The human world

Yuki sat silently on the branch, his body curled up seeking warmth. He snuck a peek towards Qi who was leaning against the tree his eyes closed.

"Is he already asleep?"

He turned his face away and somehow slowly drifted off to sleep as well. Qi opened his eyes and looked at the fast asleep boy who was still shivering even in his sleep.

"This kid... he won't say anything and will just put up with it himself?"

Qi jumped to Yuki's branch and slowly walked towards him. Carefully, he cradled him in his arms, offering his heat to him.

Yuki's shivers disappeared as he snuggled into Qi's arms seeking more of the warmth.

"Sleep well little bird," Qi mumbled and raised his head looking at the night sky.

The sun's rays shone through the leaves landing on Yuki's face. He stirred and slowly opened his eyes. He sat up, stretched the stiffness from his limbs and looked around searching for Mr. Qi.

"You up?"

Yuki followed the voice and gazed down spotting Qi at the bottom of the tree.

"Morning Mr. Qi! Hold on, I'll be down in a bit."

As he spoke he reached for the tree trunk but miscalculated and slipped.



A pair of arms wrapped around him breaking his fall and he slowly opened his eyes looking at Qi who had just saved him.

"Sorry about that," he said and Qi sighed and placed him on the ground.

"What am I going to do with you?"

Yuki smiled sheepishly and Qi pet his head," Come, let's get going."

Yuki nodded and picked his bag hurrying after him.

As they walked, a loud grumble echoed around them and Yuki's cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"Hungry?" Qi asked handing a ripe apple to him.

Yuki shook his head and his stomach grumbled loudly in protest causing a light chuckle from Qi.


Yuki hesitated before asking in a low voice," What about you Mr. Qi?"

"Don't worry about me, you're a growing kid so you should eat first."

"Then... thank you Mr. Qi," he said taking the offered apple.

"If it's not enough you can ask for more. I picked quite a few earlier."

Yuki nodded and took a bite from the apple. They continued on in silence, Yuki's chewing being the only sound around them.

At midday, they arrived at a border which seemed to be blocked by some sort of barrier not visible to the naked eye.

"Here we are," Qi said and Yuki looked around confused.

"Where is this?"

Qi stretched his hand and lightly touched the air in front of them and it rippled like little waves of water.

"On the other side of this is the human world. Are you ready?"

Yuki nodded and Qi walked through the barrier. Yuki stood for a moment before following after him.

As soon as he stepped out of the forest, a strong light flooded his vision and he raised his hand covering his face.

"Here we are. The human world," Qi's voice sounded beside him.

He slowly lowered his hand and looked at his surrounding.

"This is..."

Yuki gaped at the sight of numerous things he had never seen before and his excitement wasn't the least bit concealed.

"Come on, we should get going."

"Oh! Right."

He turned his gaze to Qi and noticed his hair was shorter than usual.

"Mr. Qi... your hair..."


"When did you cut your hair?"

Qi lightly pinched his cheek," We must blend in with the humans around us. It'll be quite troublesome if humans know about our true identity."

Yuki nodded, his hand finding the strands of his own hair.

Qi noticed his fidgeting and pat his head," It's okay, aside from the striking hair colour, you pretty much resemble a human."

Yuki nodded and raised an open hand towards Qi. Qi studied his hand clueless.


"Mother said when going to a strange or new place I must make sure to hold the hand of an adult so that I may not get lost. Hold my hand Mr. Qi."

Qi grabbed his hand, his entire hand wrapped in his own. Hand in hand, they walked through the crowds of people Yuki admiring everything from the clothes the people wore to the tall buildings on either side of the road.

They stopped by a tall building and Yuki strained his neck back to see the top of the shimmering glass windows but couldn't make the end of it.

"Come on," he said and pulled him as he walked through the automatic doors.

A lady at the reception welcomed them a dazzling smile on her lips.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asked.

"Is Issei in?" He asked.

"Mr. Issei? Did you book an appointment with him?"

Qi shook his head before replying," Tell him am here to see him."

Though doubtful, the lady pulled out the phone, dialed a number and brought the phone to her ear.

"Boss, you have a visitor... yes... right away boss."

She hang up and turned to the two," You can go right ahead. I'll show you the way to his office."

Qi smiled thankfully, the smile enhancing his features causing a light blush to creep up the lady's cheeks.

"Thanks but I know the way myself. I wouldn't want to trouble you."

The lady absently nodded, her gaze blank.

"Come on," he said and walked towards the VIP elevators.

The metal doors opened and Yuki froze pulling Qi back.

"What's wrong?"

"That... what's that thing?"

Qi placed his foot at the centre of the doors leaving the elevator open.

"This... it's called an elevator and it's pretty harmless."

"You sure?" Yuki asked cautiously and Qi nodded.

"Trust me. It's not dangerous at all."

Yuki slowly nodded and allowed Qi to pull him into the elevator.

An automatic voice sounded around them as the door slowly closed. Qi pressed the fourteenth number button at the side and the small confinement they were in, rocked slightly and began to move.

"What... what's happening?" Yuki asked tightly clinging onto Qi's forearm at the sudden movement.

"We're going up."

"Up? Up where? I want to get off Mr. Qi... let me get off... I don't like this..."

"Shh, we're almost there. Calm down okay?" He comforted and Yuki's grip on him tightened.

With a ding sound, the doors opened and Qi walked out dragging Yuki with him.

"Here we are. You can let go of me now."

Yuki shook his head burying his face into Qi's broad shoulders. Qi sighed and walked down the hallways leading to Issei's office.

Qi knocked on the door and allowed himself in.


"I knew I smelled your scent Qi, how are you?" A voice sounded from across the room.

Qi walked towards the table a smile on his lips," I've been well. What about you?"

Issei returned his smile," Same old. Nothing interesting when you're not around."

Issei slightly tilted his head looking at the kid wrapped around Qi.

"Who's the bird?" He asked and Qi pulled Yuki from him.

"Yuki, this is Issei. Issei, Yuki the child of a friend of mine."

Issei licked his lips and Qi flicked his forehead.

"He's not your prey so you better drop that thought."

Issei pout his lips rubbing the place Qi had just hit.

"He's a bird for crying out loud Qi. If not prey then what is he?"

"Do you want me to burn you to a crisp?"

Issei nervously chuckled," Calm down brother Qi, no need to get all serious. I was just joking."

"Um.. Mr. Qi, this is..."

"Oh right. This Issei, he's a wolf and a friend of mine. Say hello."

Yuki nodded and bowed his head in respect," Mr. Issei, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Mhm, like wise kid," he replied and turned to Qi," so, what do you want from me?"

"Yuki and I just arrived in the human world and we got nowhere to stay. Mind lending me one of your houses? The more glamorous the better."

Issei ran a hand through his hair," You came all this way to ask for a house?"

"And a ride."

Issei sighed and stood up walking towards Qi.

"What's in it for me? You can't just expect me to give you these things all for free right? Am a business man, I don't do things that bring me losses."