Chapter 5: Zen’s Pov

"I really hate these therapy sessions." I groaned as I looked out of the car's tinted window.


"You need it, Zen. You know that." Roy, my best friend, who was sitting beside me at the back seat of the car, replied to my whining.


"I don't. I'm fine the way I am." I turned to him, "My grandparents just always want me to dance to their tunes." I added, pointing out what's obvious to me.


"Your grandparents want nothing but the best for you. You are the only grandchild they currently have.Your aunty is not ready for a family of her own or even getting involved in the company's business. Your parents' death shattered their dreams, which you know. So just do what they want. Make them happy, Zen." Roy persisted, as usual.


"I think you're more of my grandparents' friend than you are to me. Because why do you always defend their actions?" I queried him, a scowl settling on my face.