardly smiled, trying to downplay her embarrassment. "Ah, it was nothing. Just a regular practice." But Kaoru could see that despite her attempts to remain composed, there was clearly a close bond between the siblings.

Kaoru studied Tetsuro for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly. Although Tetsuro didn't appear as strong as Rinko, there was something in the way he carried himself—perhaps a calm confidence—that piqued Kaoru's interest. "So, are you a swordsman as well?" Kaoru asked, his voice calm but full of attention.

Tetsuro chuckled. "Not as skilled as Sis, but I'm training hard. Our family's sword style is passed down through generations, so I can't afford to fall behind." He offered a polite bow before looking at Kaoru with curiosity. "I've heard about you, Kaoru-san. Sis talks about you often. I'd love to spar with you one day."

Rinko's face turned an even deeper shade of red as she stammered, "T-Tetsuro! Don't say such things!" Her embarrassment was palpable, especially as Tetsuro's innocent smile grew wider.

"Oh, of course! Sis talks about you a lot. She says Kaoru-san is a great swordsman, and she feels challenged every time she faces you." Tetsuro glanced at Rinko, whose face now resembled a ripe tomato.

Rinko, desperate to hide her embarrassment, looked away. "T-Tetsuro! Don't say things like that! That's not what I meant..." Her voice wavered, and she glanced briefly at Kaoru, who was now watching her with a faint, teasing smile.

Kaoru raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying Rinko's flustered state. "Oh, really? I should feel honored to be spoken of so often by Rinko-san." His tone was casual, but there was a hint of playful teasing.

Rinko shot a look at Kaoru, her expression a mix of frustration and embarrassment as she struggled to find the right words to defend herself. "I-It's just...! Well, you... you are a great swordsman, so... so..." Her voice trailed off as she gave up trying to complete her sentence, sighing deeply, clearly defeated by the awkward situation.

Seeing his sister caught in her own embarrassment, Tetsuro chuckled. "Come on, Sis! There's no need to be shy. I'm sure Kaoru-san understands your feelings perfectly." Tetsuro nodded confidently, only adding to Rinko's awkwardness.

Kaoru, still smiling faintly, shifted his gaze back to Rinko. "No need to be embarrassed, Rinko-san. If you feel like you need more practice, I'd be happy to spar with you anytime." His tone was calm, but there was an unmistakable hint of teasing beneath his words.

Rinko looked up, startled, just as Kaoru's phone rang. As he glanced at the screen, his expression shifted slightly, as if something urgent had come up.

"Well then... I have to go, you two," Kaoru said with a light smile, slipping his phone back into his pocket. "And Rinko-san, I wouldn't mind sparring with you again sometime. See you!" He turned and quickly walked away, leaving Rinko standing there, still flustered.

Tetsuro glanced at his sister, who looked slightly disappointed despite her attempts to hide it.

Rinko let out a quiet sigh, trying to shake off the interaction. "Hmph... Kaoru is always like that. Comes and goes so suddenly," she muttered, a small smile playing on her lips, though her cheeks still had a hint of red.

Tetsuro, noticing her expression, stifled a laugh. "Sis, it seems like you're really starting to like him."

Rinko quickly turned her face away, "T-That's impossible! Don't talk nonsense, Tetsuro!" she protested, her voice panicked, while her face reddened once again. She was reminded, though, that there were many rivals, but she still didn't know about Asuka, who had already gotten a head start over the others.

Yet, deep inside, she couldn't shake the warm feeling that arose whenever Kaoru was around. There was something different about him, and even though Rinko refused to admit it, she knew that her feelings toward Kaoru were becoming harder to ignore.