Chapter 2: Zara’s Pov


"And who the hell are you?" Cory yelled, looking like an angry bird. I wonder what I saw in a man like him in the first place, because I feel so disgusted by his entirety right now.


"He's my boyfriend. Let my hand go!" I yelled back at him, matching up to his energy. This was one of the things I lacked when I was still in a relationship with him –courage. But maybe because I had this stranger of a man standing behind him. Supporting me.


"As if. You love me, Zara. I know you can't just get over me so easily." Cory replied with a mocking laugh, still holding on to my hand.


"Let my woman go." Was all the stranger said with a certain look in his eyes that instantly made Cory to let go of my hands.


And him saying 'my woman' made tingles to dance around my core. I didn't know I had a kink of being called in the manner and in that tone.


"Zara, tell this man to leave. We must talk." Cory, who was still being adamant, said again. I wish I could out all of his wrongdoings to the world. But doing that will only jeopardize my career.


So with a good eye roll, I grabbed my supposed boyfriend and savior by his hand, and stormed out of the club.


Stepping outside, I immediately saw my best friend kissing the hulky bodyguard. I guess she's sorted herself out for the night. The scene brought a smile to my face, instantly quenching most of my anger.


"You know, we could recreate that, my girlfriend." A voice whispered into my ears, causing me to turn around swiftly, and finding it to belong to my supposed boyfriend. The man that had danger boldly spelt on his forehead.


He was not someone I should have anything to do with, especially since I'm still healing from a relationship. Yet, every single cell in my body is swaying in his direction, tugging at me to jump on me.


I want him. I won't lie. But I can't have him.


"Thank you for saving me out of that messy situation, I'm Zara." I stretch forth my right hand for a handshake. Wrong move. I shouldn't have done that.


He grabbed it, his whole large hands swallowed mine, the glint in his eyes spelt trouble. "The pleasure is all mine, Zara. I'm Zen." He replied, then softly kissed the back of my hand.


The way he called my name caused some hot pictures to flash across my mind. And then the kiss, I couldn't help imagining that same softness to be pressed against my lips.


"Okay, I'll be taking my leave now. Thanks once again." I said that, knowing I had to quickly escape Zen before I do something may end up regretting.


As I turned to leave, Zen suddenly grabbed my hands and pulled in the direction of an expensive-looking car.


"What are you doing?" I tried not to shout, because deep down, I was ready for him to do whatever he wanted with me.


"What boyfriend and girlfriend departs when leaving a club. That guy is watching." Zen answered, and I looked back to see who he was referring to.


It was Cory, standing at the club entrance as he drags a smoke, puffing it in the air.


Zen helped me into the back seat of his car. We quickly exchanged greetings with his driver as he told him to drive us to his nearest crib.


I couldn't help but wonder if he was some sort of rich guy. Because his whole aura screamed that. And I was proven right when we arrived at his said crib.


It was a penthouse, at the top of a seventeen storey building. My amazement couldn't be hidden with the expression on my face. Naturally, I'd have argued to be going home. But curiosity kills the cat.


So here I am. In Zen's penthouse. Avoiding going home to continue the argument with my mum. And my best friend was busy having a good time.


"Work must be very good." I commented as I walked further into the house, glancing around while admiring it and maintaining my composure.


"You can say that." He smiled warmly at me, and it drew me in like a spell on my soul. And now that we are out of the club, I could see more of his beauty. He was a perfect being in terms of facial features and body shape. His beauty was luring in my wholeness. I wanted him so badly.


The irrational part of me wants me to just go for those lips and explore every kinky thing my body could handle. While the rational part of me thinks leaving right away will be the best.


So I tried to be rational, "I think I should leave." I announced.


"But you just got here." He said. "I shouldn't have. I'm sorry for invading your privacy." I replied.


"I did invite you up for some glasses of wine. So you are not invading anything." He smiled warmly again, and this time around, I couldn't hold myself back.


That irrational and horny part of me took over and rushed forward to capture his lips. Once our lips connected, it felt like a fresh breath of air, as if I was tasting a rare kind of chocolate after a tipsy night.


I couldn't hold back the moan that escaped my lips the moment I felt him wrap his arms around my waist, pulling me even closer to his body, while fiercely kissing me back as if my lips were the only thing that mattered in the world to him.


Those desires I've been pushing back all night quickly resurfaced, and began to dampen my panties with how fast I was getting wet. And I could feel him beginning to harden, pressed against my belly.


The groans that emitted from him into the kiss ignited more fire deep inside the abyss of my soulful desires. It was never-ending. My whole body was excited for what's to come as if this was my first time with my long-time crush. This man had so much effect on me.


Like being addicted to nicotine even if I had only just tasted his lips for the first time.


Zen lifted me up and carried me to sit on the counter top of his open plan kitchen . He broke the kiss, and the lust dwelling in the darkness of his eyes made me almost purr.


And the next words that came out of his mouth left me in exciting wonders, "Oh Zara, you don't know what you have just done."