Today, the morning has been particularly quiet at the office. I've only received one student, which is quite unusual. Silence reigns, and I begin to feel bored. Lunch break is scheduled for 1:00 PM, but it still seems a long way off. To pass the time, I decided to play online Scrabble while keeping an eye on my emails, in case any important messages come through.
Suddenly, a new email appears in my inbox. It's not just a simple appointment confirmation with a student, but a message from the Director himself. Intrigued, I immediately open the email to discover its content. To my great surprise, it's an invitation to join his table for lunch with some important guests today. It's an unexpected honor that fills me with pride and anticipation.
As I ponder the nature of the discussions that might take place during this lunch, someone knocks on my office door.
— Me: Yes, come in.
It's Doctor Jorge, a colleague with whom I have a cordial but sometimes somewhat complex relationship. What does he want this time?
— Doctor Jorge: Good morning, Sister. I haven't seen you all day.
— Me: Ah yes, that's true. I've been quite busy with various files.
— Doctor Jorge: Alright. It's almost time for a break, and I was wondering if we could go to lunch together? I've just finished my work and thought it would be nice to spend some time in your company.
— Me: I still have work to do, and the break hasn't come yet.
Doctor Jorge glances through the open door and notices two students dressed in red walking by.
— Doctor Jorge: Really? Do you see those students dressed in red?
He loves to tease, and it seems he's decided to include me in his joke.
— Me: Who are you talking about?
— Doctor Jorge: Those two students right there. Just kidding, of course. Here, I'll step out of the office and leave you in peace.
— Me: Wait, don't go. I'm coming.
He smiles, clearly satisfied to have caught my attention. He's still a big child. I regret a little not being able to have lunch with him today, but I'm curious to see his reaction when he realizes I won't be at his table.
— Doctor Jorge: Ah, I thought you had work to do.
I pretend not to hear and head towards the elevator.
— Me: Are you coming, or should I press the button for the ground floor?
He hurries to join me. His motivation is obvious. Despite his sometimes childish behavior, I am certain he is a good friend.
— Doctor Jorge: Would you have let me wait if I hadn't made it before the elevator doors closed?
— Me: That question doesn't even arise. I would have gladly left you with your "ghost students."
— Doctor Jorge: I thought you were one of the good people.
— Me: I am, of course. I wonder what's on the menu at the restaurant today.
— Doctor Jorge: Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing, too, Mrs. Theresa.
— Me: Call me "Sister."
— Doctor Jorge: I prefer Theresa. That name suits you well; it would be a shame not to use it.
We exit the elevator and cross the garden leading to the university restaurant. The greenery around us, the colorful flowerbeds, and the fresh air provide a pleasant contrast to the often stifling office atmosphere.
— The Director: Sister? Good morning. Doctor Jorge, good morning.
— Doctor Jorge: Good morning, Mr. Director.
— Me: Good morning, Mr. Director.
— The Director: Doctor Jorge, I believe Marta is waiting for you.
— Doctor Jorge: I don't think so...
— The Director: Well, then, we'll leave you. Sister, please, let's go inside the restaurant.
I glance back at Doctor Jorge, who looks slightly disappointed and a little annoyed. I hope he doesn't take it the wrong way. It's not like I'll never have lunch with him again; it's just an exception for today.
The restaurant is lively as always, with students and professors enjoying their lunch break. The Director accompanies me to a specially reserved table, asking what I would like as a starter: a quinoa salad with grilled vegetables or a tomato and basil soup.
— Me: I'll go with the quinoa salad with grilled vegetables, please.
— The Director: A very good choice. I hope you'll make the same good choices for those around you.
His cryptic remark leaves me puzzled, but I don't have time to dwell on its meaning. We move along the line to get our main courses. The Director chooses a plate of spaghetti Bolognese and an apple tart. I do the same, trying to focus on the meal rather than the potential implications of his words.
We sit at a table near the window, with a view of the garden. To my surprise, Marta is sitting alone at the adjacent table, apparently waiting for Barbara. The Director and I exchange small talk while enjoying our meal.
— The Director: Enjoy your meal, Sister.
— Me: Thank you, enjoy your meal too. And bon appétit, Marta.
The Director looks at me, visibly surprised by my cordiality towards Marta, who had been unpleasant last time. Marta lifts her eyes from her plate and gives me a timid smile.
— Marta: Thank you, Sister.
We continue eating in silence until Doctor Jorge and Barbara enter the restaurant. Their shocked expression reminds me of the announcement of Muhammad Ali's death, may he rest in peace.
— Barbara and Doctor Jorge: Enjoy your meal.
— Us: Thank you.
Barbara sits at Marta's table, while Doctor Jorge joins us, thus breaking the usual protocol.
— The Director: You know very well this table is not for professors, Doctor Jorge.
— Doctor Jorge: Of course, I know. But since you weren't expecting any guests today, I thought I could keep you company, dear Director.
The situation becomes slightly tense, but Doctor Jorge, with his disarming smile, seems to lighten the mood. Marta, on the other hand, keeps glancing over at our table, clearly intrigued by our conversation.
— Me: So, don't you think the quinoa salad is delicious?
— The Director: Yes, Sister, I find it excellent.
— Doctor Jorge: It's good, but I'd like to try the bulgur tabbouleh. They say it's even better than the quinoa salad.
— Me: Yes, I've heard the same. But it's quite an expensive dish for a tabbouleh, even if it's worth it.
— Doctor Jorge: You know, Sister, I'm from Saber, and we could go try that dish at a restaurant.
The Director coughs to get our attention, but his cough suddenly becomes more violent, drawing everyone's attention.
— Me: Here, drink some water.
— The Director: Thank you.
— Me: You're welcome. Helping others is what Christ recommends.
— Doctor Jorge: Are you feeling better?
— The Director: Yes, I'm fine now.
Doctor Jorge resumes the conversation enthusiastically.
— Doctor Jorge: So, Sister, what do you think about my invitation?
— Me: No, thank you. That's kind, but I have other commitments. Maybe another time.
The Director nods, and I stand up to leave.
— Me: With that, I'll leave you. Enjoy your meal and have a good afternoon.
— The Director: Oh yes, I almost forgot. Sister, could you come by my office on Friday at the end of the day? It's quite important.
— Me: Of course, I'll be there. Thank you, and have a good afternoon as well.