Chapter 83: Zara’s Pov

Zen's POV

The following morning, I woke up early with the intention of preparing a special breakfast for Zara. Through my research, I discovered how much women appreciate thoughtful gestures. While I initially considered surprising her with flowers and gifts, I realized that a warm meal could communicate my feelings effectively.

As I started working in the kitchen, a staff member approached me. "Sir, do you need any help? I can prepare the food for you," she offered, reaching for a knife. I smiled and gently moved out of her way.

"No, thank you. I want to make breakfast for my wife," I replied, focusing on the task at hand.

After some time, I finally finished cooking. The staff member lingered, offering to assist with cleaning and passing me utensils. 

"Sir, would you like me to call her down?" she asked softly, her head bowed respectfully.