Niko's facial expression changed quickly.
After his cock cumming inside Yuuki's pussy, he still tried to move his cock again ignoring the hardness of his erection which had softened from before.
Niko tried to prove to himself that his cock was still capable of having sex a second time after cumming inside Yuuki's pussy.
With irregular and hurried breaths, Niko tried to make his wife feel the pleasure of sex from his cock.
Niko, who felt that he would be a husband who could make his wife moan with the size of his cock, was forced to face a bitter reality that he could not avoid.
Pllaappp ....
Pllaappp ...
His cock which was trying to make Yuuki moan and enjoy the sex given by his cock now got a look full of pity from Yuuki.
Yuuki's hand immediately reached for Niko's face and stroked it gently.